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3 Common Heating Repairs

cold-couple-on-couchWith the winter weather wearing you down, you need to know that you have a comfortable environment waiting for you back home. That means having a heater that is capable of heating your house in an effective and dependable manner. But the truth is that no heating system is ever going to be 100% reliable. If and when your heater needs repairs, contact a member of our team right away.

Ideally, you’ll have your heater repaired before it really suffers any major damages or breaks down entirely. Not every repair need is going to be something major, but all repairs do need to be handled promptly. Here are a few of the more common issues that homeowners encounter. Let us know if you require heating repair in Washington, DC.

Low Airflow

Does it seem like your forced air heating system just isn’t pumping out the heated air like it usually does? You could simply have a dirty air filter, which is a problem that you can resolve on your own. The air filter in most systems should be changed every 1–3 months, but many factors will influence this. Check in on your filter frequently. If that’s not the problem, you could also have leaky ductwork. This will require professional duct repair/duct sealing.

Pilot/Ignition Issues

Is your heater not heating at all? The problem may be with the combustion of the fuel that it uses. More specifically, you may be experiencing problems with a pilot that won’t spark the fuel into combustion, or a hot surface ignition system that is not heating enough to ignite the gas. Whatever the case, you really don’t want to sit on such problems. Not only will you be cold and uncomfortable, but any issues with fuel and combustion have the potential to create unsafe operating conditions.


Is your heater starting up just fine, but shutting back down in a rapid fashion? This is called short-cycling, and it can do real damage to your system over time. It also decimates energy efficiency. A heat pump with a refrigerant leak or a heater that is overheating for any reason may experience short cycling. Contact us to have the problem accurately diagnosed and resolved.

Schedule your heating repairs with Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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