Explore Your Heating Options

October 22nd, 2018

cold-couple-on-couchYou may not be ready to fully embrace it, but the fact of the matter is that winter is heading our way once more. We’re willing to bet that you’ve already put your heating system back into rotation, even if it isn’t running all day and night quite yet. If you don’t like what you’re experiencing, or if you know that your heater just does not have another season left in it, contact us for your heating replacement in Alexandria, VA.

Just keep in mind that this is not the type of service you should rush into. Just because you have an existing heating system does not mean that you have to continue to use that same type of heating system, after all. If you are serious about enjoying 100% satisfaction with the way in which you heat your home, you need to choose your new heater carefully. We’re here to give you a rundown on your options so that you can do just that.

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It’s That Time: Schedule Your Heating Tune-Up.

October 8th, 2018

furnaceIt’s not that cold yet. It was fine at the end of the last heating season. Lay off, man—I like to live dangerously.

Whatever your excuse for not scheduling your routine, annual heating maintenance, it’s just not good enough. How do we know?

Because we’ve heard ’em all before, and they’re almost always explained to us by homeowners in need of heating repairs right when they actually need their heaters the most.

That is why we’re here to say that heating maintenance is just another one of those HVAC services in Alexandria, VA we happen to excel at. And if you want your heater to excel in its operation, regardless of what type of heater you use, then you need to take advantage of this service. It is no exaggeration when we say there is literally nothing better that you can do for your system, so call now.

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Help! My AC Is Blowing Warm Air!

September 24th, 2018

man-yellingIn the Northeast and the Midwest regions of our country, many homeowners are getting ready to retire their air conditioning systems for another winter season. We’re getting there ourselves, even if a bit slower than in those colder places. Does this mean you can ignore signs of trouble with your air conditioning system, even this late in the game?

Absolutely not! Sure, there may not be much of a cooling season left. By the time you’re reading this,  you may have decided the AC is all done for the season. But do you want to be faced with old repair needs when a new cooling season comes back around next year?

We’re going to give that one an emphatic “no”!

If your air conditioner is in trouble, it will likely start to show some signs of distress. As far as signs that you need air conditioning repair in Arlington, VA go, they don’t come much clearer than a system blowing warm air.

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Easy Ways to Improve AC Efficiency

September 10th, 2018

condenserIt may be getting a bit late in the air conditioning season, and you may not be running your AC much at all at this point. That doesn’t mean that you’re done with your air conditioner indefinitely, however, and you obviously want your system to be there for you when the next cooling season arrives. Of course, this means any problems with your air conditioner will be there waiting for you, too.

While maybe not a “problem” in terms of operation, low energy efficiency is a problem when it comes to your bottom line. You don’t just want your air conditioner to run effectively when the summer starts to heat up once more. You also want it to operate affordably. There are a lot of factors that can negatively affect the efficiency with which your system operates. The good news is we have some tips to help you to boost efficiency without needing to replace the whole system. Leave your HVAC services in Leesburg, VA to the pros on our team.

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Refrigerant Leaks Need Prompt Repairs

August 27th, 2018

AC-outdoor-unitDo you know what sets a heat pump apart from something like a furnace or a heater? It does not generate new heat, but transfers existing heat from the air outside into your home. Furnaces and boilers, on the other hand, create new heat. This is accomplished either by electric resistance or the combustion of a fuel like gas or oil. In this regard, heat pumps are a lot like air conditioners—both ACs and heat pumps use the refrigerant cycle to move heat out of a home (and into a home, in the case of a heat pump).

That is why a refrigerant leak is such a problem. Air conditioners and heat pumps don’t generate new “coolness,” but instead cool homes by removing heat via the evaporation of refrigeration. Without the right amount of refrigerant in the system, it won’t be able to accomplish this goal successfully.

Today, we are going to explore some of the ramifications of a refrigerant leak, and why they mean that you need prompt heat pump or air conditioning repair in Alexandria, VA when one develops. 

