Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Washington DC Furnace Repair Question: Why Is My Furnace So Noisy?

Monday, January 21st, 2013

If you have a furnace in Washington DC, you’re likely enjoying the comfortable and efficient heat that it delivers to your home. During its normal operation, your furnace will make sounds as it moves the warm air throughout your home. However, if you start to notice new and strange noises coming from your furnace, you should probably call a professional heating contractor. Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating provides fast and reliable furnace repair in Washington DC. We thought it would be beneficial to our customers if we put together some of the most common furnaces noises and what they mean.

Common Furnace Noises You Should Watch For in Washington DC

Here are some of the most common furnaces noises in Washington DC that indicate there is a problem with your furnace.

  • Rattling – This is one of the most important noises to watch out for because it can indicate that your heat exchanger is cracked. The heat exchanger in your furnace does two things: first, it heats up the air that gets pushed into your home. Second, it exhausts the dangerous combustion gases produced by burning fuel. If there is a crack in your heat exchanger, carbon monoxide might be entering your air supply.
  • Short cycling – If you notice that your furnace turns on and off frequently, it could be short cycling. This is not only highly inefficient, it also causes lots of wear and tear on your furnace. This usually indicates that your furnace is too big for your home.
  • Rumbling – This can sometimes because by the ducts in your rafters expanding to allow the new heated air through. But it can also be caused by a dirty burner or an improperly adjusted pilot light. You should probably have a heating technician come out and inspect your furnace.
  • Squealing – If your furnace is making a high-pitched whine or squeal, this is almost always caused by the fan belt, the fan shaft or the fan’s bearings. To fix this, you’ll likely need to have a heating professional replace the belt and lubricate the bearings.

If you need any kind of furnace repairs in Washington DC, call Polar Bear today. We have highly trained heating technicians that can handle any kind of furnace repair.

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Washington D.C. Heating FAQ: When is a Boiler Replacement the Best Option?

Monday, January 14th, 2013

Do you think you might need a boiler installation in your Washington D.C. home? Let the heating experts at Polar Bear help by inspecting your current boiler and recommending the right solution for your heating needs. While there are a few questions to ask yourself, it’s best to speak with a professional who can also assess your home and suggest other home improvements that may need to happen first.

Here are a few questions to ask when trying to decide if a boiler replacement is the best option for you.

How Efficient is My Current Boiler?

If you aren’t sure how efficient your current boiler is, call a technician to test it. This should be done during annual maintenance exams, so if you haven’t scheduled yours this year, call Polar Bear. If your current boiler is rated at 80% AFUE or lower, then you could benefit from replacing it with a high-efficiency model, especially if you are paying for frequent repairs.

Is My Home Insulated Properly?

Many older homes in the area are not insulated properly. Instead of upgrading to a high-efficiency boiler first, make sure your home has enough insulation. If you are losing heat due to inadequate insulation, then you won’t be getting the most out of your new boiler. In addition, your boiler may be efficient enough that it would be more cost-effective to add insulation to your home and replace the boiler when it wears out.  

Choosing the Right Heating System

If you have decided to replace your boiler, it may be a good idea to at least consider the cost-effectiveness of installing a different type of heating system.  There are a variety of heating system options, and our friendly staff members can help you choose the right boiler, furnace, or packaged system.

Contact the Washington D.C. heating experts at Polar Bear for a routine check-up, or if you would like to go over the different boilers we can install for you.


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The Benefits of Oil to Gas Boiler Conversions

Monday, January 7th, 2013

Oil to Gas Conversion | Washington D.C. | Polar Bear Air Conditoning & HeatingDo you want all the benefits of a gas boiler without the high replacement cost? Have you considered an oil to has conversion? Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. offer oil to gas boiler conversion for customers in the Washington, D.C. area.

Here are reasons customers would want to convert from an oil boiler to a gas boiler:

1. Homeowners will save a lot of money on fuel bills.

2. The system will pay for itself through energy savings in just a few years.

3. Natural gas is a much cleaner burning fossil fuel, which is better for the environment.

4. Home heating oil can be smelly, but natural gas is odorless.

5. Homes with natural gas heating systems have higher resale value.

Call Polar Bear today to find out if your existing oil boiler can be converted to natural gas. The switch can save you money on fuel and natural gas is much better for the environment. Natural gas can also be piped directly to your home, so you never have to worry about fuel deliveries again! Let the expert team at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. take care of your oil to gas conversion, increase the potential value of your home, and help you save money on energy cost!

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How Ignoring Heating Repairs in Your Washington, D.C. Home Can Cost You Money

Monday, January 7th, 2013

It is perfectly understandable that you may not want to waste your money calling for maintenance or repair services every time you have some little issue with your heater. Unfortunately, even seeming small issues with your heater can lead to big problems. That is why you need to call in a professional from a quality service provider such as Polar Bear Air Conditioning and Heating to inspect any issues with your heater. Take it from us, it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your comfort in Washington D.C..

