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Polar Bear AC Celebrates International Polar Bear Day!

International Polar Bear Day

Thank You for Partnering with Polar Bear AC for a Great Cause

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. takes great pride in promoting and installing high-efficiency heating and cooling systems to reduce energy use throughout the DC metropolitan area. This demonstrated commitment to energy conservation brought PBAC to partner with Polar Bears International, an organization dedicated to ensuring the future survival of Polar Bears in the Arctic.

By encouraging local residents to switch to programmable thermostats and high-efficiency systems, PBAC is helping to conserve energy, which aligns perfectly with PBI’s Arctic Allies Program, a showcase for companies that demonstrate a commitment to environmental stewardship. We challenge employees, suppliers, and customers to reduce their carbon footprint and make conscious decisions and actions that reflect the company’s environmental values.

As a conservation-minded small business, Polar Hear Air Conditioning & Heating wanted to make a contribution in support of PBI’s efforts to save polar bears and their habitat. Beginning in November, 2017, we ran a promotional offer to local residents in which 50% of the proceeds for heating maintenance were donated to Polar Bears International.

The proceeds were presented last week in honor of International Polar Bear Day, an annual event celebrated every 27th of February to raise awareness about the conservation status of the polar bear.


Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating is proud to partner with PBI to work together to ensure the future survival of polar bears by bringing awareness to the cause and the growing threats to the Arctic, where our beloved polar bears live.

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