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How Leaky Ducts Affect Your AC Experience

August 13th, 2018

ductsThere are a lot of problems that are going to be evident in their development insomuch as how they affect your air conditioner. You may have an AC that doesn’t start up at all no matter how warm it gets in your house, for example. Or maybe your air conditioner sounds like a jet engine once it gets going. But it’s important to remember that not all problems, and not even all serious problems, are always going to be so obvious.

Point in case: leaky ductwork. Now, there are plenty of problems that you may notice which will point toward leaky ductwork—more on those below—but that doesn’t mean that they’ll be immediately evident. And, even when they become evident, it may not be so clear that the cause of the problem is, in fact, leaky air ducts.  We’re here to help you understand the problems caused by duct leaks, and why they necessitate professional HVAC services in Ashburn, VA.

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How Does My AC Actually Cool the Air?

July 30th, 2018

relaxing-manWe all love our air conditioning systems, particularly when the heat and humidity of the summer season are really in full swing. As long as the system is up and running reliably, most homeowners are happy and don’t really give the system much more thought. While we certainly don’t mean to imply that you should ever attempt to service your air conditioner on your own, we do think that you should have some understanding of how your air conditioner in Arlington works.

Today, we are going to explore just that. Before we do, keep in mind that, simple as our explanation here may sound, whole-house air conditioning systems of all kinds are actually quite complex. The key to getting the very best performance possible from any air conditioning system is to schedule your AC installation, maintenance, and repairs with trained professionals—you know, like the ones on our staff! So read on, enjoy learning a bit more about your AC’s performance, and keep our number handy. 

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How Fresh Filters Benefit ACs

July 16th, 2018

man-with-fanIt’s past mid-July now, and that means that you have definitely been running your air conditioner for over a month. We really hope that you scheduled an AC tune-up prior to putting that air conditioner back into regular rotation—of course, it’s not too late to do so if you have not done so yet! One step that your technicians should have taken when tuning up your system is, of course, changing the air filter. Even if they did, it is probably time to do so again.

What, are these guys getting a kickback from the filter industry or something? Don’t worry, we promise you that we are not motivated by any shady dealings with Big Filter. Our top priority is, as always, your comfort and ensuring that you get the very best performance that your air conditioner has to offer. And trust us when we tell you that changing your air filter on a regular basis is one of the best ways to help your AC to succeed.

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These Signs Mean Your AC Is in Trouble

July 2nd, 2018

don't-forgetIf you are looking for a resource that will tell you that there is a way in which to avoid problems with your air conditioning system indefinitely, then you have come to the wrong place. Why won’t we offer up these encouraging words? Well, because we are not in the business of lying to our customers. Nothing would make us happier than to guarantee that you’ll never encounter problems with your AC, but that is just not possible.

What our Leesburg AC repair pros can do for you, however, is ensure that you know what warning signs to look for when it comes to dealing with air conditioning problems. While you cannot completely eliminate the risk of encountering issues, you can deal with them in a prompt manner that will help to keep any resulting damages to your system to a bare minimum. Plus, you’ll be protecting your comfort in the process! So read on, and reach out with any concerns that you may have.

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Here’s Why AC Repair Can’t Wait

June 18th, 2018

technicians-with-air-conditionerAs long as your air conditioner is still operating with some semblance of success, you may be tempted to just let it limp along throughout the cooling season. We cannot advise you against doing so strongly enough. Yes, your air conditioner may be starting up and doing a half-decent job of cooling your home. No, that is not enough. You, and your air conditioning system, deserve a lot better than this.

We’re here to ensure that you enjoy the best performance possible from your home cooling system. Unfortunately, that sometimes means that we will have to repair your air conditioner. When—not if—that time arrives, you’ll want to schedule prompt air conditioning repair in Arlington, VA. That way, you won’t be at risk of running into trouble that could have easily been avoided had you acted quicker.

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