Can I Repair My Heat Pump On My Own?

December 26th, 2022

Your heat pump won’t turn to its heating setting, or it’s just not turning on at all. You may think that because you’ve handled some HVAC-related repairs in your own home in the past that this will be the same, but heat pumps are a different beast.

More often than not, you need to hire a professional for heat pump repair in Arlington to get the job done. Don’t worry; you’re not powerless in this situation. We have some basic troubleshooting you can run through before contacting us for repairs that’ll hopefully do the trick.

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3 Most Common Winter Boiler Repairs

December 12th, 2022

Winter rolls around, we all hit snooze because we don’t want to get out of our warm beds, and we all take warm showers. But what happens when you turn on that shower and can’t step in because the water is as cold as ice? What happens when your boiler is so noisy that it disrupts your day-to-day life?

Boiler repair in winter isn’t uncommon. If you’re experiencing issues with your boiler, they could be signs of a potential full system breakdown in the near future. Your boiler is one of the reasons you stay comfortable through the winter, so let’s help you figure out what the most common repairs are and if you need boiler repair today.

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How Regular Maintenance Helps Your Heat Pump

November 28th, 2022
Heat pump unit visible in a bedroom.

Your heat pump endures a lot of wear and tear throughout the year. You’re already facing the uncertainty of each season; you shouldn’t have to worry about your heat pump on top of everything else. Heat pump maintenance saves you a lot of money in the long run, so let’s talk about how.

Regular heat pump maintenance in Alexandria keeps your system from completely breaking down while also improving your energy efficiency. Let’s break down every benefit to regular maintenance for your heat pump and schedule your first maintenance call at the same time.

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How Can I Tell if My Circulator Pump Needs Repair?

November 14th, 2022
Water boiler in a corner.

Your boiler is the underdog of your household. There’s always plenty of warmth throughout your home on the coldest days of the year, and life keeps on moving. But there’s one element to your boiler that you might be having trouble with, and that’s the circulator pump.

As the unsung hero of your home’s warmth and coziness, your circulator pump is running constantly. Let’s find out if your pump is okay, or if you need circulator pump repair in Washington, DC as soon as possible.

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Commercial HVAC Maintenance Can Reduce Repairs

October 17th, 2022

When your HVAC system goes down in a commercial environment, it can cost you something more valuable than the price to repair your unit. It can cost you business.

Commercial HVAC equipment and fans on top of roof.

Customers want a comfortable atmosphere regardless of the time of year. Without that, they may judge your business preemptively and have a negative experience. Thankfully, you can avoid that altogether.

Commercial HVAC maintenance can prevent most major problems with your unit. This is what you need to know.

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Commercial HVAC: Quality over Quantity

October 3rd, 2022

When it comes to commercial customers, things can get a bit overwhelming. There’s a lot of air that needs to be cooled or heated inside of a commercial space, and sometimes this can involve several different HVAC systems working together to bring great temperature control. When things go wrong, especially during a busy period of time, a building owner can sometimes look for a cheaper job than one that seeks to right all of the wrongs.

While we understand the sentiment, there’s something we need to remind all of our customers when they need commercial HVAC in Alexandria, VA–that quantity will never be better than quality. Your HVAC system requires targeted repairs, routine maintenance, and even a system replacement when it gets old or outdated. It’s important to pay for services that are worth the money, even if the cost is higher. So, let’s talk about the reasons why we focus on quality over quantity.

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What Is Water Hammer?

September 19th, 2022

Water hammer is a common problem with boiler systems. It occurs when water doesn’t have an air cushion and abruptly hits against the pipes, causing a loud noise. This can be a serious issue, as it can damage pipes and fittings. Which, in turn, can lead to expensive repairs and possible flooding.

Today’s article discusses water hammer and what to do if it ever happens to you.

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3 Common Heat Pump Repairs

September 5th, 2022

Do heat pumps and central air conditioners have the same problems? Well, yes and no. It’s possible for a heat pump to run into issues that are similar and sometimes even the same as central air conditioner issues. But that’s only sometimes.

The other half of the time a heat pump can run into issues that are wholly unique to heat pumps systems, hence why only experienced HVAC technicians should work on your next heat pump repair in Washington, DC. If they’ve only treated repairs in central air conditioning systems, then they might miss a thing or two when trying to fix this kind of technology.

To expand upon this, we’d like to talk about 3 common heat pump repairs that either only occur in heat pump systems, or that are just more common in these types of units. Then we’ll leave it to you to contact a pro to have your system repaired properly.

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What’s the Most Efficient Air Conditioner?

August 22nd, 2022

With climate change causing our energy grid to change in both price and power, more homeowners than ever are looking to professional HVAC technicians to ask about efficiency. If you’re on the market for a new air conditioning installation in Alexandria, VA, then the good news is that there are some extremely powerful and energy-efficient models available right now. The bad news is that it’s not as cut and dry as you might think. One system might be more efficient for your neighbor while being the worst choice for your home.

The truth is that different systems work for different situations. The best strategy for proper efficiency in your home is figuring out which air conditioning unit will work the best for your unique comfort needs and home. While we can size air conditioners differently for different amounts of space, the technology within the AC can change depending on the type of system you invest in, like a central AC or a ductless heat pump.

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It’s Finally Time to Invest in AC

August 8th, 2022

Have you grown jealous of the friends and family that have cool and comfortable homes, while yours is still a little too hot in the summer? Nothing personal, air conditioning just feels better when it’s hot out, and there’s no shame in having different preferences for your home and budget. If you like a warmer home, or you’re just not that into air conditioning technology, then we wouldn’t pressure you into investing in it.

However, if you’ve always wanted an AC installation in Washington, DC but you never took the plunge because they either looked too expensive or seemed like a huge monthly investment, then we’re here to talk about those issues.

In actuality, air conditioners aren’t as expensive, bulky, and energy-intensive as you might think. They consume less energy than a heating system would, and pretty much every home in our area at least has a heating system for the winter.

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