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Furnace Troubles Got You Down?

We know just how much of a bummer it can be to turn on your furnace expecting a whole lot of heat and get absolutely nothing! Fortunately, though, you’ve still got plenty of time to get your system back up and running (you know, before winter truly begins).

Of course, knowing when to schedule your repairs is the first step in getting the help you need, so below, we have listed some of the tell-tale signs of a furnace in trouble. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more (oh, and of course, remember to schedule your furnace repair in Aldie, VA with our team!

Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair

There are plenty of signs that suggest your furnace needs repair, including:

Lower Heat Levels

If your furnace is not providing you with the heat you expect, it’s time to call in an expert. There are multiple issues that can lead to lower heat levels: clogged burners, a breach in the ducts, or even a lack of fuel. In any case, it is in your best interest to contact a trained technician to restore normal heat levels.

Strange Noises

Screeching, banging, rattling, and clanking are all sounds you don’t want to hear from your furnace. In fact, the only sound you should hear from your furnace is the soft whooshing of air through the vents. There are numerous reasons as to why a furnace might be noisy, like motor issues, combustion problems, a broken heat exchanger, and more. Some noises indicate serious problems, so don’t hesitate to contact your local HVAC company if something doesn’t sound quite right.

Short Cycling

Short cycling is when your furnace repeatedly turns on and off multiple times throughout the day. This is typically due to a lack of airflow into the furnace itself, which causes it to overheat. When the furnace overheats, the limit switch is activated, and the system shuts down as a safety measure.

Not only is short cycling extremely inefficient, but it also places a whole lot of wear and tear on your system, leading to higher bills, costly repairs, and in some cases, an untimely replacement! We know that you don’t want to deal with any of that, which is why we recommend calling in a pro as soon as you notice this issue.

Higher Bills

One great way to tell if your furnace needs repair is to take a close look at your heating bills. If you notice that you are paying much more than you normally do, that it is a clear sign that there is something wrong with your heater. Do not hesitate to call in a professional if you notice that your bills are increasing—you don’t want to pay more than you have to, right?

You Need Professional Repairs

When the time comes to schedule your furnace repairs, be sure to hire a certified HVAC professional for the job. Only a professional has the tools, knowledge, and expertise to safely and correctly handle the complex needs of your system, the first time around.

Contact the team at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating today.

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