One major reason that it is always best to enlist the help of a home heating expert when you experience problems with your heater is the fact that these problems are not always immediately identifiable. That means that by the time you notice a problem with your heater, that problem has most likely been developing for some time. Choosing to ignore it further will only allow more damage to be done to your system. This will require more extensive, costly repairs. The sooner any problem is handled by a qualified service technician the less it is likely to cost you.

Even if your home heating system does not break down, you have to remember that an operational system is not necessarily an efficient system. Your heater does not have to stop working altogether in order to cost you money. If your heater’s operation has been compromised it will lose efficiency, meaning that it will work harder and consume more energy to keep up with the demand that you put on it. The harder your system has to work and the more energy it consumes the more expensive it is to operate. Making even “minor” repairs, in other words, can result in savings that are anything but.

If you have any unanswered questions about why you must not ignore your heater’s repair needs, call Polar Bear Air Conditioning and Heating. We will be happy to discuss the benefits of high quality repair services with you. Contact us today for more information about heating repair services in Washington D.C.. Remember, ignoring heating problems now will only result in more serious issues further along.

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Why Commercial Heating Maintenance is Important

Monday, December 17th, 2012

Whatever you use your commercial property in Washington DC for, you need to know that that property will be comfortable for all of your employees, tenants and customers, both existing and potential. Professional maintenance of your commercial heating system can help ensure that this is the case. If you have not had your commercial heating system professionally expected or scheduled routine maintenance in the past year, trust us: now is the time. Call Polar Bear today to get the professional commercial heating maintenance you need to succeed. We are always available to help.

While regular, professional maintenance is an important step that must be taken with any heating system, it is especially important with your commercial equipment. Commercial comfort systems are in operation pretty much around the clock. Scheduling regular maintenance is the best way to ensure that every component of that heating system is in good working condition. Do not pay more money for less heating performance due to a lack of maintenance service reducing efficiency.

Regular, professional heating maintenance service is also the best way to prevent damage to and the need for necessary repairs for your commercial heating system. By the time you recognize a problem with your commercial heating system, it has probably been developing for some time. In this interim damage may have been done to your commercial heating system that could have otherwise been avoided. During regular maintenance service your commercial heating technician will be able to discover and resolve any small or developing problems with your system before damage can be incurred. This is a great way to prevent disruption to your commercial heating service.

Keep your commercial property comfortable and productive. Contact Polar Bear today to schedule high-quality commercial heating maintenance service in Washington DC. We’ll make sure that your system is operating efficiently and dependably.

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Washington DC Heating Tips: How You Can Reduce Your Heating Costs

Monday, December 10th, 2012

There are many ways to reduce your heating costs this winter, and the Washington DC heating professionals at Polar Bear can help you do this with the following tips:

  • Upgrade to a more efficient heating system if you are facing a replacement. First, make sure you’ve added enough insulation to make this new investment worth the initial cost. The savings in energy will pay off sooner if you do.
  • When you are not using appliances and electronic devices, make sure that they are turned off and are unplugged. Even if the appliance is turned off, it could still be draining energy. Use surge protectors and turn off the source for multiple devices.
  • Set your thermostat back 5 to 10 degrees when you don’t need as much heat. Using a programmable thermostat is one way to automatically set temperatures back according to your schedule.
  • Turn down your water heater thermostat, and install a water heater jacket for storage tank. Many homeowners don’t realize that standby heat loss accounts for a lot of energy waste. Also, turning down the temperature of your hot your water even 10 or 15 degrees can reduce hot water costs. Consult your owner’s manual to determine the best settings, or give us a call if you aren’t sure how to locate the hot water heater thermostat.
  • Make sure your home is properly sealed and ventilated to avoid energy loss and moisture problems. Installing storm doors and double-paned windows is one way to get more efficient heating.
  • It’s never too late to schedule annual heating tune-up. During routine maintenance visits, our qualified technicians inspect your entire heating system and test the efficiency levels. This will help to ensure that your heating system is working as efficiently as possible all winter long.

Call the Washington DC heating experts at Polar Bear for all your heating needs!

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Washington DC Furnace Question: What Can I Do to Keep My Furnace Efficient?

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

As we all approach the holiday season here in Washington, we’re starting to use our heating systems more often. If you’re like many people, you’re looking for ways to cut back on the energy that you use to heat your home. Furnaces are great heating systems that offer consistent and comfortable heat. But what are some good ways to increase the efficiency of your home? At Polar Bear, we thought it would be helpful for our customers in Washington DC if we put together a few ideas that can potentially reduce the amount of energy that your furnaces uses to keep your home warm.

Change Air Filter

Clogged air filters are one of the most common problems that we see with furnaces. Regularly replacing the air filter on your furnace can greatly improve the effectiveness of your heating system. Here are a few of the benefits to changing your furnace’s air filter.

  • Increased efficiency – Over time, the air filter will clog and fill with dirt or dust. This can reduce the flow of air through your furnace. This makes your furnace have to work harder to push air through your home.
  • Better air flow – With a clogged air filter, air travel to each of your rooms as well. By replacing your air filter, you can most likely ensure that air gets to each of your rooms.

Check Insulation

The insulation in your home is you last line of defense to keep the heat inside your home. Making sure that your insulation is in good working order is critical to the overall efficiency of your home.

