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How Leaky Ducts Affect Your AC Experience

ductsThere are a lot of problems that are going to be evident in their development insomuch as how they affect your air conditioner. You may have an AC that doesn’t start up at all no matter how warm it gets in your house, for example. Or maybe your air conditioner sounds like a jet engine once it gets going. But it’s important to remember that not all problems, and not even all serious problems, are always going to be so obvious.

Point in case: leaky ductwork. Now, there are plenty of problems that you may notice which will point toward leaky ductwork—more on those below—but that doesn’t mean that they’ll be immediately evident. And, even when they become evident, it may not be so clear that the cause of the problem is, in fact, leaky air ducts.  We’re here to help you understand the problems caused by duct leaks, and why they necessitate professional HVAC services in Ashburn, VA.

Yes, Even “Minor” Leaks Are Big Trouble

Why? Because no leak in your air ducts is actually minor—not if you ask us! Sure, there may be leaks that are relatively small, or maybe confined to one specific area in the system. That is more than enough to really cause some trouble for your AC, your budget, and your overall comfort, however. Consider the following.

  • Energy efficiency is never going to be at its peak with leaks of any sort in the ductwork. All of the air cooled by your AC is going to travel through this system, and if heat is getting in through compromised ducts, then the system is going to have to work harder than it should have to in order to cool your home effectively—if that is even possible!
  • Indoor air quality is likely to suffer, as well. The point of a whole-house cooling system is to condition air throughout the entire house. Should pollutants enter the ductwork through tears and holes, then they too will be distributed throughout your entire home via the system of ductwork that is supposed to be working to keep you comfortable!
  • Increased risk of repairs is another serious issue with systems reliant upon leaky air ducts. The harder that your system has to work in order to cool your home, the more wear and tear is placed upon that system. Over time, this is going to take a toll on your system, making potentially costly repairs more likely.

What You Can Do

Don’t reach for a flashlight and the duct tape, that’s what! Duct tape should actually never be applied to air ducts, as it breaks down quickly. Instead, pick up the phone and schedule professional ductwork services with the pros on our team. We not only specialize in the fabrication of custom ductwork in our sheet metal shop, but we also repair, maintain, and modify air ducts as needed. Let us know if you think that your ducts are, in fact, working against you!

Contact Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. for quality ductwork services.

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