You Don’t Need Magic to Boost Your Heating Efficiency

February 25th, 2019

Although we’d like to consider ourselves heating wizards, the truth of the matter is that anyone can boost their heating efficiency with just a few simple tricks. Of course, we may be breaking “Magician’s Code,” so you’ll have to keep this blog post a secret. We are going to share with you the tricks we have long hidden up our sleeves to reveal a number of ways in which you can improve your heating efficiency and keep monthly spending costs to a minimum.

Below, we have listed just some of the many ways you can improve your heating efficiency. Keep reading to learn more! 

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Here’s Why You Should Go Ductless This Winter

February 11th, 2019

If you are in the market for a new heater this winter, then consider going ductless! A ductless system serves as a singular alternative to the traditional heater and air conditioner combination. For many homeowners, ductless systems are becoming a preferred option, as these systems are recognized for their ability to provide year-round comfort efficiently and effectively.

Of course, we understand that choosing the right HVAC systems for your home is no small task, which is why we always advise speaking to a professional before making any final decisions. Not all homes are candidates for ductless systems, so it is important to be aware of your circumstances before you purchase your new system. In addition, improper installation can lead to an increased need for heating repair in Alexandria, VA. In this week’s blog, we will be outlining some of the many benefits that a ductless system has to offer. Keep reading below to learn more! 

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5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Thermostat

January 28th, 2019

thermostatAs consumers, we are always seeking the best technology, whether it be the latest smartphone, a new gaming console, or the TV with the highest resolution. So, why don’t we think the same way about our home heating systems? Throughout the winter, you run your heater rather consistently, so why not invest in upgrades that will ensure its efficiency and effectiveness? One way you can improve the overall operation of your home heating system is to upgrade your thermostat.

As you know, your thermostat is responsible for maintaining a comfortable temperature inside your home, which is an important and necessary function. Today, smart thermostats can do so much more than what is typically expected. Of course, you can keep things basic, but a smart thermostat offers a wide range of benefits that can improve heating efficiency and save you money. Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of upgrading your thermostat. 

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Here’s Why Your Furnace Is Faltering

January 14th, 2019

Now that winter is in full swing, the last thing you’d want is a faltering furnace. There are numerous things that can cause a furnace to malfunction, and luckily, there are many things that can be done to reverse it. So, if you have found yourself dealing with this type of situation, keep reading because today we will be discussing what causes a furnace to become inefficient or ineffective and what you can do to help!

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3 Reasons to Schedule Immediate Heater Repair

December 31st, 2018

Although built to last, your heater is not invincible. Occasionally, you will experience problems with your system, and when this happens, the best thing to do is schedule your repairs as soon as possible. We understand that scheduling repair services can be a nuisance, costing you both time and money. However, waiting to book your Alexandria, VA heating repair appointment could end up costing you a lot more than just money.

Scheduling prompt repairs is the best way to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and comfort. Below, we have outlined some of the reasons as to why you should never hesitate to contact a professional when you notice an issue with your heater. 

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Is Your Furnace Too Noisy?

December 17th, 2018

If you find yourself wondering if your furnace is too noisy, the answer is probably “Yes.” Your furnace is not inherently noisy. In fact, the only noise you should hear coming from your furnace is the gentle whooshing of air through the vents once it is turned on. So, if you do hear any odd noises, you don’t want to take it with a grain of salt.

We never recommend attempting to diagnose the problem yourself. It is always better to contact an HVAC professional. They have both the experience and the equipment necessary to pinpoint the exact source of the issue and to come up with a plan to resolve it. Our friendly technicians at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating are here to help you if you need furnace repair in Arlington, VA. 

Below, we have listed some of the sounds you definitely don’t want to hear your furnace making: 

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What Are the Benefits of Using a Boiler?

December 3rd, 2018

boilerWe have reached the heating season here in Virginia. Though we don’t live in a part of the country where winters are extreme, we still face plenty of cold temperatures! If you are looking for a new heating system for your home, consider a boiler. Boilers are durable, reliable, and energy efficient. An experienced HVAC professional can help you decide if a boiler is right for your home.

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Why Does My Heater Keep Shutting Down?

November 19th, 2018

servicing-furnaceThere can be a pretty major gap between a heater that is functioning decently and one that is truly functioning at peak performance and efficiency levels. When winter temperatures are at their coldest, it is easy to overlook that your heater is not really firing on all cylinders. You may not want to deal with a heating problem when you need the heater to be running at all times—which is precisely when you really need your heater to be functioning properly in every way!

Don’t convince yourself that “good enough” is good enough when it comes to your heater and its overall performance quality. If your heater is failing you in any way, it is time to take the problem seriously. No, it’s never “minor” enough to ignore! A prime example of a problem that too often goes unresolved for too long: short cycling. If your heater is running in short bursts, you may need professional heating repair in Leesburg, VA.

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Is Your Heater in Trouble Already?

November 5th, 2018

dog-under-blanketWhen it is cold outside and your heater is not functioning properly, it can be difficult to find the silver lining to that cloud. This is especially true when winter is just getting going and your heater is not working the way it should be. The truth is this is sort of for the best, though. It’s not getting any warmer any time soon, so you may as well find out now that your heater is not in the great shape necessary to get you through the winter season.

When your heater exhibits any signs of trouble, even early in the season, it is time for prompt HVAC services in Alexandria, VA. The last thing you want to do is to continue running your heater despite the fact that it is not in great working condition. Doing so will only make matters worse, putting your comfort and even your safety (!) in jeopardy. Here are some signs it’s time to call in the pros.

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It’s That Polar Bear Time of Year!

November 4th, 2018

Polar-bear-on-rocksWe here at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. want to let you know that it’s not only time for your annual heating maintenance, but also to help out our furry white friends once more. International Polar Bear Day may not be until February 27th, but we’re already in the midst of Polar Bear Week!

To celebrate, we’re donating 50% of our proceeds through November to Polar Bears International. Schedule your heating tune-up in Loudon County today. You’ll be helping your heater while also helping this outstanding organization!

Schedule your heating tune-up with Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. today.

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