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Upgrade Your Thermostat for Better Efficiency!


The hottest time of the year has not really begun yet, but it definitely won’t be much longer before temperatures really start to spike and stay at very high, potentially uncomfortable levels. Are you going to be ready when that happens?

Cooling your home effective is important, but you also want to do so efficiently. The good news is that you don’t have to invest in a brand new air conditioner to do so. Simply upgrading your thermostat in Alexandria can help you to enjoy better comfort, even as you trim away at your overall energy costs. 

Opt for Programmability — At Least!

If you are not using a programmable thermostat, then you are already making it harder than it should be to live comfortably without draining your budget. Basic manual thermostats are difficult to set accurately. You may be setting the temperature lower than you intend to or really need, forcing your system to run harder than it should. You may also find yourself fiddling with the thermostat a lot to get to the temperature that you do want. Such practices can leave you draining more energy than you should be using.

Opting for a basic digital thermostat is an improvement, and it can help you to regulate temperatures in your home more effectively. However, you really want to opt for a programmable model if you want to boost convenience and efficiency in your home. That allows you to build cooling—and heating—schedules that actually revolve around your own personal schedule. You no longer have to run the AC full blast all day just to come home to a comfortable environment.

If you are ready for a new thermostat, or you’d like to delve deeper into options such as Wi-Fi/smart thermostats, give us a call. We’re happy to help you get the performance that you’re after from your home comfort systems.

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. is here for all of your thermostat and HVAC service needs.

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