How Do Packaged Air Conditioning Units Differ from Centralized Units?

July 14th, 2014

There are a lot of choices these days when it comes to choosing a type of air conditioner for your home. Many factors need to be considered, including the size of your home, what kind of energy efficiency you seek and what type of system you feel would work best for your property. One of the types of air conditioners Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc., installs frequently is known as a packaged air conditioning unit, and it may be a good option for your Arlington property.

What Is a Packaged Air Conditioner?

A packaged air conditioner is one in which all the components – the compressor, condenser, evaporator and blower – are all housed in a single unit. This unit is typically placed outdoors, but it can also be placed on a rooftop, in a crawlspace or in an attic space. The ductwork goes directly to the unit.

What Types of Packaged Air Conditioners Are Available?

There are 4 main types of packaged air conditioners:

  • Traditional packaged air conditioner – as described above, has a single cabinet that houses the whole system
  • Packaged heat pump – a packaged heat pump system offers both heating and cooling in the same unit
  • Packaged duel fuel – this type of packaged system offers heat pump cooling in the summer, and heat pump heating for fall and spring. When the temperature goes below freezing, this unit will utilize either gas or propane to heat your home
  • Packaged gas/electric – a packaged gas/electric system uses electricity to cool during the warm months and gas to heat during the cold months

What Are The Benefits of a Packaged System? 

  • Packaged units are self-contained
  • Can cool (and heat) large spaces easily
  • Easier to repair
  • Flexible placement

Is a Packaged Air Conditioner Right for You?

The best way to determine if a packaged air conditioning unit is the best fit for your Arlington property is to work with a trained professional. As we mentioned above, many factors need to be considered when choosing a new air conditioner, and it helps to have the experience and advice of someone who does this kind of work every day.

Call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc., today and schedule an appointment with one of our trained professionals to see if a packaged air conditioning system is right for your home.

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What is the Condensate Pan in My Air Conditioner?

July 7th, 2014

You know that your air conditioning gives you a cool place to escape the summer heat, but did you know it helps dehumidify as it cools? One of the parts that helps remove moisture from the air in your home is the condensate pan. So how does this part work?

To understand the purpose of the condensate pan, you must first know about the indoor components of your AC. An air conditioner cools your home by collecting the heat from indoors and releasing it outside. The indoor unit absorbs heat with the evaporator coil, which is located in the indoor unit of your AC system. Refrigerant reaches the evaporator as a cool, low-pressure liquid. The evaporator changes the liquid into a low-pressure gas, and heat is absorbed when household air blows across the evaporator coil.

These same components also collect moisture from inside your home via the process of condensation. Picture a glass of ice water on a hot day. The outside of the glass forms water droplets in the same way your evaporator does. Water from the air collects outside of the evaporator coil as the household air blows across the cool refrigerant line.

As condensation forms on the evaporator coil, it must drain quickly and continuously so that your system won’t overflow. Before draining, the condensation drips into a condensate pan. The condensate pan is a shallow tray located underneath the evaporator coil. Water collects in the tray before making its way into a hole that sends it through a drainage system.

Sometimes, you may run into problems with this particular portion of your AC unit. The condensate line may be blocked, which means water can’t drain and may overflow, damaging parts of your AC system. The condensate tray may also develop a hole, or there may be a leak in the condensate line that can cause water to leak onto the floor or within the air handler itself. If this happens, call a professional for air conditioning repair.

At Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, we can answer any questions you have about air conditioning in Northern Virginia. For repair, maintenance, installation, and replacement, call us today!

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The Famous Painting of the Declaration of Independence Isn’t What You Think It Is

July 4th, 2014

If you grew up in the United States, you probably first saw John Trumbull’s painting of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence in an elementary schoolbook. This oil-on-canvas 12’ x 18’ painting hangs in the rotunda of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. It is one of the most famous symbols of freedom in the country and almost every citizen can conjure it from memory.

Except… the painting isn’t of the singing of the Declaration of Independence. The actual title of the work is Declaration of Independence, and although it does portray an important moment in the history of the document that announced the Thirteen Colonies’ decision to break away from British rule, the event in the painting occurred on June 28, 1776, not July 4, 1776.

John Trumbull, a Connecticut native who fought in the Revolutionary War and whose father was the state governor, was commissioned to create the painting in 1817. He did painstaking research on the figures in the picture and also visited Independence Hall to see the actual chamber where the Second Continental Congress met. Trumbull only included 42 of the original 56 signers, because he could not find adequate likenesses for 14 or them, and added a few figures who were not present (most of whom declined to sign the actual document). In fact, the men depicted in the painting had never been present in the same room at one time.

