Air Purifiers: The Polar Bear Difference

November 16th, 2020

What’s the first thing you picture when you take a whiff of clean, crisp, fresh air? Do you picture a beautiful meadow in spring? Or perhaps you picture a snowscape in the middle of the winter where the air feels calming and almost crunchy? Regardless of what you picture in your head, we want to add your home to the list. That’s right, your living room could have the freshest air imaginable, as long as you have the right air purification system for it.

Homes are seriously lacking air purifiers in Alexandria, VA. It’s gotten so bad to the point where homeowners would rather open a window in the middle of the winter to get air that’s not stuffy or fully of contaminants.

Make your home the paradise you want it to be, with an air purifier that will keep your air clean.

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Why Choose Us for HVAC Service?

November 2nd, 2020

While we enjoy talking about our technical expertise in the field of HVAC, we get this question too much to ignore it. If you’ve landed on this page, you’re definitely on the lookout for professional HVAC services—so let’s not beat around the bush. Why would you choose us?

Well, HVAC service in Washington, DC can be a complicated endeavor. There are lots of teams of professionals out there, each with their own selling points and prices, but what makes anyone choose the crew at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating over others?

Don’t worry, that question wasn’t rhetorical. There are some serious bonuses and perks to choosing our team, that we’ll fill you in on down below. Just keep reading and remember that we’re a local, family-owned company in the area that’s just trying to look out for the HVAC services people need.

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Top AC Concerns in Our Climate

October 19th, 2020

You’re probably tired of people all around the country telling you how your air conditioning should work. How the heck would they know what the climate is like here in Alexandria? Our HVAC needs are a little specific, and our climate is different from that of New York up north, or Florida down south, so it’s important to remember that we need better advice.

HVAC in Alexandria, VA is different because of two factors. For starters, we see more extensive seasons here than you would in Georgia or Florida. And the second point is that we deal with a lot of humidity, which changes things as the seasons go on. Humidity and changes in temperatures can make our air conditioners work extra hard and have trouble keeping up with our lifestyles.

So, keep reading as we get into some climate-specific tips for you at home.

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Short-Cycling: What It Means and How to Avoid It

October 15th, 2020

If you’ve never heard the term “short-cycling” before, we don’t blame you. While it’s a well-known term that we use in the HVAC industry, it’s not exactly widespread in our everyday lexicon. So, if you’re just finding this blog post to get the lowdown on what short-cycling is, we’ll answer all your questions.

However, just figuring out what we mean by “short-cycling” is only half of the equation. The other half is figuring out whether or not you need air conditioning repair in Arlington, VA because of a short-cycling AC that’s starting to struggle.

Regardless of whether or not you’re just becoming more learned on HVAC terms, or you’re in serious need of some AC repair or replacement services, we’ve got your back. Keep reading as we get into the details about short-cycling and what this kind of problem means for you.

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Help Your Ducts and AC Work Together

September 21st, 2020

You wouldn’t believe how many homeowners we meet who think their ducts and air conditioners function completely separately. Too many people believe that if their air conditioner is brand new, no matter the shape of their ductwork, they’ll get the cooling they need throughout the summer. This is a completely untenable position.

Your ducts and your air conditioner are kind of like your veins and your heart. Together, they make the circulatory system that’s responsible for transporting blood throughout your body. On their own, they’re just organs and they can hardly function like that. Your air conditioner is the heart of cooling in regards to HVAC in Arlington, VA. Your ductwork is the network of veins that transports the cooled air throughout your home. When you are without one of these two components, your comfort an efficiency both suffer.

Let’s talk about how your ducts or air conditioner are doing.

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Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance? Absolutely Not!

September 7th, 2020

AC maintenance is just one of those things that’s really easy to forget about. Like a bill every now and then or your car’s oil change, we forget things all the time. We’re not here to shame you for that. Far from it! We’re here to say that we understand that mentality. It’s hard to remember everything without constantly being worried or stressed out.

Luckily, AC maintenance in Washington, DC doesn’t have to be at a specific point of the year. While sure, it’s better during the springtime, there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t get it during the fall if you forgot about it then.

Have you been reeling because you forgot to schedule AC maintenance this year? No problem! Keep reading to find out why it’s so important that you call us and schedule it now more than ever.

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4 Ways You’re Neglecting Your AC

August 24th, 2020

Imagine your air conditioner as the hero of a superhero story. When temperatures rise and things become muggy and uncomfortable, your AC always comes to save the day. It cools you off and makes you feel comfortable no matter what the temperature is outside. These systems really are like heroes to us when we need them!

If your air conditioner is the hero of this story, then the villain is most-definitely neglect. Neglect is the easiest way to hurt your air conditioner and cause it to have a shorter than average life expectancy. Your AC’s cooling power will diminish and it will start running up energy bills as well. Looking to avoid expensive air conditioning repair in Alexandria, VA? Then keep reading.

Here are four ways how you can stop neglecting your superhero air conditioner today.

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UV Light Purifier: How It Works

August 10th, 2020

Air purification isn’t a simple measurement. There’s a lot of air in your home and it could be thoroughly contaminated with germs. While lighting some candles and scrubbing surfaces might help a little bit, we’ve always been at a loss as to how we could safely and effectively clean our indoor air. That is—until the UV light purifier was developed.

This handy piece of equipment eradicates germs that enter your home. Since they’re mounted in your ductwork, these germicidal lights treat all the incoming air that goes through your HVAC system. As far as an air purifier in Washington, DC goes, these have to be some of the most effective ones.

Want to know exactly how they work? Well, we’d love to tell you! Keep reading as we get into the specifics of such a high-tech indoor air quality solution.

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Repair or Replacement: The Ultimate Question

July 27th, 2020

Repairing your air conditioner is a lot faster and cheaper than a whole system replacement. It’s why so many homeowners opt to have their older air conditioners repaired when they really should be replaced. We understand why, people think their technology can last forever. If homeowners can fix up an old 1969 Ford Mustang and make it run like it did in the old days, why can’t they do the same thing to their air conditioner?

Fixing up cars might be a fun hobby, but dumping money into an air conditioner that’s not going to impress anyone is just irresponsible. We’re going to try and help you avoid that today.

Let’s talk about the difference between investing in air conditioner repair services in Arlington, VA vs replacement services. When should you have your system replaced or repaired? Keep reading as we give the answers you need.

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Reduce Humidity: Stay Comfortable

July 13th, 2020

Humidity really is the bane of our comfort during the summers. Especially when it comes to HVAC services in Washington, DC, it gets hot and muggy and your air conditioner might not be able to handle the load all on its own. Air conditioners can naturally dehumidify your air, but they’re not as effective as they could be working together with a dehumidifier!

Dehumidifiers provide an essential service for homes that are dealing with too much moisture. While many homeowners can tell that their moisture levels inside are too high, some homeowners can’t and it’s up to us to talk about some of the signs that you’re dealing with a humidity problem. Are you dealing with a humidity problem?

Let’s talk about what humidity is and why it can be detrimental to you and your home during the summer months.

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