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When it Comes to Your AC, Does Size Really Matter?

condenserNow that summer is almost here, you want to be sure that your air conditioner is fully equipped to handle the heat. Of course, for some of you, that might mean having to invest in a new system. And if this is the case, you want to make sure that your new air conditioner is the perfect fit for your home!

We understand that it might be your first instinct to buy the biggest, most powerful air conditioner, especially if you’ve spent previous summers sweating your behind off. But we are here to tell you that this isn’t such a great idea. You see, when it comes to your air conditioner, size really does matter, and below, we are going to explain why. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more.

Yes, Size Does Matter

When the time comes to purchase a new air conditioner, you want to be sure that your new system is the perfect fit for your home! Here’s why:

The problem with oversized units

You might think that an oversized unit is better for keeping your home cool, and sure, it may cool your home off more quickly, but it will do so quite inefficiently. This is because optimal AC efficiency occurs through continued operation and longer cycles. So when your air conditioner is too big for your home, desired temperatures will be reached before your system has had a chance to complete a full cooling cycle. This is known as short-cycling.

Short-cycling is a big deal! Not only is it extremely inefficient, but it also puts an enormous strain on your system, leading to an increased need for air conditioning repair in Leesburg, VA. The only way to fix this issue is to replace the system entirely, which can be quite an expensive undertaking. This is why it is important to have a professional match you with the right system the first time around.

The problem with undersized units

As you may have guessed, an undersized unit will not be able to keep up with your household’s cooling demands, forcing the system to work much harder than it normally would have to. When the system has to work harder than normal, you can surely expect a rise in energy costs!

Additionally, an undersized unit will simply not be able to keep your home as comfortable as you’d like it to be, and during a hot summer day, this can be quite problematic. Therefore, it is better to ensure that you install a properly sized air conditioner right from the get-go.

Making Sure Your System is the Right Size

Properly sizing an air conditioner isn’t just a matter of getting the right physical dimensions (though that is important!). Sizing an air conditioner involves looking at the overall output of the system relative to the size of your home. This can be quite tricky to do on your own, which is why we recommend hiring a professional.

For all your air conditioning needs, contact the experts at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating today!

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