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Signs You Need to Schedule Air Conditioning Repair: An Alexandria, VA AC Tip

Homeowners expect their air conditioning system to function effectively, and in Alexandria, VA, they need a reliable system to help combat those humid summers. When something goes wrong, a prudent homeowner needs to schedule air conditioning repair as soon as possible to get it back on track. But when should you schedule a repair, and what signs should you look for to indicate that a repair is necessary?

In general, it’s a good idea to avoid do-it-yourself repairs to air conditioning systems. Most AC units contain complex components, and refrigerants need to be handled by qualified professionals with training. Beyond changing the air filter and keeping the outside of the unit free of dirt and debris, it’s wise to refrain from tinkering with the air conditioning yourself. That means you should call in an expert whenever signs of trouble appear. Such signs can include, but aren’t limited to, the following:

  • The air conditioning system refuses to turn on, or doesn’t blow cool air when it does turn on.
  • The air conditioner exhibits strange noises, or sounds unusually loud when it runs.
  • The air conditioner “short cycles” or turns on and off very quickly with less than ten minutes passing between the two states.
  • Ice forms on the evaporator coils or elsewhere on the system.
  • Electric bills are unusually high, even when you don’t use a lot of extra energy in your home.
  • The air conditioning heats the house unevenly, with some areas feeling cooler or more comfortable than others.

Whatever the reason, you want to schedule air conditioning repair that fixes the problem effectively and ensures that you don’t waste money on higher costs and future repair bills. If you suspect that your AC unit is in need of repair, and want it fixed promptly, then call on Polar Bear. We specialize in air conditioning repair in Alexandria, VA, and pride ourselves on diagnosing potential problems quickly and accurately. If you suspect your air conditioning system may not be functioning at peak capacity, trust our trained experts to find the best possible solution.

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