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How Often Are You Calling for Furnace Repair?

We’re never going to tell someone not to call us. We love hearing from our customers, we enjoy helping out our friends and neighbors, and it’s important to have a team you can trust to help when you need it. That being said, there is definitely a time and a place for furnace repairs, and if that time and place is all the time for your home, then something is clearly wrong.

The problem isn’t you or us, it’s your furnace. Sometimes systems that are on their way out, or need more comprehensive furnace repair in Arlington, VA could show multiple signs of failure throughout the year. This isn’t normal, and it’s important to remember that. Only a trained professional who knows about the lifespan and repair needs of a furnace system can provide targeted repairs that work. And unfortunately, it might be time to look into heater replacement services.

Once Every Few Years

Okay, you might not like what we have to say about this, but it’s the truth—heaters do need repairs during their lifespan no matter how much maintenance they get. Something will go wrong eventually, and that’s okay. This is just the reality of the situation.

However, this should only be once every few years, since furnaces only last between 10-15 years anyways, this shouldn’t be too many repairs to handle. If you’re calling us for repairs every few years for your furnace, the truth is that you don’t really need to worry. As long as it’s being maintained properly and you’ve got the help of licensed and trained professionals, this is pretty normal.

Once a Year

This is where we get into the weeds. Your furnace should definitely not need repairs once a year, but it might not be as bad as you think.

You could be suffering from a problem that just wasn’t addressed last year or the year before that. This could be from working with an amateur service technician, or from some other circumstances like missing out on maintenance or running the system incorrectly. You could also avoid this need for repairs by replacing the air filter in your system every 1-3 months.

Basically, this is where you need the help of qualified professionals. We can help you avoid needing repairs every year by targeting the source and providing thorough maintenance every year.

Once Every Few Months

This is bad news. No heater should need repairs every few months, and if yours does, then there’s something really serious going on with it. If you’ve got a furnace, this could be from a variety of malfunctioning components, but all of these problems could be wearing down your heat exchanger and causing a safety concern.

If your heater is getting old and you need repairs this frequently, it’s a really good idea to start thinking about replacing it. Furnace replacement is a long-term investment that could make your life a lot easier by taking advantage of better, more high-tech equipment. Avoid repairs in the future by investing in your system now.

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. can help you repair or replace your heater. Call us today!

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