Rooftop Units Are Perfect for Commercial Properties

June 4th, 2018

rooftop-unit-technicianMaintaining comfortable temperatures throughout the year can be a tall order for some homeowners. If you think that’s tough, however, just consider how hard it can be to keep a commercial property comfortable throughout the year. With people coming and going all day, different temperature requirements in different areas, the heat gain associated with crowded buildings, and so many other challenges, it can be quite difficult indeed.

Of course, difficult and impossible are two different things. And, for that matter, the task really isn’t that difficult when you have the right equipment installed by the right professionals. That is why you should leave your commercial HVAC services in Leesburg to the pros on our team. One option that we typically suggest commercial property owners consider is the rooftop unit. Read on to learn more about rooftop units, and why they are so desirable in the commercial sector.

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Help Us Fight Hunger in Loudoun County!

May 29th, 2018

We love our Polar Bear family! Most of our crew got called into work on a very hot weekend, but that didn’t stop us from giving back locally. Our young cubs took over and filled the truck for Loudoun Hunger Relief! Over 300 lbs. of food donated!

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating recently partnered with Loudoun Hunger Relief by hosting a food drive in an effort to help alleviate food insecurity for Loudoun County residents. Polar Bear volunteers were able to collect over 300 pounds of food outside of the local Giant located in Leesburg, VA. This would not have been possible without the generous contributions of the local community. Polar Bear would like to thank those who so graciously donated to the food drive during their Saturday morning grocery trips.

The donations were then taken to the Loudoun Hunger Relief (LHR) warehouse, where they were sorted and then distributed to those in need. LHR is the largest food pantry in the area, serving roughly 200 people per day in the community. For 26 years, LHR has served as Loudoun County’s primary emergency food pantry, providing food assistance to the hungry and food insecure in Loudoun. LHR provides families with food to prepare three nutritionally-balanced meals, including food for those with specialized diets.

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating is proud to continue a tradition of giving back in local Loudoun County, and we look forward to serving with Loudoun Hunger Relief for many years to come!

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. is dedicated to serving our community!

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Why Is My Air Quality Low?

May 21st, 2018

air-quality-dandelionWhen the summer heat is high, you expect your AC to keep you cool. You expect your heater to keep you warm and cozy during the cold winter season. And … well, that’s it, right? As far as comfort goes?

If you believe that, then you are doing yourself and your comfort a serious disservice. While maintaining comfortable temperatures in your home is certainly vital, maintaining high indoor air quality is equally so. We’re here to help you do that.

One question that homeowners sometimes ask us is why their indoor air quality is low to begin with. The truth is that this is a very loaded question. There are a lot of different reasons why indoor air quality may suffer. Some are within our control, while others are environmental issues we really cannot change. In either case, the best thing to do is to use the right systems and services to boost your indoor air quality. That is why you should turn to us for IAQ and HVAC services in Alexandria.

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Tips Regarding Air Conditioning Repair

May 14th, 2018

AC-manifoldWe are honest professionals, which is why we need to tell you that yes, at some point, you are going to need air conditioning repairs. When that time comes, you don’t want to make any mistakes that are going to make problems worse. That is why we have some tips for you to help you get the most from your air conditioning repair in Alexandria, VA.

Before we get to that, a quick reminder: No, there is no way in which you are going to be able to keep your air conditioner working reliably 100% of the time. However, scheduling professional, annual air conditioning maintenance will keep your system as close to that unattainable goal as possible. Our Polar Plus Maintenance Program will help protect your system and your comfort.

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Is Your AC Running in Short Bursts?

May 9th, 2018

temperature-just-rightWe have not even really hit the cooling season yet, so it may sound a bit pessimistic to hear us talking about potential problems with your air conditioning system. The reality of the situation, however, is that you are going to experience problems with your air conditioning system at some point. When you do, it is definitely in your best interest to spot those signs early on and to have them resolved as soon as possible. Never ignore an AC that is running irregularly.

