Is It Really Worth Upgrading My Thermostat?

July 11th, 2016

For the most part, you probably are not going to have much direct interaction with the bulk of your heating and cooling system. Sure, you should definitely be changing your air filter regularly, but aside from that, you don’t really see much of the system, let alone interact with it. A major exception to this rule, of course, is your thermostat.

It is with your thermostat, after all, that you control your HVAC system at large. Without it, you’d have no say in how your system heats or cool your home. Considering the important role that it plays, it really is very important that you are using your ideal thermostat in Washington, D.C.

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Why Choose an Electronic Air Cleaner?

July 4th, 2016

How is the indoor air quality in your home? Have you noticed that your allergy symptoms, or those of others in your home, are flaring up more and more regularly? Does it seem as though your air filtration system just isn’t cutting it anymore?

Then you should give some serious thought to the use of an electronic air cleaner. With an electronic air cleaner, you can really go about effectively cleaning up the air in your home. Just remember that it is important to schedule all of your indoor air quality services with skilled, trained professionals like those on our staff.

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AC Replacement: 3 Factors to Consider

June 27th, 2016

We understand that replacing your air conditioning system is probably not the most exciting way that you can think of to spend your hard earned money. Because no air conditioning system is going to last forever, though, you will eventually find yourself in need of a replacement air conditioner. When should you really start to consider an AC replacement in Capitol Hill?

In the following post, we offer a few tips to help you to determine if the time has come to replace your home cooling system. If you decide that it has, you can count on our staff to do the job right. Contact us with any questions that you may have. 

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Air Conditioner FAQ: What Is an Evaporator Coil?

June 20th, 2016

We understand that the average homeowner is not a professional air conditioning technician—after all, we probably wouldn’t be in business if this were the case. That being said, it is a good idea for homeowners to have some idea of the way in which their air conditioning systems actually work to cool their homes. You should never attempt to service your air conditioner on your own, of course, but it helps to have a basic working knowledge of your system, if only to recognize signs of trouble with its operation. The evaporator coil is one of the most important components in your air conditioner.

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A High-Velocity Cooling System May Be Right for Your Home

June 13th, 2016

Have you been making do with inefficient, insecure window units when cooling your home? Is your home old enough that it was simply designed without modern ductwork in mind? Well, you don’t have to settle for what window unit air conditioners can offer. Give a member of our staff a call for help in determining whether or not a high velocity air conditioning system is right for you. We excel in the design and installation of such systems, and we’ll ensure that your high velocity AC cools your home effectively without putting the integrity of your home’s design at risk.

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You Don’t Need Ductwork to Cool Your Home

June 13th, 2016

We’ve told you about how a high velocity air conditioning system allows you to cool your home using very small, flexible air ducts. What we haven’t talked about in a while, though, is the fact that you actually don’t need to use air ducts of any kind to enjoy a whole-house cooling performance. When you use a ductless mini split system in Georgetown, you can enjoy a number of great benefits that even the best split central air conditioning system cannot compete with. Just remember that these benefits will only be available to you when you schedule your ductless mini split services with skilled, trained professionals.

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Do You Need Custom Ductwork Fabricated for Your Property?

June 6th, 2016

Forced air heating and cooling systems, such as furnaces, heat pumps, and central air conditioners, are incredibly common. These systems all use ductwork in order to distribute both heated and cooled air throughout homes and commercial properties. Not every property, though, is going to benefit greatly from the use of prefabricated ductwork. That is why you may need to schedule custom ductwork fabrication services in Arlington. If you do, you can count on our team to ensure that your needs are met, so that your HVAC system can excel in its operation. 

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3 Reasons to Choose a Commercial Rooftop Unit

May 30th, 2016

There are plenty of responsibilities on any commercial property owner’s plate. If you are serious about succeeding in your business endeavors, however, you must remember that it is not all about finances and scaling upward. You must also be sure to keep your potential and existing customers, tenants, and/or employees comfortable and happy. To do so, you need a great commercial HVAC system installed. If you are ready to have a system installed in a new property, or if the time has come to replace an existing commercial HVAC system, we strongly recommend that you consider the use of a rooftop unit.

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Maintain a Healthful Environment with a UV Air Purifier

May 23rd, 2016

Homeowners this time of the year are starting to think more and more about the way in which they’ll cool their homes during the summer season. If you have an air conditioner in place already, and you have already had it tuned up for the season, then you may think that you are ready to live comfortably throughout the hottest time of the year without issue. We hope that you are right, of course, but this is often simply not the case. You must enjoy great indoor air quality in your home, as well as reliable temperature maintenance, if you are to live in the comfort that you deserve. Doing so may require the use of specialized equipment, such as UV germicidal lights.

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3 Warning Signs that It’s Time for AC Repairs

May 17th, 2016

Nobody wants to entertain the notion that their air conditioning system is in serious trouble. If you ignore any warning signs that your system is struggling, you are only doing yourself a major disservice.

The longer that you wait to have any air conditioning issues resolved by a trained professional, regardless of how “minor” you may believe the issue, the greater the likelihood of your system suffering real and costly damages. Read on to learn what a few of these warning signs look like, and then remember to call us for outstanding AC repairs.

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