Is Your Furnace Showing Signs of Distress?

March 12th, 2018

furnace-wiringWe could all use some warm, sunny weather right about now, but chances are that you’re going to be running your heater for a while longer. It may be late in the season, but don’t let that convince you that you can afford to ignore any signs of trouble your home heating system may be exhibiting. Trust us when we tell you that your heater can break down just as easily at the end of the season as during any other time.

So how do you deal with heating problems before facing as serious a situation as a complete breakdown? Well, you can learn to recognize the signs that you need furnace repairs in McLean, VA, for starters. No furnace is ever going to be 100% reliable, though scheduling routine heating maintenance will certainly help it to get as close to that ideal as possible. We’re happy to tune-up your furnace for you, of course. But eventually, we’ll need to repair your system. Call us when you see these warning signs.

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Heating Maintenance Keeps Repair Needs at Bay

February 26th, 2018

furnace-repairsWhen you need your heater, you need your heater. You don’t need us to tell you that it can get extremely cold around here during the winter season. When you fire up that heater of yours, you want to know for certain that it is going to perform precisely as it ought to. Unfortunately for all of us, there is no such thing as a 100% reliable heating system. At some point, you are eventually going to run into a problem requiring professional heating repairs.

Now, there is no way to make your heater completely reliable, but that does not mean all is lost. Why not? Because you can certainly keep your heating repairs in Washington, DC to a bare minimum. No, you cannot eliminate the risk of heating problems entirely, but we can help you to do the next best thing. How? All you have to do is schedule annual heating maintenance. Then leave the rest to the pros on our staff. 

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Polar Bear AC Celebrates International Polar Bear Day!

February 26th, 2018

International Polar Bear Day

Thank You for Partnering with Polar Bear AC for a Great Cause

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. takes great pride in promoting and installing high-efficiency heating and cooling systems to reduce energy use throughout the DC metropolitan area. This demonstrated commitment to energy conservation brought PBAC to partner with Polar Bears International, an organization dedicated to ensuring the future survival of Polar Bears in the Arctic.

By encouraging local residents to switch to programmable thermostats and high-efficiency systems, PBAC is helping to conserve energy, which aligns perfectly with PBI’s Arctic Allies Program, a showcase for companies that demonstrate a commitment to environmental stewardship. We challenge employees, suppliers, and customers to reduce their carbon footprint and make conscious decisions and actions that reflect the company’s environmental values.

As a conservation-minded small business, Polar Hear Air Conditioning & Heating wanted to make a contribution in support of PBI’s efforts to save polar bears and their habitat. Beginning in November, 2017, we ran a promotional offer to local residents in which 50% of the proceeds for heating maintenance were donated to Polar Bears International.

The proceeds were presented last week in honor of International Polar Bear Day, an annual event celebrated every 27th of February to raise awareness about the conservation status of the polar bear.


Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating is proud to partner with PBI to work together to ensure the future survival of polar bears by bringing awareness to the cause and the growing threats to the Arctic, where our beloved polar bears live.

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Why Use UV Germicidal Lights?

February 19th, 2018

family-playingLiving comfortably in your own home is not something that you should compromise on. It is something every homeowner deserves. That being said, maintaining comfortable temperatures in your home should not be your sole priority. Important as it may be, it is also vital that you maintain high indoor air quality in your home as well.

In many cases, using air filtration systems or electronic air purifiers will be enough.  In others,  however, dealing with pollutants of a different kind—biological pollutants—will be necessary. These pollutants are living organisms, and include viruses, mold spores, and bacteria. Such pollutants cannot simply be filtered out of the air. They must be destroyed, and they can be with the use of UV germicidal lights in Washington, DC.

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Does My Heat Pump Have a Refrigerant Leak?

February 12th, 2018

outdoor-unitIf it does, then you are smart to act fast. Because of the way heat pumps operate in both heating and cooling modes, it is vital they have the proper refrigerant charge for the job. Remember, refrigerant is not something your heat pump consumes in its operation, like the gasoline in a car. Instead, it is something the system recycles over and over again—more like the oil in a car.