If your system is running irregularly, starting up but then cycling back down before a full cooling cycle has a chance to finish, then your system is short cycling. This may not seem like too big of a problem if your home is still relatively comfortable. However, it can actually lead to a number of different problems—both for your comfort and your system itself. Professional air conditioning services in Arlington are available from the technicians on our team to address such issues. 

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Only Professionals Can Tune Up HVAC Systems

April 23rd, 2018

technician-workingAs HVAC professionals, one of the worst opinions that we can hear any of our valued clients express is that they do not understand why routine air conditioning maintenance in Loudoun County is so important. A close runner-up, however, is that they do understand that regular tune-ups are necessary—but they think that they can handle them themselves. We are here to reiterate not just that routine AC maintenance is vital, but that it is a job that must be left to trained professionals.

As you will be reminded when the heat starts to rise this cooling season, an air conditioner is much more than a luxury during our hot and humid summer seasons. It is a necessity. It only makes sense, then, that you should do everything possible to keep your system in great working condition. The good news is that doing so is simple. You need only call our number to schedule annual air conditioning maintenance with our fine technicians.

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Am I a Good Candidate for Ductless Air Conditioning?

April 16th, 2018

ductless-blowerIt’s that time of year when we start to see summer on the horizon—even if a stubborn cold stretch is making it seem more like a mirage than an actuality. Regardless, many homeowners in the area are ready to leave the chill behind, dreaming of the days to come when the only chill will be that coming from their own air conditioning systems—a chill that they themselves control!

If you think this may be the year to replace your air conditioner, or if you need a new AC installed for a brand new property, we strongly recommend you consider the use of a ductless air conditioning system in Great Falls, VA. There are a lot of benefits you can enjoy when you’ve got a ductless mini split on your side.

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Preventing Air Conditioning Problems

April 9th, 2018

thermometer-going-redBoy oh boy, are we ready for the summer weather to arrive. Sure, after a few weeks of truly brutal heat we’ll probably be wishing for things to cool down a bit, but some hot and sunny days sound pretty good right now, don’t they? Of course, it is a lot easier to enjoy that kind of weather when you know that you’ve got a nice, comfortable environment waiting for you once you do get back home for the night.

That is precisely why it is so important to schedule prompt air conditioning repairs when you notice that anything is amiss. Even better than scheduling prompt repairs is preventing the need for repairs in the first place. There are a lot of air conditioning options in Loudon County to choose from, but one thing they all share in common is that none of them are 100% reliable. With these tips in mind, however, you’ll at least be able to keep them as dependable as possible.

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We’ll Make Your AC Installation a Success

March 26th, 2018

AC-topviewDo you think that it may be time to install a new air conditioner? It is definitely a good time of the year to do so. After all, you don’t want to wait for the weather outside to get hot before you think to schedule service. AC technicians are at their busiest during the onset of the cooling season, and you don’t want to risk running into a period of discomfort if you fail to schedule your AC installation in advance.

However, you also do not want to rush into an air conditioning installation or replacement. This is a fairly major investment for most people, and it is for a system that you are going to depend upon greatly throughout the summer season. That is why we have put together some information designed to help make your AC installation in Washington, DC a resounding success. Keep these tips in mind, and please reach out with any questions that you may have.

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How Do Boilers Distribute Heat?

March 19th, 2018

radiant-tubingWe may be moving out of the heating season now, but we’re not in the clear. It’s still March, after all, and the weather in our area loves throwing curve balls at this time of the year. If you use a boiler to heat your home, and you suspect that there is a problem of any kind, don’t wait until the start of next winter to schedule a necessary boiler repair in Alexandria, VA.

What kind of problems are we talking about? Well, there are those that boilers may share with any heating system. Problems with combustion. Complete failure leaving your house frigid. However, there are also problems specific to boilers, mainly relating to the way in which they distribute heat throughout homes. You definitely don’t want to let such problems go untreated, so get in touch with us if any trouble comes up!

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