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Should I Be Changing My Air Filter Regularly?

During routine air conditioning maintenance in Washington, DC, your maintenance technician will clean or replace your air filter. This is not the only time during the year that this should be happening, though. Your air filter should likely be changed once every three months, depending upon make and model,  as well as conditions within your own home. You don’t necessarily have to change it on your own, but somebody really does need to do it. Many homeowners are surprised to learn that the consequences of failing to change their air filters can be quite tangible and, in some instances, serious. Contact Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. to  learn more.

Breathe Air of a Better Quality

One risk of using an AC with a dirty air filter is that you can actually wind up dragging down the quality of the air throughout your  home. This filter is really intended to protect your HVAC equipment, not the air throughout your entire house. However, if the filter is too clogged  then air may actually be forced around it. In doing so, pollutants can also circumvent the filter. Once they have, they can be spread to every corner of your home that air would be delivered to via your ductwork.

Enjoy Higher Efficiency Levels

If your air filter is allowed to clog up with pollutants, then your air conditioner is going to have to work harder than it should have  to in order to cool your home. This can leave you paying more in order to do so. We believe that you not only deserve to live comfortably, but that you should be able to do so in an efficient and affordable manner as well – which brings us to our next point.

Live in the Comfort That You Deserve

Efficiency levels are the only ones that will flounder if your air filter is too dirty: your comfort level may as well. Your air conditioner just won’t be able to cool your home as effectively as it would if its air filter were clean. Give us a call today if you would like to schedule AC service of any kind.

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