If your heat pump is low on refrigerant, it may mean that your technician did not properly charge it—which means that you probably didn’t have it serviced by a member of our outstanding team! The other possibility is a leak. Regardless of the reason for your heat pump’s low refrigerant charge, it is a problem that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. Continuing to run your heat pump in Capitol Hill when it is low on refrigerant can lead to some very serious problems.

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3 Benefits of the Ductless Mini Split

January 29th, 2018

ductless-blowerIf you’ve been following our blog, then you’ve probably noticed that we talk about a lot of different HVAC systems. Why? Because there are so many to cover! If variety is the spice of life, then the HVAC industry is quite spicy indeed. Of course, there is a fine line between having plenty of options to choose from, and having an overwhelming amount of options to choose from. That is why we want to help homeowners better understand the many different heaters and ACs available.

One option worth considering is the ductless mini split—and you’ll note that we didn’t say “heating” or “air conditioning” option specifically. More on that below. While there is no single HVAC system that will perfectly suit every homeowner’s preferences or the demands of every home, the ductless mini split is certainly an option that many find most appealing. Read on, and remember to schedule your HVAC services in Arlington with the pros on our staff.

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Why Humidify Your Home?

January 22nd, 2018

question-mark-badgeDuring the summer season, our weather can get extremely hot and humid. The idea of adding humidity to a home during any time of the year seems like an odd decision. In truth, adding the right amount of humidity to the air in a house is a great way to protect indoor air quality and alleviate a number of physical symptoms for people and materials.

Today, we’ll look at a few of the issues that may arise in a house with low humidity. We’ll also help you  understand why you should skip the standalone humidifiers and opt instead for a whole-house humidifier in Georgetown. If you have any questions, call a member of our team. We have the expertise to determine if you could benefit from a whole-house humidifier.

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Take Advantage of the Heat Pump’s Efficiency

January 15th, 2018

temperature-just-rightWhen you live in the Washington, DC area, you are going to have to contend with very cold winter weather. There is no way that you are going to be able to live comfortably in your home throughout the winter season if you do not have a great heater installed in your residence. Of course, you don’t just want an effective performance from your home heating system. You also want the most efficient performance possible from your heater.

If you are thinking about replacing a heater, or if you need a new one installed in your brand new home, then consider using a heat pump in Washington, DC. The heat pump works in a unique way, and it offers outstanding energy efficiency as a result. Read on to learn more about how heat pumps work and the benefits that they offer. Just remember that no HVAC system will truly excel in its operation if it is not expertly installed and serviced by skilled, trained professionals. 

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Choosing Your HVAC Company

January 1st, 2018

excellent-customer-serviceWhether you are heating your home during the coldest night of the winter season, or you want to cool your house down on a blisteringly hot summer day, you need to know that your HVAC systems are going to be there for you when you need them the most. That means that you need to work with an HVAC company that you know you can trust to use the best equipment available and to do the job right the first time, every time, no matter what that job may be.

We have a few tips for you today to help you choose your HVAC company in Washington, DC. Sure, we could just tell you to call our number to schedule service—after all, we certainly meet all of this important criteria. Instead, though, we encourage you to do your own research using the tips below. Why? Because we’re fairly confident that doing so will just reinforce that we’re the pros that you want handling all of your HVAC services!

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3 Common Heating Repairs

December 26th, 2017

cold-couple-on-couchWith the winter weather wearing you down, you need to know that you have a comfortable environment waiting for you back home. That means having a heater that is capable of heating your house in an effective and dependable manner. But the truth is that no heating system is ever going to be 100% reliable. If and when your heater needs repairs, contact a member of our team right away.

Ideally, you’ll have your heater repaired before it really suffers any major damages or breaks down entirely. Not every repair need is going to be something major, but all repairs do need to be handled promptly. Here are a few of the more common issues that homeowners encounter. Let us know if you require heating repair in Washington, DC.

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