Does a Whole House Humidifier Work With Your AC?

May 15th, 2023

Your air conditioner removes humidity, but your humidifier adds humidity–what gives? Does a whole house humidifier work with AC or not? It’s a little more complicated than that, so let’s take a closer look and see how they can work in tandem.

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How Smart Thermostats Save You Money on Air Conditioning

May 1st, 2023

Is your favorite thing in the world paying extra for your heating and cooling costs? The answer to that is, unequivocally, a huge no. Nobody wants to pay more than they’re supposed to just to control the temperature in their home, but without a smart thermostat, that’s exactly what you’re doing.

Installing a smart thermostat in Arlington, VA means putting more control in your hands, but then something amazing happens–you let the thermostat regulate the temperature once it knows what you like, and you save money while saving time. Let’s explain.

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What to Expect During HVAC Installation in Summer

April 17th, 2023

Your HVAC installation is in the dead center of the busy season, so what does that do to your timeline? What about your comfort and scheduling? It’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into, so let’s take a look at everything you need to know.

HVAC installation in McLean, VA is usually done best in the off-season, such as fall or winter. While it’s easy to think, “I don’t need this right now, I’ll wait until later,” it ends up biting you in the back. This is what you need to know about how summertime HVAC installation works.

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Does Air Conditioner Installation Take a Long Time?

April 3rd, 2023

Installing a new air conditioner comes with some nuance to it. There’s a lot of factors that come into play, and while we can’t give you a definitive answer through a blog post, there is a lot we can tell you so you can accurately judge your own home and installation situation.

Depending on how intricate your air conditioning installation is, the time frame may change. We’ll tell you right now that the ideal situation is one full day, spanning anywhere from four to eight hours. But before you can expect that, let’s talk about some of the roadblocks you might run into.

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How Does a Ductless Mini Split AC Work?

March 20th, 2023

Ductless mini splits are the big thing in air conditioning, and for good reason. They save money, take up less space, and reduce the number of parts (ducts) that need to be serviced and maintained. But how do they work?

It’s all about zoning. Ductless air conditioning in Washington DC allows you to use multiple units across different rooms in your home and control them to fine-tune each room individually, so your bedroom can be 72° while your living room is 76°.

Let’s take a little bit of a deeper dive into how they work so you can understand how they may benefit your family and home.

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How to Find the Best Local Commercial HVAC Company for Your Business

March 6th, 2023

You know what really stinks? Googling “commercial HVAC companies near me” right after you hear that your commercial HVAC system is on the fritz. There’s a problem, tensions are high, and there’s no immediate course of action.

So you call whoever pops up first… but is that really the best option? Oftentimes, jumping into the first result we find doesn’t yield the best results. You need to know what to look for before booking an expensive repair call, only to find out that the company doesn’t have your best interest at heart, and you still have to pay the piper anyway.

To help you find the best commercial HVAC company for your needs, we’ve put this quick list of traits and features together that you should look out for.

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Can I Use a Humidifier at the Same Time as an Air Conditioner?

February 20th, 2023

Let’s cut straight to the chase: yes, you can use these at the same time, but you don’t have to. As a matter of fact, your air conditioner acts as a dehumidifier (in some capacity; we’ll explain).

So to answer your question of “can I use humidifier with an air conditioner?” it’s a big yes, but you shouldn’t.

Let’s talk about the role that humidity plays in your home comfort and safety, and why you might not want to run both of these at the same time.

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What Repairs Do Ductless Mini Splits Need?

February 6th, 2023

Ductless mini split systems are the go-to for air conditioning in most situations. They offer zone control, lower heating and cooling costs, and depending on how you use them, they can last for ages.

But they’re not invincible. Every HVAC system is susceptible to damage and repairs, and ductless mini splits are no different.

It’s important to know what can go wrong with your mini split leading to air conditioning repair in Arlington, VA before you even pick up the phone. Let’s run over some repairs that you might run into.

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Benefits of Ductless Mini Split Heating Systems

January 23rd, 2023

Central air conditioning is a great option for a lot of homes and use cases, but it’s not for everyone. More often than ever, homeowners are looking to ductless mini split heating systems. We can help find you a DC mini split that does the trick.

Before you jump in with both feet, it’s important to know what you stand to gain if you’re making the switch from central AC. Let’s discuss the benefits you enjoy when you make the switch to ductless mini splits.

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3 Main Benefits to Regular Boiler Maintenance

January 9th, 2023

Maintaining your boiler isn’t a task you want to just cast to the wayside. When you realize how integral it is to your home comfort and providing your family with a safe environment, maintenance becomes a much more important task.

In fact, boiler maintenance has three major benefits. Here’s a quick breakdown of the most important reasons you should make sure you get annual boiler maintenance.

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