  • Attic insulation – Perhaps the most crucial insulation is in your attic. The attic insulation actually insulates the ceiling of your home. If you notice that the insulation there is thin or if it doesn’t completely fill the spaces between the attic joists it might be time to have your insulation replaced.

If you’re interested in learning more about home efficiency and your furnace, contact the experts at Polar Bear. We offer comprehensive heating and furnace services throughout the Washington DC area. Call us today!

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Washington DC Heating FAQ: Is a Boiler Installation the Best Option for My Home?

Monday, November 26th, 2012

If you are trying to decide whether boiler system is right for you, the Washington DC heating specialists at Polar Bear have are here to help. Aside from the durability of the new high-efficiency boiler systems, heating with a boiler is also a clean and reliable way to heat your home. While there are a few potential disadvantages, overall they are gaining popularity as a viable heating option for homeowners throughout the area.

Hot Water Boiler Maintenance

As with any heating system, a hot water boiler system should be tuned regularly—ideally, once a year, and before the heating season begins. This will help to ensure worry-free and lasting performance from your boiler system. The main components that will need to be checked by the homeowner are the pressure gauge, safety valves, and water levels.

All other routine maintenance should be handled by a professional heating technician. The technician will also check the radiators or other heating elements used in the system. Because there are no air filters to change or ductwork to clean, hot water boilers are ideal for people who want a low-maintenance heating system.

Making an Informed Decision

Whether you are replacing an older boiler or installing a heating system for a new home, always speak with a Washington DC heating contractor you can trust. This will help to ensure that you feel confident about your decision. At Polar Bear, our Washington DC boiler experts are here to answer questions and go over your options. Call us any time if you have further questions or would like a technician to come out and inspect your current heating system.

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Do You Own a Boiler in Washington DC? Here are 3 Common Repairs to Watch For

Monday, November 19th, 2012

Boilers are one of the most popular heating systems in the United States and here in Washington DC. They are typically used with radiant heat systems like hot water radiators or floor and wall radiant heat systems. But like all things, they eventually break down and need repair. That’s why we thought it would be helpful for our customers in Washington DC to know about 3 of the most common boiler repairs that we see.

No Heat

Surprisingly, one of the most common boiler repairs that we get called for in Washington DC is no heat. The main job of your boiler is to create heat so this is obviously a very big concern. If your boiler is gas-fired, check to make sure the pilot light is lit; if it’s electric, check the power cord. Another reason for this is that the pipes to your home are clogged or blocked. This is a problem that a professional heating technician will have to fix.

Not Enough Heat

Another problem that many people experience is not enough heat. This can happen when the thermostat in your home is malfunctioning. Its job is to tell the boiler when to start heating the home and when the home has reached the desired temperature. When the thermostat isn’t working well, it won’t tell the boiler to turn on and the home will receive insufficient heat. Another reason for low heat is that the burner might be dirty. It could also be that the pipes are clogged or blocked and the hot water simply can’t reach your home.

Water Leaks

Water leaks are another huge problem that some homeowners in Washington DC experience. These sometimes start out small but can quickly grow into a major issue. Check the pressure gauge on your boiler regularly. It should read between 1 and 1.5 when there is enough pressure in the pipes. As the water leaks out of the pipes, the pressure gauge will show a loss in pressure. You don’t want the pressure to dip below .5. This type of repair should always be performed by a professional heating technician.

If you’re having any problems with your boiler in your home in Washington DC, call Polar Bear today. One of our trained professionals can come to your home, inspect your boiler and diagnose the problem. We offer a full range of boiler repair services in Washington DC. Call us today!

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Keeping Warm During a Power Outage: Washington DC Heating Tip

Monday, November 12th, 2012

Power outages are a very scary thing—especially when they happen in the winter in Washington DC. With winter approaching, it is a good idea to know how you can keep your family warm when there isn’t any power. We’ve put together a few tips for our customers in the Washington area so they can make sure their family is safe when the power goes out.

Close off a Room

If you’re going to be without power for several days, choose a room as your home base. Close all the doors and windows. Hang blankets on the walls and over the windows. You want to keep as much heat inside the room. Heating one small room is much more efficient that trying to heat your whole home on limited resources.  This will maximize the heat retention for all that body heat that you naturally generate while you sleep.

Heat Source

If you have a gas-fired water heater you can take a warm shower or bath to raise your body temperature. Even if you have an electric water heater, the tank will stay warm for some time after the power goes out. During the day, if there is sunlight, try to sit in the sun as much as possible. Also, try to allow as much sun to entire your house and heat your home.

Extra Clothes, Blankets, Sleeping Bags and Tents

Gather any extra blankets, clothing, sleeping bags or quilts. Your body generates more heat than you think. Conserving that heat is a critical. You can also set up camping tents to help you retain even more heat.

Stay off the Ground

The ground can absorb a lot of your body heat while you sleep. Put down a mattress in your room or sleep on a couch. This will allow you to retain more of your body heat.

If you have any other questions about how to maximize your heat in your Washington home during a power outage, call the experts at Polar Bear. We offer heating services to the Washington DC area!

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