So if the painting does not portray the singing of the Declaration of Independence, what is happening in the image? The Trumbull’s scene depicts the presentation of the draft of the declaration to the Continental Congress for editing and approval. The five-man drafting committee (John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert R. Livingston, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin) is handing over their finished work, which congress would then edit carefully over the next few days before voting on it and signing it on the day that we now celebrate as the start of the United States of America.

One last, odd, fact: two of the five-man drafting committee, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both died on the July 4—although many years later.

Our family at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating hopes that your Fourth of July (or Twenty-Eighth of June if you decided to start celebrating early) is a memorable and happy one.

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How Does a Geothermal System Cool My Home?

June 27th, 2014

Geothermal systems are as effective at keeping a home cool as they are at keeping it warm: no matter the temperature outside your walls, using a geothermal system will bring you the comfort that you need.

Although people can easily understand why geothermal power provides warmth—the earth generates heat from its core that radiates outward where it can be harnessed—the idea of using that same power to provide cooling requires a bit of more explanation. It isn’t that much different than heating a home using geothermal power, however. We think you’ll see the immense advantages of choosing geothermal cooling in Arlington, VA so you’ll have the full benefits of heating in the winter as well.

Call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. if you have more questions about going geothermal. We can help you find the solution you need for year-round comfort for your family.

The operation of the geothermal heat pump

The reason that geothermal systems can heat and cool a home is that they are heat pumps. Like standard “air-source” heat pump, they move heat from one location and place it in another using the cycle of refrigerant. Unlike air-source heat pumps, which use the air as the medium for this heat exchange process, geothermal heat pumps use the ground as the medium for exchange, and the stability of underground temperatures (usually around 55°F regardless of surface weather conditions) makes them reliable and efficient.

When you turn a geothermal heat pump to cooling mode, the indoor coil acts as an evaporator: the cool refrigerant (water, in this case) extracts heat from the air and cools it down. Where does this heat go? The refrigerant removes it into a series of ground loops buried at least 6 feet in the ground. The cool 55°F assures that no matter how blisteringly hot the weather is, the heat pump will always have an easy time moving indoor heat to the ground.

When a geothermal system switches to heating mode, the process reverses, and heat come from the earth and into a home. Heat pumps are especially efficient in this mode, since no matter how ice-cold the weather gets above ground, the earth still has sufficient warmth to draw indoors.

We think that geothermal systems are a fantastic way to have the right level of comfort for your home without losing energy efficiency. But you will need to have expert installers check if geothermal cooling in Arlington, VA is a good match for your home—not every property is ideally suited to installation. Schedule an appointment with the experts at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. to discover if your house is right for geothermal installation this summer.

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Are Germicidal Lights Right for Me?

June 20th, 2014

At the turn of the century, Icelandic physician and scientist Niels Ryberg Finsen experimented with ultraviolent radiation as a method of treating disease. Using UV lights, Finsen discovered he could destroy harmful bacteria inside the human body, and his development of a way to treat tuberculosis garnered him the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology in 1903. This started a revolution in sterilization in health care that not only treated disease but helped to create healthier environments in hospitals and clinics.

Today, UV germicidal lights that eliminate bacteria have entered the home for use in cleaning the air that circulates through ductwork. Ducts, closed-in and sometimes damp, are an ideal breeding ground for mold and fungus that can send dangerous spores into household air which trigger a variety of health conditions. UV germicidal lights can safely destroy these biological contaminants and prevent them from returning. Specialists in Alexandria, VA in UV germicidal lights can install these in your HVAC system to stop the spread of illness.

But are these ultraviolet lamps right for you? The best way to learn is to call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. today and arrange for an appointment; our experts will determine the best way to clean your home’s air.

Why UV lights might be the right choice for you

Not every home will have troubles in its vents from biological pollutants. However, with the humid summer climates we can experience in Alexandria, this can be a distressingly common issue. You still shouldn’t arrange for UV germicidal light installation unless you have professionals look over your ductwork to see if the ultraviolet lamps are the best solution.

It’s important to keep in mind that health issues you can experience in your home from low indoor air quality don’t necessarily need to originate from bacteria growth in the vents. Dirt, dust, pollen, and dander will also cause troubles that can be hard to distinguish from problems due to toxic spores. UV lights do no good against standard dust and dirt issues, and in these cases you will need air cleaners and filters instead of UV germicidal lights. Indoor air quality experts can examine your home and ventilation system to determine what contaminants you have inside and how best to treat them.

If you do have bacterial troubles inside your vents from mold, fungus, etc., then UV germicidal lights are probably the best solution. Not only are they extremely effective (the Nobel Committee doesn’t hand out awards for nothing), but they also eliminate the need to use chemicals inside your ducts that will damage your air. As long as they are professionally installed, UV lights are completely safe and unobtrusive.

