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Ask an HVAC Contractor: Should I Replace My AC?

service-timeThere are a lot of homeowners that have a good working knowledge of how the various systems in their homes work, as well as what the needs of those systems are. Even the most seasoned and hands-on homeowners need some guidance from time to time, though.

One question that you may want to ask a professional HVAC contractor in Capitol Hill is whether or not the time is right for an air conditioning replacement. We’ll help you to shed some light onto the situation so that you can make that decision confidently. 

Factors to Consider

The most obvious point at which an air conditioning replacement is necessary is when that system breaks down entirely. Of course, you are not going to want to wait for that to happen before you go ahead and replace your air conditioning system. If you do, you run the risk of going without air conditioning during the hottest time of the year. A preemptive replacement is definitely for the best, and here are some influencing factors to keep in mind.

  • System age. Typically, you are going to get 10–15 years of solid performance out of your home cooling system. That doesn’t mean that the system is going to completely break down once its projected lifespan is up, but it does mean that it will be worth replacing at that point. Not only is its terminal point imminent, but the following two factors will likely be coming into play more and more.
  • Reliability. We cannot stress enough that an air conditioner that can be repaired is not necessarily one that should be repaired. We have some truly amazing AC repair technicians on staff, and they can resolve most problems. But once the system is requiring frequent repairs due to decreased reliability, a replacement is probably the better option.
  • Efficiency. If your air conditioner is costing more than you’d like it to in order to keep your home cool and comfortable, a replacement is warranted. Perhaps your older system has lost some of its efficiency over time. Perhaps you cut costs by cutting efficiency at the time of purchase on a newer system, and you’re feeling some buyer’s remorse. Whatever the case, investing in greater efficiency is a good way to achieve long term savings.

Schedule your AC replacement with Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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