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Why Use UV Germicidal Lights?

family-playingLiving comfortably in your own home is not something that you should compromise on. It is something every homeowner deserves. That being said, maintaining comfortable temperatures in your home should not be your sole priority. Important as it may be, it is also vital that you maintain high indoor air quality in your home as well.

In many cases, using air filtration systems or electronic air purifiers will be enough.  In others,  however, dealing with pollutants of a different kind—biological pollutants—will be necessary. These pollutants are living organisms, and include viruses, mold spores, and bacteria. Such pollutants cannot simply be filtered out of the air. They must be destroyed, and they can be with the use of UV germicidal lights in Washington, DC.

Protect Your Health

While dust and dirt can definitely be a problem when they go airborne, aggravating allergy, asthma, and other respiratory issues, biological pollutants are even more of an issue. They can actually make you ill, and this is of high concern in those homes with children, elderly residents, or people prone to sickness.

Because we’re talking about biological pollutants here, filtering them out of the air just will not suffice. These pollutants can reproduce, meaning they can thrive even after they’ve been trapped on an air filter. If you want to stop them from reproducing, using UV rays is a great way to go about it.

The light emitted by UV air purifiers is confined to your ductwork, and it is perfectly safe for people and pets in the house. It is devastating to biological pollutants, however, which it renders incapable of reproduction by disrupting their biological processes. UV lights are to be used in conjunction with air filtration systems and air cleaners—not as a replacement for them. They don’t do anything to remove airborne pollutants, which is why a multi-pronged approach is best.

Schedule your IAQ services with Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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