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. offers excellent UV germicidal lights for Alexandria, VA homes. Call us today to get started solving your home’s indoor air quality woes.

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How UV Germicidal Lights Help Indoor Air Quality

June 13th, 2014

UV Germicidal lights are an upgrade to your heating and air conditioning system that helps keep your air clean. With one installed in your system, you can expect a significant upgrade in your indoor air quality, with all of the advantages that provides. In matters of indoor air quality, Alexandria has experts who can help install UV germicidal lights in your system. Here’s a quick breakdown of how UV germicidal lights help indoor air quality.

UV Germicidal Lights & Indoor Air Quality

As the title implies, the lights eliminate germs in the air rather than dirt. UV light lies beyond the range of human eyesight, but the particular wavelength proves lethal to bacteria and other kinds of germs. The wavelength damages the nucleic acid of those tiny organisms. As a result, bonds form in the organism’s DNA, which prevents the DNA from being “unzipped.” As a result, the bacteria can’t replicate and spread. In fact, when it tries to reproduce, it dies.

We don’t need to tell you how that can help your indoor air quality. No more bacteria means a severe reduction in the risk of colds, flus or other diseases. With it, you’ll find yourself becoming sick less often. Your air will be cleaner and your family will be healthier and safer as a result. This is especially true for people who are vulnerable to colds: those in delicate health and/or the elderly. If a baby is on the way or you have a newborn in your house, a UV germicidal light is a perfect way to keep him or her safe and free of colds or other sicknesses. Best of all, UV germicidal lights do all this without any toxic chemicals or compounds, making it an extremely safe way to eliminated germs.

UV germicidal lights help indoor air quality best when connected to a central air system: the perfect point to process the air that goes through your home.

If you want to use such a system to improve your indoor air quality, Alexandria has help with the experts at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. We have the skills to install a UV light in your system with a minimum of fuss so give us a call today!

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Consider a Split Air Conditioning System When Replacing Your Old Unit

June 6th, 2014

Installing a new air conditioner can be a serious undertaking, and you should always consider all of the options before pulling the trigger on a replacement system. Here in Arlington, air conditioning replacement services can discuss all of your options with you, including the installation of an alternative system like a ductless mini-split system. Depending on the circumstances, you may wish to seriously consider a split air conditioning system when replacing your old unit. Here’s a brief discussion of the advantages of such a move.

As suggested by their title, ductless mini-split systems don’t rely on ducts spreading out from a central unit. Instead, they involve the installation of numerous individual units inside your home. Each one is designed to cool off a specific area (usually a single room). That allows you to tailor the temperature in each room as you wish, and to turn off the air in parts of the home you aren’t using. This is far more efficient than a centralized system, and can potentially save you a great deal of money on monthly bills.

The question becomes whether that savings is enough to offset the cost of installing a ductless mini-split unit, and possibly abandoning your existing duct system in the process. That could actually be a benefit if your duct system has run into problems. Installing a new ductless system may be easier and more cost-efficient than trying to repair extensive damage to an existing system, and the flexibility afforded by a ductless system can further sweeten the pot. You might also consider a ductless system if you have a particularly large house, only part of which you use in the day. The ductless system can help you save a great deal on monthly expenses over the years… perhaps even enough to offset the cost of installation.

We’re based in Arlington, air conditioning replacement is our specialty, and we can provide a whole range of options based on your particular circumstances.

If you’re considering a split air conditioning system when replacing your old unit, talk to the experts at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Pick up the phone today to make an appointment!

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Ways to Upgrade Your Commercial Air Conditioning in Washington, DC

May 30th, 2014

The summers in Washington, DC can bring with them heavy heat and humidity. To run a business with a comfortable workspace for employees, customers, and/or clients, you need to have an effective and efficient air conditioning system that’s up to commercial standards. Poor AC can threaten your company’s livelihood, so make sure that the system you have installed can deliver the temperatures the people in your workspace expect.

For this summer, perhaps you’re looking for change in your system. It’s time to seek options for an upgrade that will take your company to the next level of comfort, as well as energy savings. To find out how you can receive better and more efficient cooling, contact the experts in commercial air conditioning in Washington, DC at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. today. We’ve cooled down local businesses since 2001.

