Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Why Choose a Boiler Installation?

Monday, August 28th, 2017

boilerHas the time come to replace an old heating system? Do you have a new home going up, and want to explore your various home heating options? Whatever the case may be, you should definitely consider the installation of a boiler in Washington, DC. When you choose to use a boiler to heat your home, you are choosing to enjoy some truly outstanding benefits. Of course, no heater is going to be the right match for every home or homeowner.

In the following post, we’ll help you to discover some of the benefits of using a boiler in the winter season, as well as some of the potential drawbacks of doing so. That way, you’ll have a foundational base of knowledge to work with when deciding whether or not a boiler is the right fit for your homelife. Be sure to contact us with any questions that you may have. We know boilers and boiler installations inside and out.

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What Is the Difference Between a Furnace and a Boiler?

Monday, March 13th, 2017

man-hugging-radiatorWe are going to be using our heating systems for a while longer still. Now is a great time to start thinking about the future of your heater, though. More specifically, it is a good to decide if your heater actually has a future left in front of it. If you had a bad experience with an old heating system this past winter, then you should start to think seriously about a heater replacement in Capitol Hill.

Even if you do decide that the time is right for a heater replacement, there is another big question to ponder. What type of heating system are you planning on using? Two of the most common options are the furnace and the boiler. While those homeowners with existing heating systems often tend to stick with what they know, there is usually an opportunity for trying something different. If you’re ready to replace a heater or need one installed in a new property, both furnaces and boilers warrant consideration.

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Is Your Heater Short-Cycling?

Monday, February 27th, 2017

heater-being-servicedWe’re moving into March in just a few short days. Leaving February behind often gets homeowners thinking about the coming spring season, and the heat of summer that follows. We know that winter has been a challenge for everyone in our area, but we must warn you not to get too far ahead of yourself. While warmer weather is definitely on its way, your heater still has plenty of work to do in the weeks that lie ahead.

That is why you really cannot afford to overlook any warning signs that something is wrong with your heating system, even if it is somewhat late in the season. You may be tempted to force it through the remainder of the heating season, and just to deal with repairs once it is out of regular use. Doing so can have a number of negative consequences for your budget, your comfort, and your heater itself, though. One sign of trouble with your heater in Washington, D.C. is short-cycling.

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Should I Replace My Heater This Year?

Monday, February 20th, 2017

We’re past the mid-point of February. While there is still plenty of chilly weather ahead of us, this is the time of the year when people generally start to anticipate the warmer weather around the corner. We understand that you are probably eager to shut down your heater for the last time of the season. Just because the heating season may be winding down, however, does not mean that you should put your heater out of mind.

How has your heater held up this season so far? If the answer is “not very well,” then you may want to consider replacing that system once its job is done for the year. Doing so at the close of the season can help you to avoid overlooking the need and heading into another season with an ill-prepared system. So why would you consider a heating replacement in Arlington, VA?

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Heat Pump FAQ: Why Is There Ice on My System?

Monday, February 13th, 2017


The heat pump is an excellent HVAC option for those homeowners interested in great versatility and efficiency. Like any other heating and/or air conditioning system, though, the heat pump is not perfect. Eventually, you are going to run into trouble with your heat pump in Alexandria. When you do, remember that you depend on our team to diagnose that problem accurately and to resolve it entirely.

Now, you should also keep in mind that certain problems with your heat pump may not be exactly what they appear to be. In fact, certain issues may not actually be “problems” at all. This is the case with the icing over a heat pump in the winter. It is not an unforeseen issue, and is one that heat pumps are actually equipped to deal with. Even so, in certain cases, this ice could prove more problematic than usual.

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What Are the Benefits of Ductless Heating?

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

You are certainly not lacking for options when it comes to the way in which you heat your home. There are more heating systems than you may even realize on the market today. If you’re planning on replacing your heater once the coldest time of the year has passed, then now is a great time to start thinking about what you’ll replace that heater with.

There is no reason why you must continue to use the exact same type of heating system that you always have. Newer technologies may offer benefits that you are not aware of. Take, for instance, the ductless mini split. Following are just a few examples of how you could benefit from ductless heating in Capitol Hill.

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Choosing a New Furnace: Gas or Electric

Monday, January 16th, 2017

Chances are that you won’t be planning a new heating installation until the weather warms up once more. Of course, you may be thinking about replacing your heater because your existing system doesn’t seem like it will make it through this winter. Whatever your situation, it is important to remember to review your options carefully.

Should you decide, for instance, that a furnace is the right heating system for your home, you are still going to have to decide if you’ll use a gas or electric furnace. Feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have regarding such decisions. We’ll make sure that you wind up with the right furnace in Washington, D.C.

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A Dirty Air Filter Is a Big Problem

Monday, January 9th, 2017

If you, like so many other homeowners, use a forced-air heating system to keep your home warm and cozy, then you know how effective and reliable these systems are. You hopefully also know how important it is that you keep a fresh air filter in your system. Doing so is necessary if you hope to get the best performance possible from your heat pump or furnace.

While you may think that forgetting about the filter is a relatively minor problem in the grand scheme of things, a dirty air filter can actually cause some serious problems. If you value the performance of your heater in Arlington, then you’ll keep a fresh air filter on deck. Doing so will help you to avoid these issues.

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Your Furnace Should Not Be Too Noisy

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

We know that it can be tempting to ignore signs of trouble with your heater, so long as it seems to be heating your home effectively. We have to recommend that you don’t do this, however, because we also know how lousy the results can be. If your furnace is making strange new sounds, you need to have the situation assessed by a trained professional.

Just call our number to ensure that this is the case. We know gas and electric furnaces inside and out. When you work with us, you can count on getting a great performance from your furnace in Alexandria, VA.

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Have You Had Your Heater Tuned-Up Yet?

Monday, December 12th, 2016

It seems that homeowners these days are fairly well-informed when it comes to the maintenance needs of their home heating systems. Even so, there are homeowners out there that somehow still manage to overlook just how vital this particular service really is. Let us reiterate the point. If you want to make it through the winter season comfortably, you have to schedule routine heating maintenance in Capitol Hill.

Changing your air filter is the one major maintenance task that you can, and should, complete on your own. There is much more to heating maintenance than that, though. Contact us to schedule a heating tune-up with a company that you can trust to do the job right.

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