Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Repair or Replace Your Existing Heating System

Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

Heating systems are designed to be run for many years, but sooner or later, you need to face the reality that a new system is necessary. You will have to decide whether you should repair or replace your existing heating system. It’s typically a case by case situation and you’ll need to decide for yourself it it’s worth it to repair a given system or simply install a new one. If you need any help with furnace repair in Arlington, VA, give Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. a call.

That decision usually boils down to money, and how much you’ve spent on your existing heating system. If repair bills keep piling up and/or you’re dealing with a major cost to a given repair, you might prefer to consider a new system rather than sending good money after bad. Similarly, a furnace that has suffered from overall wear and tear might be due for a replacement, even if you don’t have any specific repairs. An inefficient heater with a lot of worn parts will use a lot more energy than it should to keep your home comfortable. As the months go by, those extra costs will add up until a newer, more efficient heater is really the only viable option.

Those issues can be compounded by the age of the system. In and of itself, an old heater doesn’t necessarily merit any replacement. If it’s functioning properly and you’ve kept it well maintained over the years, it can last well beyond its normal expiration date. On the other hand, if your heater is more than ten years old and you have to repair it a lot, or if it’s using more energy from month to month than it should, then its advanced age may be the final factor in deciding to install a new unit.

When asking whether to repair or replace your existing heating system, you can count on the experts at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. for advice. We handle furnace repair in Arlington, VA and we can help determine if your old unit is worth save or if a new one might be best. Give us a call to set up a consultation today. You’ll be glad that you did!

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When to Stop Repairing Your Furnace and Replace It

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

Our furnaces are usually things we rely on more than we think about. As long as you schedule regular maintenance, your furnace should last a good long time. Sooner or later, however, you’re going to need to put your old furnace out to pasture. Deciding when to do that can be tough, especially since buying a new furnace is a sizable investment. Here’s when to stop repairing your furnace and replace it.

The biggest sign of serious problems with your furnace stem from costs. If you find yourself calling a repair service more often than you’d like, or if the repairs are starting to add up, you may want to think about a replacement furnace. In addition, as furnaces get older, they must work harder to do their jobs, which means that your monthly heating bills may go up even if you aren’t using the furnace more often than usual.  Things may get so expensive that the monthly savings of a new unit outweigh the potential costs.

Then there’s the potential that a new system offers. Not only will it likely be a more effective unit than your old one, but it may offer options such as a variable speed fans, which can help you save energy.

All of that can be compounded by the age of the furnace. If yours is older than ten years and experiencing problems, it’s a good sign that you’ll need to think about a new one.

If you need Washington DC furnace repair service, call Polar Bear Air Conditioning, Inc. We can help you determine when it’s time to replace your furnace, and help you pick the right system for your home. Pick up the phone and give us a call today!

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Is a Rumbling Sound a Sign for Boiler Repair in Alexandria, VA?

Monday, January 6th, 2014

Boilers operate with little noise, which is one of the reasons homeowners still find them attractive options for winter heating. Using the mostly silent action of circulating heated water through a house to cast iron radiators or baseboard radiators, boilers go about their business of keeping people warm through the cold months without distracting sounds.

When a boiler does start to make loud noises, it’s usually a warning sign that the system requires repairs. Among these cautionary sounds is the noise of rumbling from the tank. There are a number of different reasons for this to occur, which we’ll go over here. All of these problems require trained technicians to fix, so make sure you call up a company with experience, like Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., to handle your boiler repair in Alexandria, VA.

Why your boiler might be rumbling

  • Mixing of hot and cold water: The water tank of a boiler should stay at an even temperature, with cold water gradually enterinh from the bottom of the tank at a steady rate. If the mixing valve on the tank breaks, however, too much cold water will start to enter and begin to mix with the hot water, which will create that rumbling noise and force the boiler to work harder, leading to repairs.
  • Excess sediment in the tank: Depending on your water supply, it is possible for sediment to enter the water tank. It will sink to the bottom and begin to build up until it starts to reduce the available water volume. When this happens, the water will begin to overheat, leading to a dangerous spike in water pressure and subsequent leaks throughout the system. A technician can flush the tank to eliminate this problem. (You should have the system flushed once a year, no matter what, during regular maintenance.)
  • Scale from hard water: Hard water—water with high levels of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals—can have a damaging effect on your boiler. The high temperature in the boiler will cause limescale to form from the minerals in hard water, and this will begin to build up on the inside of the tank. Scale is an insulator, so too much of it will trap extra heat inside the tank, leading to overheating and the numerous problems it brings. Repairs can de-scale the tank to make it safe again.

Regular maintenance can help

Always call for repairs as soon as you hear any unusual sound from your boiler; don’t wait for the problem to grow worse. However, you can avoid issues in the future by scheduling regular maintenance for your boiler with a trusted contractor. Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. offers a maintenance program that will take care of your heating system so you won’t have to worry as much about boiler repair in Alexandria, VA in the future.

