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How Do I Know When to Replace My AC?

condenserWith summer coming, you want to be sure that your air conditioner is in good working condition, and for some of you, that may mean having to invest in a new system. Of course, purchasing a new AC can be a bit overwhelming, but with the right team of experts on your side, it doesn’t have to be so scary.

Knowing when to replace your air conditioner can be a bit tricky. Below, we have listed just some of the tell-tale signs! Of course, only a professional technician can truly determine if your air conditioner is ready to go. However, we figured we’d give you a head start.

Is Your AC Ready to Go?

There are a number of signs that suggest it’s time to replace your air conditioner. Consider a replacement if your AC:

Is Old

Although built to last, the average lifespan of an air conditioner is anywhere between 10 and 15 years. (Yours may last longer if you’ve kept up on maintenance!) So, if your system has aged beyond this average life expectancy, it might do you well to consider a replacement. Older, outdated systems are simply not going to be as efficient or effective as newer models.

Requires Frequent Repairs

Generally, your AC should not require more than just one or two repairs every few years. If you are calling for repair services more often than that, it might just be that your system is simply worn out. As a rule of thumb, if you are spending 50% or more of thee cost of a new system on repairs, it is better to bite the bullet and invest in a new AC.

Has Trouble Keeping You Cool

The primary role of your air conditioner is to keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long. If your system is no longer able to provide you with the cooling power that your household demands, why keep it? Your HVAC professional can properly size and install a new system so that it provides the level of cooling you need to keep comfortable.

Is Costing You Lots of Money

We recommend keeping a close eye on your monthly utility bills. If you find that you’re paying more and more each month, it suggests that your AC is no longer efficient. Your HVAC technician should be able to tell you if this inefficiency is due to the need for air conditioning repair in Alexandria, VA or if it’s simply time for a replacement.

Call in a Professional

If you suspect that you are in need of air conditioning replacement services, it is best to contact your local HVAC professional. Professional replacement and installation services ensure that your new system is set up for a long and successful service life.

Sure, there are going to be plenty of amateurs willing to service your system, but sometimes an attempt to save money can end up costing you much more in the long run. Be sure to get the job done right the first time.

To schedule your air conditioning services, contact the pros at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating. 

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