Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Choosing the Right Type of Heating System for Your Home

Monday, October 13th, 2014

Replacing your heating system is a great opportunity for you and your household. Why? The installation of a new system offers you the chance to significantly increase your energy efficiency, comfort levels and, best of all, to choose a new system that may be a better fit for your home than your current system. There are a number of choices homeowners have when it comes to a new heating installation in Washington, DC, and the trained and certified technicians at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., are here to help you every step of the way.

Choices of Heating Types

Here is an overview of the heating system types available from Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.:


Furnaces are one of the most widely-used heating systems in the US. Furnaces use ductwork to deliver hot air to your living spaces, so it is necessary to have ductwork in place in order to use a furnace. There are 3 main types of fuel used for furnaces:

  • Electricity
  • Oil
  • Natural Gas

Natural gas is the most popular of fuels, but not all homes have access to a natural gas fuel line; as such, it may be necessary to consider furnaces that use oil or electricity. Today’s furnaces are very energy efficient no matter what fuel is used, so choosing a specific type of furnace will depend on your needs.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps can be a great option for homeowners looking to have one system provide both heating and cooling. Thanks to a component called a reversing valve, a heat pump can change the flow of refrigerant in your system so that it can heat or cool, depending on the mode it’s in. Heat pumps do not use fossil fuel; they only use a small amount of electricity to operate.

Packaged Units

Packaged units also offer both heating and cooling, but with different mechanics. With a packaged unit, your air conditioner is fueled by electricity, and the heating component uses natural gas. These types of units offer two different efficiency types, standard and high efficiency. Packaged systems have different capacities, so it’s important to work with a trained professional to ensure that you install a unit that offers the correct amount of heating and cooling for your home.

A new heating installation in Washington, DC, can be a great thing for you, your family and your home, and the best way to ensure that it is a great thing is to work with a trained, certified professional.

If you are ready for a new heating installation, call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., today and schedule an appointment with one of our specialists.

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Why Don’t I feel Enough Heat from My Boiler?

Monday, October 6th, 2014

Boilers tend to be very efficient heating systems. No system is perfect, however, and boilers are just as susceptible to heating issues as any other system. A rare, though quite frustrating, problem is that of the boiler not producing enough heat. Let’s look at the possible causes behind this issue.

Thermostat Issues

It is quite possible that your problem doesn’t rest with the boiler at all, but with the thermostat. The thermostat is the central control for your entire heating system. If it malfunctions it can easily prevent your boiler from providing enough heat, even if the boiler is in perfect condition. Check the display to make sure that everything is set properly. If the display is correct, but the heat is still not turning on, the sensors may be off. An HVAC technician will need to check in order to make a definite diagnosis.

Low Water Level

Though rare, leaks can happen in hydronic radiant heating systems. When this occurs, the lower water supply cannot carry enough heat to effectively warm the house. As usual, a professional will need to examine your system to know for certain whether this is the case. One way to tell, though, is if you notice water pooling on your floor or dripping from your ceiling when your heating is on. It is also possible that the pipes are clogged, which will produce a similar effect.

Burner Issues

The burner is comprised of several flames that serve to keep the boiler lit during use. Over time, however, one or more of these burners may malfunction or become dirty. If this happens, those burners may stop working all together. Your boiler will still provide heat, but it will be less heat than usual because it only has a few burners to heat the water.

If your boiler seems to be underperforming, call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Our expert technicians conduct boiler repair throughout the Arlington area.

Don’t wait for your boiler to stop working altogether. Call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating today, and we’ll have your boiler back to normal in no time.

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Furnace Repair FAQ: Why Doesn’t My Home Get Enough Heat?

Monday, September 29th, 2014

If your home seems uncomfortably cold no matter how high you set the thermostat, chances are something isn’t right with your heating system. There are a number of possible causes for heat loss in your home, but the most common is the furnace. Read on for a breakdown of possible problems with your furnace, and what to do about them.

Power/Ignition Issues

If no heat seems to be coming through the vents, your furnace may be having trouble igniting. The first thing to check is the pilot light. If the pilot light is lit, the problem is elsewhere. If the pilot light is out, it is recommended that you call a professional to re-light it for you. If the pilot light is on, but your furnace is not igniting, the gas valve may be closed. It is also possible that not enough gas is getting through the gas line and into the furnace. Due to the exact nature of determining the right amount of gas to flow into the furnace, it is best to call a professional to diagnose and fix the problem for you.