Some upgrades for a commercial air conditioning system

  • Rooftop package units: The most popular type of AC for businesses is the package unit located on the roof. A package unit eliminates the need for the older split-systems that have two cabinets, a condenser outside and an evaporator inside. With a package unit, you have all the components in one place, which saves space and removes most of the noise to the outside of the building. Many of these systems also come with humidity controls. Package units are easier for technicians to service, another advantage.
  • High performance systems: Commercial HVAC technology is constantly advancing. If you’ve had your current AC for more than a decade, some amazing developments have come along that you may wish to take advantage of. New high-efficiency systems sometimes score SEER greater than 20—an improvement of over a third what non-high-efficiency systems rate. Although these systems are more expensive to install, they will rapidly pay for themselves, especially for a busy company that needs to run the AC during most summer days.
  • New thermostat controls: A good thermostat makes for a better air conditioning system. You probably have multiple thermostats in your workplace, all networked into a central control panel. If you have an older system without high-functioning programmable abilities and alerts to identify rooms that are too hot or too cold, then you are missing out on an opportunity for greater savings and increased comfort for everyone in your company. Call up commercial AC technicians to see how they can wire up a better thermostat system for your business.

You can expect happier workers and customers, and a utility bill that is more pleasant to look at each month.

Before the summer heat starts to ramp up, call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. and improve cooling for your company in Washington, DC. 

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What are the Advantages of Air Cleaners?

May 23rd, 2014

Air cleaners are essentially a more sophisticated form of air filters, using anything from UV light to electromagnetic static to help keep your air free of dust and dirt. They can usually be installed in your heater or air conditioning system with little trouble, and they bring a number of benefits to your household once they’re in place. Here in Arlington, air cleaners can be easily installed by a qualified air conditioning service company. What are the advantages of air cleaners? A few of the more common ones are listed below.

Advantages of Air Cleaners

  • Cleaner air. First and most importantly, air cleaners help improve the overall quality of your indoor air. Not only does that make your household more comfortable, but it can reduce the amount of allergic attacks in family members and help prevent other common forms of illness. You should especially consider this factor if you have an elderly member of your family, or you are expecting a baby anytime in the near future.
  • A more efficient air conditioner. When dust and dirt coat the inside of the air conditioner, it can increase friction on moving parts as well as interfering with the refrigerant’s ability to do its job. An air cleaner can help prevent dust from accruing, helping your air conditioner function more efficiently and lowering the cost of your monthly energy bills in the bargain.
  • Reduced need to dust. An air cleaner will reduce the amount of dust and dirt that builds up on your furnishings, which means that dusting and similar forms of housework will be made a lot easier.

The advantages of air cleaners are palpable, even for those without immediate health concerns. If you live in Arlington, air cleaners can also be used to help reduce the amount of bacteria and mold that crop up during our muggy summers. We can answer any question you might have, then install the air cleaner that’s right for your home and family.

For more on the advantages of air cleaners, or to schedule a consultation for installation, call upon the experts at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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3 Factors of Your Home to Consider With Air Conditioning Installation in Alexandria

May 16th, 2014

Whether you are purchasing an air conditioning system for the first time, or are upgrading your existing system to a new model, there are several important factors to consider when determining what air conditioner will best fit with your home. With almost 15 years’ experience with air conditioning installation in Alexandria, Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc., can help you to determine what type and size air conditioner would fit best with your home. Call us today to schedule an appointment or request an estimate.

Factors to Consider When Installing Your New Air Conditioner

You may hear that the only thing you really need to consider when installing a new air conditioner is the square footage of your home. While square footage is part of the considerations, , it is not the only factor that determines how much cooling you need for your property.

Factor 1: Insulation

Insulation plays a key role in determining how much cooling you need. Why? Less insulation means your home will retain less of the cool air, and more insulation means your home will retain more cool air. If you have less insulation, you may need a bigger system to adequately cool your home. Conversely, if you have plenty of insulation, you may not need as much cooling to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Factor 2: Orientation

The direction your home faces is important to calculating something known as heat gain. Heat gain refers to the amount of heat your property gains throughout the daytime from the sun and rising temperatures. Orientation – or the direction in which your home faces – plays a strong role in this. For instance, if your home faces west, your home can get a great deal of exposure to the sun from midday to sunset; this can increase your daytime heat gain versus a property that faces east. Knowing things like this are important to understand exactly how much cooling you’ll need.

Factor 3: Existing Ductwork

If you have an older home, it is important to have your technician review the ductwork for efficiency. Things like cracks, broken seals and disconnections can contribute to something known as air loss. It is estimated that air loss from faulty ductwork can result in cooling losses as high as 30%. Tackling existing ductwork problems before installing your new air conditioner can help you save money down the road.

Review Before Installation

Understanding how your home cools is an important step with your air conditioning installation in Alexandria.

With help from your Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. specialist, the system you install will give you the comfort and efficiency that fits best with your property.

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