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It’s Time to Make a Heating Upgrade

December is here! Cold temperatures are already starting to seep in through left open windows, unsealed doors, and the cracks throughout our home. The hardest part about this realization that your home is chillier than you’d like, is the fact that winter is just starting up and this cold is going to be here for the next few months. Until March rolls around, you’re going to need to prioritize heating your home in the most effective and efficient way.

If you’re looking for a new heater installation in Bethesda, MD, then we’ve got a few great options for you. This is actually a perfect time to start thinking about a replacement system for your old and outdated one, because you can hit the ground running with powerful and efficient heat for the next few months when you need it!

Let’s talk about a few great systems that are available to you.

When to Invest in an Upgrade

Firstly, it’s important that we talk directly to homeowners who might not know that they need a heating system upgrade. We’ve put a few points down below that can tell you if your heater is on its last legs and could use a whole system replacement. From then, we’ve got a couple of great heating systems available that could make your life a lot easier.

  • Your system is old. Forced-air heating systems like furnaces and heat pumps only realistically last about 10-15 years before they start breaking down and showing signs of severe disrepair. If your system is approaching that age, then it might be the perfect time to start thinking about a replacement.
  • Your system is inconvenient and outdated. Are you still using an old or outdated heating system that frustrates you? Then why not upgrade to one that’s more convenient, efficient, and effective!
  • Your heater doesn’t keep you warm. Cold spots are nothing new, but they can be removed by a new heating system that’s accurately sized and designed to heat your entire home. Call our team to investigate your options.
  • Your bills are too high. High bills are a sign of inefficiency. If you notice this trend, then you might want a new heating system.

Try a Heat Pump for Efficiency and Convenience

In our climate, we get fairly mild winters when compared to some of our northern neighbors. However, we also get scorching hot summers and some pretty humid temperatures that require lots of air conditioning to keep homes comfortable. Why not invest in a heat pump system?

These units are great for providing heat during the winter while also switching to a cooling mode for the summer. They’re highly efficient, convenient, and even come in a ductless form for homes without air ducts!

Or You Can Go With a New Furnace

Furnaces are powerful and efficient. Especially if your home has access to natural gas, we also recommend looking into a gas furnace if you’d rather steer away from a heat pump system. These units are efficient, effective, and they’re also fairly affordable for homeowners on a tight budget.

Call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. to get more information on heater upgrades we provide.

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