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Heating Safety Tips for the Winter Season

During the coldest time of the year, you need to be able to heat your home both effectively and efficiently. If that is as far as your goals stretch then you are missing an important part of the equation. You must also be able to heat your home safely.

Safe heating in Arlington, VA is not a given. You must take certain measures to ensure that you’re heating your home in a way that does not put your safety at risk. Read the following information, and remember to schedule your heating services with the professional technicians on our team.

Use (And Test) Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas that is a byproduct of incomplete combustion. What makes it so dangerous? It’s all but impossible for humans to detect on their own, as it has no color, odor, or taste. That is why it is so important that you have good carbon monoxide detectors installed in your home, and that they are tested regularly. Proper ventilation of combustion-based systems is the first line of defense against CO poisoning, but you cannot be too cautious when it comes to carbon monoxide.

Exit the Home if You Smell Gas

Natural gas is a convenient a fuel source. It does not have to be delivered or stored on-site, as it is piped directly into your home and to those systems and appliances using it. However, you need to remember that natural gas is a combustible fuel, and can be very dangerous if it should leak into your home. Scheduling your heating and gas piping services with qualified professionals minimizes any risk of trouble. If you do smell the sulfurous odor of gas in your home, exit the premises immediately and contact the appropriate authorities.

Schedule Routine Heating Maintenance

Yes, you’ve heard us say it before. The importance of regular professional heating maintenance warrants repeating, though. Not only will maintenance keep your system functioning reliably and efficiently, but it gives your technicians the chance to evaluate it for safety as well. Call today to schedule service with our team.

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. is here to handle all of your heating needs.

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