Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heat Pumps’ Category

How Many Air Handlers Can One Heat Pump Have?

Monday, March 3rd, 2025

A ductless mini split with a heat pump is the perfect home climate solution for many people in our area. But if this would be a jump for you—if perhaps you’ve had window AC units, or a central system whose ductwork is now in poor condition—no doubt you have questions. One question we frequently hear is about how many air handlers one heat pump can support, and how many one home needs. Let’s consider.

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AC or Heat Pump Repair: Is There a Difference?

Monday, August 19th, 2024

Is your heat pump relatively new? Have you never had a heat pump before? Or perhaps you’re simply curious, interested in possibly replacing your air conditioner with a heat pump? Whatever the reason, you’ve got questions. 

Yes, you can replace an AC system with a heat pump, but they aren’t the same, are they? Do they have different components? Do they have different maintenance needs? Do air conditioners and heat pumps have the same problems and require the same repairs, or are there differences? We’ve got the answers you’re seeking.

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What Maintenance Do Heat Pumps Need?

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Heat pumps are very similar to air conditioners in most ways. They operate on the same principle of absorbing heat in one location and moving it to another to be released. But there are some distinct differences.

Heat pumps and air conditioners do have some slightly different components and some slightly different maintenance needs. Read on for the details!

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2024: The Year of the Heat Pump

Monday, April 15th, 2024

If you don’t have a heat pump yet, 2024 is your year. This is the best time in history to make the leap from air conditioner to heat pump. There are so many benefits, and the cost is lower than ever. We’d like to tell you all about how you can spend less and get more by choosing a heat pump instead of an air conditioner. Here are the details.

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The One Little Known Heat Pump Problem That Costs You Big

Monday, October 16th, 2023

Heat pumps are efficient, powerful, and there’s a reason you switched from your old AC and heater to a hybrid solution like this. No HVAC system is safe from encountering odd issues that can inhibit operation or cause a major breakdown, and heat pumps are no exception to the rule. Through our heat pump service in McLean, VA, we’ve seen quite a few system issues, and this one can result in a much bigger problem down the road if you don’t handle it now.

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How Regular Maintenance Helps Your Heat Pump

Monday, November 28th, 2022
Heat pump unit visible in a bedroom.

Your heat pump endures a lot of wear and tear throughout the year. You’re already facing the uncertainty of each season; you shouldn’t have to worry about your heat pump on top of everything else. Heat pump maintenance saves you a lot of money in the long run, so let’s talk about how.

Regular heat pump maintenance in Alexandria keeps your system from completely breaking down while also improving your energy efficiency. Let’s break down every benefit to regular maintenance for your heat pump and schedule your first maintenance call at the same time.

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Does My Heat Pump Have a Refrigerant Leak?

Monday, February 12th, 2018

outdoor-unitIf it does, then you are smart to act fast. Because of the way heat pumps operate in both heating and cooling modes, it is vital they have the proper refrigerant charge for the job. Remember, refrigerant is not something your heat pump consumes in its operation, like the gasoline in a car. Instead, it is something the system recycles over and over again—more like the oil in a car.

If your heat pump is low on refrigerant, it may mean that your technician did not properly charge it—which means that you probably didn’t have it serviced by a member of our outstanding team! The other possibility is a leak. Regardless of the reason for your heat pump’s low refrigerant charge, it is a problem that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. Continuing to run your heat pump in Capitol Hill when it is low on refrigerant can lead to some very serious problems.

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3 Benefits of the Ductless Mini Split

Monday, January 29th, 2018

ductless-blowerIf you’ve been following our blog, then you’ve probably noticed that we talk about a lot of different HVAC systems. Why? Because there are so many to cover! If variety is the spice of life, then the HVAC industry is quite spicy indeed. Of course, there is a fine line between having plenty of options to choose from, and having an overwhelming amount of options to choose from. That is why we want to help homeowners better understand the many different heaters and ACs available.