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Signs Your Boiler Needs Repairs

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

Boilers are an old and reliable form of heating technology that continues to be popular today.  They tend to be more efficient than gas heaters and don’t suffer from problems like drafts or cold spots. But like any piece of equipment, they still need repairs from time to time. The sooner you can spot signs your boiler needs repairs, the sooner you can call in a qualified Alexandria VA boiler technician to help, and the more quickly your heating system can get back up to strength.

Odd noises are the most obvious sign of a boiler in need of assistance. Kettling – a build-up of sediment in the heat exchange – can lead to rumbling noises, while low water pressure and similar problems can create bubbling or whistling noises in the system. Keep in mind that sound may travel through the system far from its source, and sounds in one part may actually indicate a problem in another part.

Leaks sometimes spring up in boiler systems, and can sometimes be spotted by puddles or moisture nearby. Keep in mind that not every leak creates puddles, however. Hot water and small leaks may combine to evaporate the leaking water, making it tougher to spot.

Problems with the thermocouple may prevent the heater from turning on, while faulty valves and build up may create low water pressure that prevents certain parts of the house from being heated properly. Any situation where a radiator doesn’t appear to work, where the heating isn’t being applied at all. And of course, any situation where the heater fails to turn on entirely is a sign that you need to call in a repair service.

Luckily, in Alexandria VA, boiler systems can be repaired by the experts at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.  Our trained experts know how to spot signs your boiler needs repairs and correct it with speed and efficiency. Pick up the phone and give us a call today!

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My Pilot Light Won’t Stay Lit: What Repairs Are Needed?

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

Pilot lights are a necessary component of many gas furnaces. Although some furnaces today use electrical igniters to start up the gas jets along the burner, the pilot light is still the standard method for most models. As long as the pilot light is burning, the gas jets responsible for creating the heat inside your furnace will be able to come on whenever your thermostat requires heat.

A pilot light can occasionally go out because of a strong draft, in which case you should have no trouble relighting it. But if the pilot light will not stay lit, going out repeatedly, then your furnace will need an expert eye to see what’s wrong and offer solutions to repair it. Without a pilot light burning, you won’t have the heat you need to get through the winter.

When it’s time for furnace repair in Washington, DC, contact Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., where we’ve made a commitment since 2001 to deliver quality heating services.

Repairs for a fluttering and failing pilot light

The most common repair that technicians do to restore a pilot light is to clean off the burner unit. The pilot light requires oxygen to ignite, and if grime and dirt have coated the burner unit, it will prevent the pilot from activating. The technician will remove the burner unit to have it properly cleaned.

The trouble may come from the gas line itself. There might be blockage along the pipe, damage to a gas valve, or a safety control feature that has malfunctioned so that is activating at the wrong time. Technicians can usually handle gas flow issues… and you should never attempt to do repairs to a gas line on your own.

Some newer furnaces have electronic control systems which can malfunction and affect the pilot light. These are complex systems, and require a skilled technician to look over their circuit boards and find what is necessary to repair to restore the pilot light.

The trained technicians at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. are ready to assist you with your furnace repair in Washington, DC so you’ll stay warm and safe through the winter. Call us today!

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What Causes a Boiler to Leak?

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

Boilers remain a key component in many homes, using hot water and a system of pipes to safely warm every corner of the house. They’re fairly easy to maintain, though  they still experience difficulties just like any other heating system. What causes a boiler to leak? The sources vary, but the effects can be spotted without too much difficulty.

The most common source of boiler leaks comes at the seals and fittings between pipes, which are often vulnerable to fissures. Corrosion can sometimes take place in the central system, particularly if it hasn’t been serviced or maintained in a while, but often it occurs at points where the seals or connections have had a chance to deteriorate.  Hard water often adds to these tendencies, since the minerals contained within the water will slowly damage your pipes over time.

“Over time” is a key phrase here, because a leak will rarely show up right away. The fissures and corrosion that result in leaks appear slowly over months or even years, and become apparent only after they’ve progressed very far indeed. In many cases, the leak is small enough to escape casual notice, since the hot water simply evaporates rather than creating a puddle. The best way to notice such a leak is to check the boiler’s water pressure. If the pressure has dropped for no apparent reason, you’re probably looking at a leak somewhere in your heating system.

Regardless of whether the signs are subtle or overt, there’s  no question about what to do. Shut off the boiler and contact a Washington DC boiler repair professional immediately. He or she can determine what causes a boiler to leak, then instigate repairs with courtesy and professionalism.  Our technicians can arrive at your home, inspect the heater for problems and discuss your repair options with you before moving to correct the issue. Pick up the phone and give us a call today. You’ll be glad you did!

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Your Furnace is Only as Good as Your Ductwork

Monday, November 18th, 2013

It’s an easy phrase, “your furnace is only as good as your ductwork,” and most homeowners won’t quite know what it means. Your ductwork is often out of sight, and as long as it continues to channel air to various parts of your home, it’s easy to focus on other things. But ductwork does affect furnace performance, since smooth airflow is key to heating your home efficiently. Here in Arlington VA furnace repair must address issues with ducts almost as often as they do the furnace itself.

