Ask an HVAC Contractor: Why Schedule Heating Maintenance?

September 11th, 2017

AC-technician-workingAre there any questions that you’ve ever wanted to ask your HVAC contractor in Capitol Hill, WA? We understand that you are probably not just calling us every time a question pops into mind, and we hope that you understand just how busy our schedules are and the limitations that this can put on such practices. We do love sharing our knowledge with our clients, though, so we spent some time coming up with a few common questions that we suspect most homeowners share.

Today, as we move out of the summer season and await winter’s chill, we want to talk about heating maintenance. Specifically, we want to lay to rest any notions that you may have about heating maintenance being optional. It is, technically–you are in charge of your heater. In terms of getting the most from your heating system, however, routine heating maintenance is 100% mandatory. With the following information in mind, we think you’ll understand why.

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Ask an HVAC Contractor: Should I Replace My AC?

September 5th, 2017

service-timeThere are a lot of homeowners that have a good working knowledge of how the various systems in their homes work, as well as what the needs of those systems are. Even the most seasoned and hands-on homeowners need some guidance from time to time, though.

One question that you may want to ask a professional HVAC contractor in Capitol Hill is whether or not the time is right for an air conditioning replacement. We’ll help you to shed some light onto the situation so that you can make that decision confidently. 

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Why Choose a Boiler Installation?

August 28th, 2017

boilerHas the time come to replace an old heating system? Do you have a new home going up, and want to explore your various home heating options? Whatever the case may be, you should definitely consider the installation of a boiler in Washington, DC. When you choose to use a boiler to heat your home, you are choosing to enjoy some truly outstanding benefits. Of course, no heater is going to be the right match for every home or homeowner.

In the following post, we’ll help you to discover some of the benefits of using a boiler in the winter season, as well as some of the potential drawbacks of doing so. That way, you’ll have a foundational base of knowledge to work with when deciding whether or not a boiler is the right fit for your homelife. Be sure to contact us with any questions that you may have. We know boilers and boiler installations inside and out.

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Low Humidity? Big Problem

August 14th, 2017

comfortable-womanFor many homeowners, the pursuit of comfort in their respective homes begins and ends with a great air conditioner and a dependable, efficient heater. We certainly do not intend to downplay the role that successful temperature maintenance plays in your overall comfort. However, we must also remind you that temperature maintenance is not the whole picture. If you are serious about living in the full comfort we believe you deserve, then must maintain great indoor air quality as well as temperature control.

Another fact that you may not fully realize is that maintaining great indoor air quality in Washington, DC can actually help to protect your property and your health, as well as your comfort. Whether due to the dehumidifying effects of running an AC all the time in the summer, or the naturally drier air that we experience in the winter, you may not have a sufficient amount of humidity in your living space. Using a whole-house humidifier is the best way to resolve that problem. 

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How Does Ductless Air Conditioning Work?

August 8th, 2017

The short answer? Very well! But we want to give you more information than that, of course. Ductless air conditioning in Washington, DC is getting more and more popular, for many different reasons. One of the primary benefits that ductless systems have to offer in this area is that their unique design makes them great for older, historic homes. Read on, and be sure to let us know if you think that ductless air conditioning is the right option for your residence!

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Commercial HVAC Tip: Use a Rooftop Unit

July 31st, 2017

Commercial-rooftop-systemsCommercial air conditioning systems and heaters are, of course, much larger than conventional residential AC units. Otherwise, there are not many differences between commercial systems and residential systems; they all run on refrigerant and use coils and blower fans to remove heat and cool a space.

However, there is typically a difference in the way air conditioners are installed on commercial buildings and the way they are installed in homes. A rooftop packaged HVAC unit is the best choice for many commercial properties (though not all). This type of AC and heating system sits on the rooftop of the building, and it tends to be the best choice for many of the commercial air conditioners and heaters in our area.

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What Causes an AC to Freeze Up?

July 17th, 2017

At first thought, a freezing air conditioner may not sound like that big of a problem. After all, you want your AC to be cooling your home, right? Of course you do–but remember that there is a huge difference between an air conditioner and a freezer. Your air conditioner should be removing heat from the air in your home and recirculating that air back into the living space at a lower temperature. At no point should it be freezing up, though.

Not only is ice on an air conditioner not a sign that it is working better than expected, but it is actually a sign that the system is not working the way that it ought to. If you see ice on your system, it is a sign of trouble. As is the case with any sign of trouble with your air conditioner in Georgetown, WA, you are going to need to act quickly if you really want to protect your AC from potentially serious damages. 

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Should I Be Using UV Germicidal Lights?

July 11th, 2017

UV-lightThe answer to the question posed in the title of this blog is—maybe. We’d love to give you a solid answer right off the bat, but not every home is going to require the use of UV germicidal lights. Those that could stand to benefit from the use of such devices, however, stand to benefit greatly. So how can you tell if using UV germicidal lights in Washington, D.C. is the right move for your home?

We can help you with that. There are plenty of warning signs that can indicate the need for UV air purification. Read on to learn more about these warning signs, as well as how UV germicidal lights actually operate. If and when you decide to integrate a UV air purifier into your home comfort system, remember to schedule the service with our team.

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Has My AC Sprung a Leak?

July 3rd, 2017

woman-with-fanUsually when we talk about leaks in air conditioning systems, we may be talking about oil or, unfortunately for some, refrigerant. However, every now and then we get a call from a homeowner concerned that their air conditioner is actually leaking water. This is not only alar ng, but also perplexing. After all, it is not as though an air conditioner actually uses water in its operation, right?

Well, that doesn’t mean that you are seeing things if you notice water surrounding your indoor unit, nor does it mean that the water is leaking from elsewhere in the house and is just pooling here. The air conditioner may well be the source of this water. It just may not be leaking out of the system in the way that you are thinking.

Here are a few different potential causes of this leaking, and what they mean for your air conditioner in Alexandria

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Keep a Fresh Air Filter in Your AC!

June 19th, 2017

filterWhen you cool your home, you want to do so as efficiently as possible. Nobody wants to pay more than they should need to when cooling their homes, especially if they are seeing a decline in the overall performance of their air conditioners at the same time. So why might someone encounter such problems with their system? Sometimes, it is due to a repair need. Other times, however, it can be something as simple as the homeowner forgetting to change the air filter in the system.

While it is true that the vast majority of air conditioning maintenance must be completed by trained, experienced, and professional HVAC technicians, that doesn’t mean that you can’t help to keep your system in fine working condition. Simply changing out the air filter in your system is easily the best way for you to do this. It may sound like a minor issue, but failing to keep a fresh filter in your air conditioner in Arlington, VA can have some seriously negative consequences.

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