Delivery Issues

If your furnace is on but not delivering enough heat, the problem may be in the ducts. Check to make sure that heat is coming out of all the vents evenly across rooms. If one room is much colder or does not have heat coming out of it, it is very likely that you have a break in your ducts. Check your air filter as well, which should be located where the return air duct meets the furnace. The furnace repair may be as simple as cleaning or replacing your filter.

If you have checked all of these factors and your home still isn’t getting enough heat, it is time to call a professional.

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. is the team to contact should you require any repairs for your furnace in the Alexandria, VA area. Call us today. 

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Why Schedule Annual Maintenance for Your Heating System?

Monday, September 15th, 2014

We are in the last stretch before the cold weather arrives – is your heating system ready to go? One of the best ways to get your heating system in shape for the cold weather and get ahead of any potential problems is by scheduling a fall maintenance appointment for your heating system in Washington, DC. Maintenance offers several benefits that we’ll outline below, and as with any air conditioning services, it’s important to always hire trained professionals. Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc., has been helping customers in the Washington, DC area with their cooling and heating equipment for over 15 years, and we can help you get ready for this winter.

What Happens During a Maintenance Appointment?

Your Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc., technician will conduct the following during a routine maintenance appointment:

  • Full inspection of equipment, including heat exchangers and burn assemblies.
  • Check electrical components, including wiring and terminals.
  • Lubricate all moving parts.
  • Check refrigerant levels (for heat pumps).
  • Check fan belts and adjust belt tension on covered equipment.
  • Provide written recommendations for corrective actions, if any.

Benefits of Annual Fall Maintenance

There are several important benefits to scheduling annual fall maintenance for your heating system:

  • Prevent repairs – no one wants to find out their heat isn’t working on a cold winter day. Scheduling annual maintenance helps you get ahead of possible repairs by spotting them early with the thorough inspection that occurs during a regular maintenance visit.
  • Increase energy efficiency – a tuned-up heater runs better than one that is dirty and suffering from normal wear-and-tear. When your AC runs optimally, it uses less energy.
  • Extend life of equipment – the average lifespan of a furnace is about 15 years. Keeping your heater in good working order can extend this lifespan.

One of the best ways to prepare your home for winter is by scheduling heating maintenance in Washington, DC.

Fall offers a great window of opportunity to schedule maintenance, so contact Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc., and make an appointment with one of our experts today.

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The Best Time to Schedule Heating Maintenance in Arlington

Monday, August 25th, 2014

Winter is still a few months away, but the change from summer to fall will start you thinking about how to heat your home for the coming cold weather. It’s likely that the furnace or boiler in your home hasn’t come on for a few months, and during that time it may have developed dirt, dust, damage, or mechanical troubles. When you first turn the heater on to deal with the arrival of cold weather in the late fall, you don’t want to discover an unpleasant surprise when the system either works poorly—or doesn’t work at all!

To prepare your home’s heater, and yourself, for the approaching colder weather, you need to schedule heating maintenance in Arlington, VA from a professional HVAC company. When you call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. to arrange for regular maintenance, you’ll receive top-quality work from the most skilled technicians around… because those are the only kind of technicians we hire.

When is the best time for heating maintenance?

Right now.

There isn’t a simpler, or better, answer than that. In general, its never too late to schedule heating maintenance—you can’t afford to skip a year—but the ideal period to have the tune-up and inspection work done is during the start of fall.

One of the reasons that this is the best time to arrange for heating maintenance is that the work calendars for HVAC companies are more open during this time of year. Between the air conditioning emergencies and installations of summer, and the many winter repair calls, the fall is a period when technicians have an easier time scheduling work when it’s convenient for customers. Don’t wait until the top maintenance companies are literally snowed-under with emergency heating calls: take advantage of the slower season.

Scheduling maintenance in early fall gives you a good buffer before the cold weather to arrange for any repairs the heater needs to have done. You can probably deal with having the heat shut off in your home for short periods of time if it’s necessary for the repair work. If you should need new heating installation, you definitely want to have some extra time to schedule the work while the weather is still warm.