One option worth considering is the ductless mini split—and you’ll note that we didn’t say “heating” or “air conditioning” option specifically. More on that below. While there is no single HVAC system that will perfectly suit every homeowner’s preferences or the demands of every home, the ductless mini split is certainly an option that many find most appealing. Read on, and remember to schedule your HVAC services in Arlington with the pros on our staff.

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Is a Heat Pump Sufficient Year Round?

Friday, March 28th, 2014

Here in Arlington, VA, heat pumps are a viable alternative to forced-air furnaces and similar traditional forms of heating. They work as both a heater and an air conditioner year round, sending refrigerant gas through a series of coils that first heat the surrounding air and then cool it. In cooling mode, the heat pump asborbs heat from your home and transfers it outside, and in heating mode, it absorbs heat from the outside and transfers it into your home. They’re an effective and cost-friendly way to keep your home comfortable no matter what the season, but is a heat pump sufficient year round? Further south, they usually are. Here, however, they sometimes need a little help.

A heat pump’s big advantage is its efficiency. It doesn’t actually create heat or cold temperatures, it merely facilitates a heat exchange with the refrigerant running through its system. That means it uses much less energy than some other forms of heating and air conditioning, keeping your monthly costs down while providing an all-in-one option for conditioning the air in your home. There’s just one catch: that efficiency drops off considerably when temperatures approach freezing levels. Here in Virginia, we don’t get as many cold days as they do in, say, New England, but we certainly have our share of snow and ice in the winter, and a heat pump may not be sufficient during those periods.

The good news is that most heat pumps have electric resistance coils that kick on when the temperature outside gets too cold. They provide that extra bit of help the heat pump needs. You can also choose to combine your heat pump system with a back up furnace to use on very cold days.

If you’re wondering whether a heat pump is sufficient year round for your Arlington, VA home, and need some expert advice, then give us a call here at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. We’re ready to help so don’t be afraid to contact us today!

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Some Common Misunderstandings about Heat Pumps

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

Heat pumps are an increasingly popular choice for home comfort today, principally because they offer a two-in-one deal: heating and cooling. However, some customers feel reluctant to consider a heat pump for their Northern Virginia heating and cooling, and instead gravitate toward older systems like furnaces and air conditioners. This reticence comes from common misunderstandings about heat pumps that we would like to address.

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. has seen firsthand how effective heat pumps are at providing families with comfort and savings. Although a heat pump isn’t the ideal choice for every home, you should still consider one when it’s time for your new heating and cooling installation.

Here are some of the myths about heat pumps:

Myth: Heat pumps are just a heater and air conditioner packaged together

Because heat pumps can provide both heating and cooling, people often think that they are two separate units put together in the same container. Actually, a heat pump is one mechanism that uses the same process—heat exchange—to perform its two functions. Essentially, a heat pump is an air conditioner that can change the direction it moves heat: while in AC mode, it moves heat from inside a home and puts it outside; in heating mode, it moves heat from outside and puts it inside.

Myth: Heat pumps are essentially useless in cold weather

During heating mode, the action of heat exchange moves heat from the outside to the inside. This makes it easy to imagine that during cold weather, the heat pump won’t work as a heater: where is it getting warmth from the outdoor air? However, as long as there is molecular motion in the air, there is heat available for heat exchange. Heat pumps can lose efficiency when the temperature drops below freezing, but they are far from useless; and in milder cold weather they are very effective. Most heat pumps have a back up heat system to make sure your home is warm no matter the weather.

Myth: Heat pumps won’t pay off their installation costs

First, as far as air conditioning goes, heat pumps are the same efficiency as a standalone air conditioner of comparable size. Second, heat pumps are a very efficient way to heat your home. Especially when compared to electric furnaces, heat pumps are extremely energy-efficient. Most heat pumps will pay back their installation costs in three years.

Our trained technicians at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. have brought quality cooling and heating to Northern Virginia since 2001. You can trust us to find the heat pump that will keep you and your family comfortable all year long.

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