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Polar Plus Maintenance Program

Why should I have preventative HVAC maintenance done?

Regular preventative HVAC maintenance for your system will provide better energy efficiency, better performance quality, reduced repair costs, and quite likely extension of the life of the system.

Benefits of the Polar Plus program:

  • 2 visits per year- Our Technicians will clean and calibrate your system.
  • Priority Scheduling (1st appointments of the day & Saturdays).
  • 10% off of all future visits.
  • Maintain your warranty and keep your equipment running efficiently while increasing the life of the system.

When should I have preventative maintenance done?

An air conditioning system should have annual maintenance in the spring. A heating system should have annual maintenance in the fall. A system that heats and cools needs biannual maintenance, one in each season.

What is included in Air Conditioning Maintenance?

  • Provide a visual check of the system that covers all of the components. This is where the technicians use their knowledge to spot places where there are wiring issues, excess dust and dirt, refrigerant leaks, or other signs of wear and tear that may require repair work.
  • Clean out the condensate pan and drain in the indoor unit to make sure that it is properly draining moisture from the evaporator coils and that no mold or algae is developing in it.
  • Clean both the indoor and outdoor coils so the AC can carry out heat change effectively.
  • Check on the thermostat to make certain it is calibrated correctly.
  • Tighten electrical connections.
  • Lubricate and clean the motors for the fans and compressor as necessary.
  • Verify that the refrigerant charge in the system is at the proper level, adding charge if it is too low or draining charge if too high.
  • Replace or clean the customer-provided air filter. (If you do not know how to do this job yourself, the technician will be happy to show you how you can do it each month during the summer.)
  • Provide you with a complete rundown on any repairs the system may need to prevent it from becoming inefficient or breaking down.

What is included in Heating Maintenance?

  • Full inspection of equipment, including heat exchangers and burn assemblies.
  • Check electrical wiring and terminals.
  • Verify operation of safety controls
  • Lubricate all moving parts.
  • Replace or clean customer-provided air filter
  • Clean condensate drains and traps
  • Check refrigerant levels (for heat pumps).
  • Check fan belts and adjust belt tension
  • Provide written recommendations for corrective actions, if any.

Please call us or use our contact form to request more detail and pricing. Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. serves Washington D.C. and the surrounding areas.

  • What Type of Unit *

  • Is your system currently functioning? *

Proudly Serving Washington DC and the Surrounding Areas