Can an Air Cleaner Help You Eliminate Allergies This Season?

July 1st, 2019

Summer has officially arrived, but that doesn’t mean that all those springtime allergens are going to just disappear! Bees are still buzzing and flowers are still blooming, meaning that you’ll still be sneezing and wheezing if you’re one of those people unfortunate enough to have been dealt seasonal allergies. So, what can you do about it?

Fortunately, there are indoor air quality systems designed to eliminate allergens and other contaminants from your indoor air, and air cleaners are one of these systems! So below, we have listed just some of the reasons why you should consider installing one of these systems in your home. Keep reading to find out more! 

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When it Comes to Your AC, Does Size Really Matter?

June 17th, 2019

condenserNow that summer is almost here, you want to be sure that your air conditioner is fully equipped to handle the heat. Of course, for some of you, that might mean having to invest in a new system. And if this is the case, you want to make sure that your new air conditioner is the perfect fit for your home!

We understand that it might be your first instinct to buy the biggest, most powerful air conditioner, especially if you’ve spent previous summers sweating your behind off. But we are here to tell you that this isn’t such a great idea. You see, when it comes to your air conditioner, size really does matter, and below, we are going to explain why. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more.

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Thank You for Your Participation!

June 6th, 2019

food-driveIf you know anything about Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., aside from how great our HVAC services are, then it is probably that we are heavily involved in our community. We consider it an honor and a privilege to give back to our neighbors, which is why we always jump at the opportunity to participate in the Loudoun Hunger Relief Events.

With your help and the help of others in our community, we enjoyed an amazing turnout that resulted in the collection of over 500 lbs of food donations. That’s over 200 lbs more than last year! We’ve been very busy since the event occurred earlier this spring, but we wanted to take a moment and share our sincere gratitude with you. We’ll see you at the next one!

Contact Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. for your HVAC service needs.

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How Can I Tell if I Have an Indoor Air Quality Problem?

June 3rd, 2019

cold-couple-on-couchYour indoor air quality is a big deal! Of course, you want your indoor air free and clear of the contaminants that contribute to illness and allergies! But the truth of the matter is that many of us do not know that we’ve got poor indoor air quality, simply because we’ve become accustomed to it.

But there are quite a few signs that suggest you’re dealing with poor indoor air quality, and below, we’ve listed some of them for you. And remember, if any of the following apply to you, be sure to contact a professional for HVAC services in McLean, VA. A professional will be able to match you with the systems and services you need to combat your IAQ issues! 

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Unique Ductless Repairs to Be Wary Of

May 20th, 2019

If you own a ductless system, you know how great they truly are–they’re efficient, effective, and can provide year-round comfort with just the flip of a switch! In fact, ductless systems are among the most popular home comfort systems on the market today.

Of course, if you own one of these systems, you fully expect that it’ll be able to keep up with all your comfort needs, no matter the season. But, what happens when something does go wrong?

Unfortunately, ductless systems, like all heating and cooling systems, need repairs from time to time–this is totally normal! It can be quite annoying, but it’s not necessarily the end of the world, especially if you are already aware of the problems your system may face. So for your convenience, we have listed some of the unique yet common repairs your ductless system may need. Keep reading below to find out more.

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How Do I Know When to Replace My AC?

May 6th, 2019

condenserWith summer coming, you want to be sure that your air conditioner is in good working condition, and for some of you, that may mean having to invest in a new system. Of course, purchasing a new AC can be a bit overwhelming, but with the right team of experts on your side, it doesn’t have to be so scary.

Knowing when to replace your air conditioner can be a bit tricky. Below, we have listed just some of the tell-tale signs! Of course, only a professional technician can truly determine if your air conditioner is ready to go. However, we figured we’d give you a head start.

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Cool Down Those Pesky AC Bills

April 22nd, 2019

With summer coming, we can bet that many of you are dreading those pesky energy bills. And of course, you’d rather not sacrifice your comfort, however, the cost of keeping your home cool and comfortable during the summer can be quite expensive. So, what do you do? You turn to your local cooling experts for advice is what you do!

Consider yourself lucky for stumbling across this week’s blog because below, we have listed some of our favorite ways to boost air conditioning efficiency. When your home is energy efficient, you’ll spend less time worrying about sky-high bills and instead focus on the things that matter this summer, like getting the perfect tan and eating as much ice cream as you possibly can. 

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Do You Need AC Repairs?

April 8th, 2019

With summer well on its way, you want to be sure that your air conditioner is equipped to handle any heatwave that comes our way. But sometimes, your system is going to require repairs, and when that happens, you’re going to need to call your local HVAC technician right away. Trust us, holding off on repairs is only going to make matters worse, leaving you with an even costlier repair bill.

But, how do you know when it is time for AC repair in Alexandria, VA? Well, there are plenty of signs that indicate you need to schedule repairs ASAP. So for your convenience, we’ve listed a few of these signs below. Keep reading to find out more information. 

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It’s Time to Schedule Your AC Tune-Up

March 25th, 2019

Yes, it is still cold outside. Yes, you still need to throw on a coat to stay warm. But, before you know it, summer is going to be here, and trust us, it is better to start preparing now for the coming season. Sure, that may sound silly, but actually, thinking about the warm, sunny weather while your teeth are still chattering can benefit you greatly in the long run.

One of the best ways to prepare for summer is to schedule air conditioning HVAC services in Leesburg, VA with a professional. Scheduling your air conditioning maintenance now ensures your system will remain efficient and effective throughout the entire season you rely on it most. In case you aren’t yet convinced, we have provided a list of reasons as to why you should schedule your pre-season maintenance. Keep reading below to learn more. 

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The 3 Most Common Types of Furnace Problems

March 11th, 2019

technician-inspecting-furnaceRegardless of whether the winter season just began or if you’re at the tail end of it, you should always keep an eye (and ear) out for furnace performance issues. But don’t worry—we’re not asking you to give your furnace an inspection every night. The most common furnace repair issues are pretty hard to ignore. If your furnace is suddenly doing a bad job or acting strangely, we urge you not to ignore it.

That all being said, here are some of the things you should pay extra close attention to:

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