3 Noises You Never Want Your AC to Make

September 6th, 2021

How is your air conditioner doing? Is it causing you to cover your ears multiple times a day because of a noisy problem? Or is it running silently in the background while you enjoy time with your friends and family. Most houses lie somewhere in between.

Your home could be dealing with a particular problem that you’re detecting through sound, and today we’d like to talk about some of these sounds. Noises coming from your air conditioner are never good, but some are much worse than others. That’s why our team is available for AC repair in Arlington, VA to help you alleviate the problem and get your home back to normal.

Keep reading as we decrypt these puzzling noises coming from your AC. If you detect one of these loud or uncomfortable noises, you should shut your system off and seek help immediately.

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How an Air Conditioner Actually Cools the Air

August 23rd, 2021

A lot of us wish air conditioners just functioned magically. You plug them into your home’s electrical system, and maybe a fairy turns that electricity into ice cubes that then cool the air off in your home. Or perhaps there’s a creature living inside that outside box, and the creature eats heat and drinks electricity but gives off cooling power. Wouldn’t that be something?

Unfortunately, the reality is a bit more boring but simpler to understand. If you thought that your air conditioner functioned like some complex experimental device then you would be mistaken. Air conditioning in McLean, VA is actually a fairly simple process that involves the evaporation and condensation of refrigerant.

Want to know a bit more? We don’t blame you! Keep reading as we get into the juicy details about air conditioning and how it works behind the scenes.

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3 Tips to Remember About AC Repair

August 9th, 2021

Air conditioning repair can be a stressful experience. While a professional might be able to take care of you, you’ll be stuck contemplating just how much it’s going to cost and whether or not there was anything you could’ve done to prevent it. It’s stressful, it’s draining, and it can sour anyone’s experience with the HVAC industry.

Firstly, we’d like to mention that we’re not the kind of company to just fix your AC and charge you an exorbitant price. We’ll always tell you how much something will cost before we charge you, so you know you’re making a good decision. Plus, we won’t shame any homeowners for not taking care of their systems. It’s been a difficult year and you’ve had a lot on your plate, so we understand that things fall into disrepair every once in a while.

Stick around and read further if you’d like to hear a few tips about air conditioning repair in Alexandria, VA.

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3 Electrical Problems That Occur in ACs

July 26th, 2021

We think it’s important for homeowners to shift their perspectives a little bit. Instead of thinking about your air conditioner like some kind of separate machine from the rest of your household devices, think of the entire home as an ecosystem. Your air conditioning in Leesburg, VA depends not just on the airflow of your house, but also on the electrical system. Without proper electrical input, your air conditioner will be unable to function properly.

That’s why we see things like SEER ratings for air conditioners—these systems rely on efficient energy consumption in order to compress refrigerant and provide cool temperatures. We want to focus today on the boundary between your HVAC system and the electrical system that feeds into it. If you’re noticing tripping circuits, an AC that’s constantly shutting down, or other electrical issues, then you’re in the right place. All you need to do is keep reading and call us when you need help.

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Installing a New AC in 2021

July 12th, 2021

Air conditioning is important, and now that vaccination rates are steadily improving, it’s vital that you make sure your home is as comfortable as it should be. While installing a new air conditioner last year might have proven incredibly difficult, this year it might be easier. There are just a few things you should know before you jump into one of the most expensive purchases for your home.

For instance, many homeowners have the exact same idea as you. So many homes have ACs that were falling apart and in dire need of air conditioning repair in McLean, VA to the point where homeowners are deciding to start from scratch and replace the whole system.

This means that the price of an AC installation has risen and there are some serious delays on components. Let’s talk about how you can get ahead of this problem by calling our team.

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3 Reasons to Invest in a New Thermostat

June 28th, 2021

We all know the advantages of prompt AC repair, or air conditioning tune-ups in Ashburn, VA. These can be fairly obvious, because we physically see a professional take care of the problem, or provide the maintenance, and they end up making a big difference. However, it’s the small adjustments that work behind the scenes that can sometimes play an important role as well.

Take your thermostat for example. Thermostats are sometimes referred to as the brain of an HVAC system, because they do all the calculating, programming, and direct the system to heat and cool depending on the climate. With that in mind, what if we told you that a thermostat upgrade could be the perfect way to achieve maximum comfort and energy efficiency in your home?

Nope, we’re not joking. Keep reading as we talk about some of the advantages that come with a smart or Wi-Fi thermostat upgrade.

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Is It Time to Invest in a Heat Pump?

June 1st, 2021

You’ve probably heard the word “heat pump” a few times throughout the past few years. You’ve done some online searches, you’ve talked to friends and neighbors, and at this point you’re interested. The only problem is, your home is a bit unique. You’ve got an old home that doesn’t have ductwork, or you’ve got a unique situation where electricity actually costs more for you than it does for your friends. Your home might even deal with different temperatures than your friends, family, or neighbors. So, what do you do in your specific case?

The good news is that our team can provide expert consultation when it comes to air conditioning service in Mclean, VA. We won’t shy away from telling you the truth as far as your home’s ability to efficiently use heat pump technology goes. But let’s talk about some reasons why a heat pump might be great for your home.

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Don’t Risk Your AC’s Warranty

May 17th, 2021

It’s cooling season, which means that it’s finally time to take our air conditioners out of hibernation and get them working again. At this point, it might be pretty clear that your AC isn’t working as well as it was last year. Perhaps it’s making some strange noise, producing a foul odor, or it’s just bobbing around in its casing a little too much to the point where you know it needs to be fixed. Don’t worry, we can help!

For homeowners who think they can provide the necessary fixes for their air conditioning in Great Falls, VA, we’d like to you reconsider this. No, we’re not going to boast about how much better we are at providing fast and reliable AC repairs (although we are some of the best technicians in the area). Instead, we’d like to tell you about how any DIY repairs could actually void your warranty and cost you a lot of money down the line.

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Best Practices for Cooler Temps

May 3rd, 2021

We know you probably don’t want to hear this, but there are things you can do right now as a homeowner that can lead to cooler temperatures in the summer. We get it, many people just want to call a hotline, have a professional do the work, and not really think about their thermostat or the air conditioning. A lot of homeowners assume that if they’re thinking about temperatures or AC systems, then they’ve already lost the battle against the heat. That’s not entirely true, though.

There exists a world where you can be a vigilant homeowner and proper advocate for your HVAC system while also enjoying your summer. Today, we’re going to talk about some best practices that can lead to optimal AC performance and a happier home. These include techniques like changing out the air filter and scheduling an air conditioning tune-up in Alexandria, VA.

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Is Your Refrigerant Leaking?

April 19th, 2021

No, this isn’t the same as your kid asking you if your “refrigerator is running?” and subsequently following up with “well, why don’t you catch it!” Refrigerant leaks are a real problem, and as funny as they might sound, they’re not a laughing matter when you encounter one in your own home. They can cause energy bills to skyrocket, they can cause a whole system breakdown, and even lead to decreased cooling power to the point where your home is as hot and humid as it was before you invested in an air conditioner. Refrigerant leaks need to be dealt with by professionals.

Today, we’ll be focusing on everything there is to know about refrigerant leaks. We’ll talk about how they spring up, what needs to be done about them, and how they factor into the need for air conditioning repair in Arlington, VA. Don’t worry, our team is here if you need us!

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