Problems can start with the installation of the ductwork itself. You want the interior of the ducts to be as smooth as possible, without any grooves or pockets to trap moving air. Ducts that “bunch” or “gather” in places will slow the air flow down, decreasing efficiency in the process.

Leaks and fissures can pull air from the system too, forcing your heater to work harder to do its job. And if your ducts aren’t insulated, then they will lose heat on cold days, especially if they pass through unconditioned areas of your home.

A good technician can help address all of that, first by providing regular maintenance to your heating system. That clears up the dust and dirt, helping to keep it out of your ducts. He can also add insulation to your ducts and look into any areas where they might have bunched up or sprung a leak (both of which depend in part to the kind of material used for your ducts. In Arlington VA, furnace issues of all varieties (including ductwork) can be addressed by the professionals at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.. Your furnace is only as good as your ductwork; give us a call today and let us take care of both!

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What Size Boiler Do I Need?

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

Heating installation in Alexandria VA can be a tricky process. You need to size your boiler properly in order to heat your home with proper efficiency. If the boiler is too small, it won’t do the job. If it’s too large, it will operate inefficiently: cycling on and off too often and using up tons of unnecessary energy in the process. Considering how cold our Virginia winters get, neither option is acceptable.  “What size boiler do I need?” You ask. A trained technician can answer that (after examining your home), but a few of the basics can be found below.

Boiler “size” is measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs), which gauge how much heat the boiler generates. How many BTUs you need to heat your home depends on the size of your home, not only the square feet but the cubic feet, as tall ceilings will make a big difference in how much heat you need.

That isn’t the only factor involved in the equation, however. Your walls, roof and windows enter into it as well. In simple terms, it’s important to gauge how insulated your home is, both in terms of the insulation in your home and attic, and such factors as double glazed windows and the lack of cracks around the door. A technician will also take sunlight exposure into account: A room that gets a great deal of sunlight may be quite a bit warmer than one without. All of that can “move the bar” up or down, resulting in a smaller or larger boiler as appropriate.

Whenever the final decision, it’s important to consult with an expert to help answer the question “what size boiler do I need?” Not only can a trained technician perform exact measurements, but he or she can sit down with you to discuss you options and plan for an installation that meets your schedule. For these and other matters related to heating installation in Alexandria, VA, contact the experts at Polar Bear to help. We’ll help you determine the right size boiler for your home, then conduct the installation with professionalism and pride. Give us a call today!

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Why Does my Furnace Pilot Light Keep Going Out?

Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

Does the pilot light keep going out on the furnace in your Washington DC area home? Here are a few possible reasons your pilot light could go out and what to do about them. If none of these suggestions work, call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. for help.

Down Drafts Causing Pilot Light to Go Out

If your furnace vents through a chimney, always check first for the potential of a down draft causing the light to go out. This could happen if the light tends to go out on windy days. The chimney design could also be causing the problem. Check to see if it is high enough, and that it has a proper chimney cap installed at the top.

Clogged or Dirty Pilot Valve

Once you’ve made sure that there are no down drafts, have a professional check the pilot light gas valve to make sure that it isn’t clogged in any way. They will also check to see if it is adjusted properly. One of our technicians can answer any further questions about how to operate the pilot valve and controls.

Not Enough Gas Pressure

Your technician also check gas pressure while the furnace is on to see if the pressure has dropped. If it has dropped, this could easily cause the pilot light to go out.

Always call a professional HVAC contractor you can trust to handle repairs for any type of gas heating system in your home. Call the furnace experts at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. of Washington DC any time you need a furnace repair or tune-up.

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Paying Too Much for Heating in Arlington, VA?

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

In terms of heating, Arlington, VA homeowners need to watch the bottom line. Our winters can get cold, and a good heating system is often the only way to keep your home warm and comfortable when temperatures drop. A lot of people simply accept high heating bills as the price they pay for a cozy home. But it doesn’t have to be the case. Are you paying too much for heating in Arlington, VA? If you are, you can take steps to alleviate the condition.

It can be tricky to spot high heating bills, especially in the winter. Obviously, you are not going to use your heater as much during the fall as you do in the dead of winter. One good method to determine whether you’re using too much energy is to schedule a maintenance session for your heating device. A trained technician can arrive at your home and examine the heater for any signs of wear or use. If a small part is worn out, he or she can replace it. If dirt or dust have built up, he or she can clean the unit. If larger repairs need to be made, he or she can pinpoint the problem and schedule a later service date. Ideally, this maintenance session should take place at the end of cooling season, before the winter settles in. It allows you to spot potential trouble areas and increases the heater efficiency, helping to cut down on heating costs.

If you’re able to consider something more radical, look into the possibility of upgrading your unit to a newer and more efficient one. Heating systems have their efficiency measured in Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) ratings, measured as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the more energy is spent actually heating the home instead of being wasted. Newer units have a higher AFUE rating than older ones, and this can lead to significant savings on your utility bills each month.

If you’re paying too much for heating in Arlington, VA, Polar Bear can help. Whether you want to install a new unit or just give a little care to your old one, our staff has the training and experience to do the job right. Call us today to set up an appointment.

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