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Why Choose an Electronic Air Cleaner?

How is the indoor air quality in your home? Have you noticed that your allergy symptoms, or those of others in your home, are flaring up more and more regularly? Does it seem as though your air filtration system just isn’t cutting it anymore?

Then you should give some serious thought to the use of an electronic air cleaner. With an electronic air cleaner, you can really go about effectively cleaning up the air in your home. Just remember that it is important to schedule all of your indoor air quality services with skilled, trained professionals like those on our staff.

Choosing Your Air Cleaner

If you are worried about biological pollutants, such as viruses, mold, and bacteria, then you will need a UV air purifier in order to resolve the problem. However, in the situation we outlined above, when allergens like dirt and dust are causing trouble, you need a system that is capable of removing those pollutants from the air, not one designed for destroying living pollutants. In that case, an electronic air cleaner is the way to go.

Electronic air cleaners, like the electrostatic precipitator, work to the same end goal as air filtration systems: removing pollutants from the air. However, they do not just sit there idly as air passes through them and filter the pollutants out of that air. Instead, electronic air purifiers take an active role. Electrostatic precipitators will charge the pollutants in the air, and those pollutants are then trapped on oppositely charged collector plates. These plates are then simply removed and cleaned. These systems can capture smaller pollutants that air filters may not be able to deal with.

If you have any questions about your IAQ options, give the professionals at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. call today in Washington, D.C.

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