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. offers a Preventive Maintenance Program that will take care of both your heating and cooling systems during the year. Our technicians will do a thorough inspection of your heater in the fall to find any potential malfunctions, and then tune-up, clean, and adjust the system so it will perform at high efficiency throughout the winter.

This fall, trust to our more than a decade of experience with heating maintenance in Arlington, VA. Call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. today. 

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What Qualifies a Boiler for the ENERGY STAR Label?

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

When shopping for a heating system for your home, one of the main criteria you should use to help you select a unit is efficiency. The more efficient a furnace or boiler, the more you can expect to save on your energy bills. You will also help with energy conservation and protecting the environment.

One of the easiest ways to tell that a heater is energy-efficient is to look for the ENERGY STAR label. (And yes, it is trademarked in ALL CAPS; we’re not yelling at you.) In this post we’ll explain what the ENERGY STAR label means and how a boiler in Washington, DC can qualify for one.

To find great installation on an efficient ENERGY STAR boiler, contact Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. We’ve kept the nation’s capital warm since 2001.

The ENERGY STAR label and boilers

In 1992, the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy instituted the ENERGY STAR standard for products created in the U.S.A. Appliances, ranging from HVAC systems to computer peripherals, that use on average 20–30% less energy than the federal requirement earn the ENERGY STAR label to show they go beyond the minimum in an effort to conserve energy and save consumer dollars.

According to the ENERGY STAR website, for a boiler to qualify for the label it must have an AFUE rating of 85% or greater. This means that the boiler burns at least 85% of the fuel available to it and converts it into heat. So for every 100 units of fuel, the boiler must generate 85 BTUs of heating, wasting only 15% of its fuel. Features of ENERGY STAR boilers that help them reach this level include: electronic ignition, which means no standing pilot light drains extra power; advanced combustion technology that draws more energy from the fuel supply; and sealed combustion that reduces drafts.

Some boilers are even more efficient

Keep in mind that 85% is the minimum to receive the ENERGY STAR labels. There are models with even greater efficiency. When you are searching for a boiler in Washington, D.C. to keep you warm through the winters and other cold days of the year, look first for the ENERGY STAR label, but also check on the AFUE rating and consult with an installation professional to make sure you are getting the right boiler for your needs.

Trust to Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. when it comes to putting a new boiler in your home. We offer a wide range of services for boilers and other heating systems.

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Air Duct Problems and Furnace Repair

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

Furnace repair is sometimes not a simple process. Your home contains numerous elements that can help or hinder proper heating, but a good technician can usually deal with any component in the process that isn’t functioning as it should.  Take for example, the duct system that carries heated air from your furnace to the various rooms of your house. Air duct problems and furnace repair go hand in hand: when issues crop up in your air ducts, they invariably affect the way your furnace functions.

Air ducts carry the heated air form your furnace, which means they can affect your air en route if there are problems. The most obvious is a breach in the duct system which allows the heated air to escape and/or cooler air to enter into the ducts. Both conditions have the same effect: lowering the temperature of the heated air and forcing your furnace to work harder to compensate.

Similar issues can arise if the ducts become dented or build-up inside them reduces the air flow. Furnaces depend on a regular flow of air to raise the temperature in your house. When a blockage in the ducts reduces the flow, the furnace must again work harder: raising monthly costs and increasing the chances of a more serious breakdown in the future.

In addition, the environment around the ducts can cause problems. Say, for example, that a stretch of ducts lies in the crawlspace next to an outside wall. The cold surrounding air will cool the sides of the ducts, which will in turn cool the air inside. You can alleviate this problem by adding more insulation to the crawlspace, or by insulating the ducts directly.

Reliable heating repair services like Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. can help with these issues. Call us today to set up an appointment!

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How Electric Ignition Works on a Gas Furnace

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

If you installed a gas furnace for your heating in Washington, DC, instead of an electric one, it was probably because of the savings you receive using natural gas, a more economical power source than electricity. However, if you have a modern gas furnace, it still needs a small amount of electricity to run. The key electrical system in a gas furnace is the electric ignition, which we’ll examine in detail.

The two types of electronic ignition systems

Gas furnaces originally used standing pilot lights to ignite gas burners (and you’ll still find older models that use pilot lights). However, because standing pilot lights consume extra power to stay lit, they reduce furnace efficiency. The new electric ignition systems require only a small amount of electricity and do run continually. This is one of the reasons that new furnaces have higher efficiency ratings.

