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Now Is a Great Time for Boiler Repair!

Nope, we’re not kidding! Temperatures are indeed warming up and while the rest of the country might be thinking about getting their air conditioners repaired, we’ve got a little bit of a plot twist for our customers.

When was the last time you ran your boiler system? Was it last night? Or perhaps it was a few days ago? The truth is that your need for heat is getting lower and lower the closer we get towards summer. Pretty soon, you’re going to forget that you even had a boiler to begin with, until fall rolls around and you rely on it again. The main point we’re trying to make is that because you don’t need your boiler right now, wouldn’t that make it a great time to get it repaired?

Let’s discuss why boiler repair in Alexandria, VA is a great idea in the spring, and pretty much all year round when you call our team.

Older Homes Require Professional Boiler Repairs

First off, we’d like to talk about a reason why boiler repairs can be more important in our area than in other locations. Alexandria, VA is home to many old homes, colonials with so much history and charm, that it would be a disservice to let them fall into disrepair by any means. This includes the boiler system!

If you’ve got an older home with a lot of history, fear not. Our team can work on the boiler to ensure that it’s not going to leak or have any issues come next winter. We can even help you insulate your home and solidify your heating system to the point where it can be more energy efficient in the future.

Basically, we want to remind homeowners to protect their older, charming homes with boiler services ahead of time, like during the spring or summer.

Boiler Repairs at Your Convenience

Isn’t it more convenient to schedule a service that isn’t urgent? That’s what it’s like trying to get your boiler repaired during the spring or summer. Since you don’t rely on your boiler every night (let’s face it, you could camp in your backyard and be comfortable at this point), that means that you can wait until you’ve got a day off or your family is available to schedule boiler repairs.

When fall and winter arrive, you’ll be thanking yourself that you made this choice when your schedule was more open. During the colder months, we rely so heavily on boiler systems that any problem with them can be seen as an emergency.

Evaluate Your Heating Options for the Future

If your boiler system is in such bad shape that it requires replacement, this is something you’re going to want to confront early. Finding out now that your boiler is in need of a replacement isn’t that bad of a scenario, you’ve practically got two seasons to figure out what new system would be best for your home!

Take some time to save up your emergency funds and talk with your family. Work slowly and methodically to make the right choice for the future, and starting now is the best way to go!

It’s time to book a service appointment for your boiler by calling Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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