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3 Noises That Indicate Air Conditioning Problems

Air conditioning technology has not reached the stage of artificial intelligence programs that can perfectly detect operating problems, diagnose them, and then alert homeowners to what needs repairs. But ACs do have something like an early-warning system: strange noises. When you hear any sound different from the hum of the fans and the compressor, pay attention close to it. It is likely a fault that requires the work of an HAVC expert to fix. If you ignore the warning noises, the trouble will grow worse and possible cause the air conditioner to break down. A great way to prevent your air conditioner from falling into disrepair is to enroll in our maintenance program.

Here are three common noises that signal you need to call for air conditioning repair in Washington, DC. For fast local service, call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. We will do the work right the first time.

3 air conditioning warning sounds

  • Hissing: This is almost certainly the sound of refrigerant escaping from a leak. Loss of refrigerant will cause the system to start losing the ability to absorb heat from inside your house. This will not only lower your comfort, but it can cause ice to develop over the coils and even damage to the compressor that can turn catastrophic. Technicians will locate the leaks and seal them, then recharge the refrigerant to its original level.
  • Groaning/grinding: Best described as “mechanical failure noises,” the sort you associate with a failing car engine. The problem is often in the motors of the air conditioner, which run the blower fans and the compressor. Loss of any of these will impair or shut down the air conditioner. If repairs reach the problem in time, they can rescue the motors. Often, the motor will need replacement.
  • Clicking: If you hear this sound when the compressor or the fans start, and the unit stutters to get going, you have a system that is “hard starting” because of electrical trouble. The most common reason for this is failing capacitors: the components that transmit voltage to the motors. Repairs will replace the capacitors or else install a hard-starting kit that will overcome the problem.

Never ignore unusual air conditioning sounds: any stress on the AC system means it is wasting energy and putting additional stress on other components. Tackle the repair when it’s isolated and less extensive, and before you need to worry about the air conditioning shutting down during one of the hottest days of the summer.

Call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. to have your Washington, DC air conditioning repair job finished fast and effectively by highly trained professionals.

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