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Washington DC Heating Tips: How You Can Reduce Your Heating Costs

There are many ways to reduce your heating costs this winter, and the Washington DC heating professionals at Polar Bear can help you do this with the following tips:

  • Upgrade to a more efficient heating system if you are facing a replacement. First, make sure you’ve added enough insulation to make this new investment worth the initial cost. The savings in energy will pay off sooner if you do.
  • When you are not using appliances and electronic devices, make sure that they are turned off and are unplugged. Even if the appliance is turned off, it could still be draining energy. Use surge protectors and turn off the source for multiple devices.
  • Set your thermostat back 5 to 10 degrees when you don’t need as much heat. Using a programmable thermostat is one way to automatically set temperatures back according to your schedule.
  • Turn down your water heater thermostat, and install a water heater jacket for storage tank. Many homeowners don’t realize that standby heat loss accounts for a lot of energy waste. Also, turning down the temperature of your hot your water even 10 or 15 degrees can reduce hot water costs. Consult your owner’s manual to determine the best settings, or give us a call if you aren’t sure how to locate the hot water heater thermostat.
  • Make sure your home is properly sealed and ventilated to avoid energy loss and moisture problems. Installing storm doors and double-paned windows is one way to get more efficient heating.
  • It’s never too late to schedule annual heating tune-up. During routine maintenance visits, our qualified technicians inspect your entire heating system and test the efficiency levels. This will help to ensure that your heating system is working as efficiently as possible all winter long.

Call the Washington DC heating experts at Polar Bear for all your heating needs!

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