There are two types of electric ignition systems in gas furnaces:

  1. Furnace intermittent pilots – This system does use a pilot light; however, the pilot light comes on only when needed and an electric spark activates it. When the thermostat calls for heat, high voltage sent through the igniter causes a spark that ignites the pilot, and it supplies sufficient heat to turn on the burners. The pilot light shuts off when the burners do.
  2. Hot surface igniters  This is the more common system, and requires no pilot light at all because the ignition generates enough heat to ignite the burners. They are made from silicon nitride or silicon carbide and operate similar to light bulbs: current passes through them and causes their surface to turn hot. A sensor detects this heat, and then opens the gas valve to send natural gas to the burners. The heat from the igniter activates the gas jets. These igniters are durable and dependable, although they will need replacement at some point during the furnace’s lifetime. Make sure you have regular maintenance for your gas furnace so your technician will know when to change the igniter.

Maintenance Is Key

Gas furnaces are safer today than ever before, and it is partially thanks to electric igniters. But don’t let your furnace go without yearly maintenance: keeping those igniters working their best is how you know your furnace is working its best. Contact Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. to sign up for our maintenance program for your heating in Washington, DC.

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What is a Boiler Expansion Tank?

Monday, February 17th, 2014

Boilers in Washington DC are as common as forced-air furnaces: one of the pre-eminent ways we keep our homes cozy and warm in the nation’s capital. Boilers use heated water running through a series of pipes and radiators to provide heating for your home. They work extremely well in older houses which don’t have a duct system for forced-air furnaces, and also in newer houses which benefit from the comparatively simple heating process they use. The boiler’s expansion tank is a key part of that process, and it helps homeowners if they understand how it works.

In simplest terms, the boiler expansion tank helps control the pressure in the system. A boiler with too much pressure can cause a lot of problems, which makes the expansion tank an important safety feature. As the water heats up in the boiler, it expands which increases the pressure in the system. The expansion tank contains air, which unlike water, can be compressed. The air in the expansion tank thus acts as a kind of spring, absorbing the increasing pressure of the hot water without placing too much strain on the system.

Expansion tanks come in two basic types. The compression tank is a steel-walled model that uses a gauge to measure the overall pressure in the system. A bladder or diaphragm tank has a rubber bladder installed inside that can fill with water as the boiler does its job. There’s air outside the bladder on the inside of the tank to help it do its job.

Obviously whenever there’s problems with the boiler expansion tank, you need an expert to repair the damage. Trouble can come in the form of rust or a similar breach, or a damaged bladder if you’re using a bladder tank. If you own a boiler in Washington DC, then Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. is here to help. We can address your boiler expansion tank issues with courtesy and care, so don’t hesitate to give us a call today!

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Which System Needs Fewer Repairs, a Furnace or a Boiler?

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Which system needs fewer repairs, a furnace or a boiler? If you’re looking to install a heater or a boiler in Alexandria, VA, that’s a pertinent question.  The answer isn’t clear cut – and specifics vary widely depending upon the quality of the system and how well it is maintained. If you look at the averages, however, boilers general tend to need fewer repairs than furnaces.

The reasons for this are simple. On the whole boilers have fewer moving parts than furnaces do, relying on water and pressure to transfer heat through the system. Furnaces, on the other hand, create hot air which is then blown through your house via a system of ducts. This requires motors, fans and other moving parts, which means greater friction on moving parts and greater wear and tear. Granted, the heat required for the boiler to function exacts a toll on its own, but on the whole, boilers tend to last much longer before breaking down.

That translates to a longer life in general for boilers than for furnaces. However, boilers tend to me more expensive to install, and you can’t use your radiators for cooling in the summer. However, you can easily use the duct system of your furnace with a central air conditioning system to cool your home during the hotter months. Remember to talk to an HVAC contractor about what you want from your system, and they can help you determine which heater is right for your needs.

Regardless of the system you select, you’re going to need a qualified service provider to do the job right.  If you need furnace or boiler service in Alexandria, VA, call on Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. We have the training, experience and personnel to do the job right the first time every time.  Contact us today to make an appointment!

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