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3 Warning Signs that It’s Time for AC Repairs

Nobody wants to entertain the notion that their air conditioning system is in serious trouble. If you ignore any warning signs that your system is struggling, you are only doing yourself a major disservice.

The longer that you wait to have any air conditioning issues resolved by a trained professional, regardless of how “minor” you may believe the issue, the greater the likelihood of your system suffering real and costly damages. Read on to learn what a few of these warning signs look like, and then remember to call us for outstanding AC repairs.

Loud or Unfamiliar Sounds

An air conditioner does not operate in silence like a piece of space age technology. However, it shouldn’t sound like a rocket ship taking off when it starts up or when it runs. If you begin to notice that your air conditioner sounds louder than usual, or is making new sounds when running (clanging, screeching, etc.), contact us right away.

Hot Spots

Ideally, your air conditioner should cool your entire home evenly and effectively. That is why hot spots popping up throughout your home are of a concern. If your AC has never cooled your home evenly, it may just not be a good fit for your home. If it used to, though, and no longer does, it is likely in need of repairs. Ductwork may be leaking, you may have fan problems; whatever the situation is, you can count on us to resolve it.


We’ve mentioned short-cycling in our blogs before, but it is definitely an issue that bears repeating. If your system is short-cycling, the strain put on it can lead to further problems. We’ll figure out precisely what is causing your system to short-cycle, so that we can make the necessary repairs.

Schedule your AC repairs in Alexandria, VA with Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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