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What Are DCSEU Rebates?

Everybody wants to live comfortably within their own homes, regardless of what the temperature outdoors may be. This is a goal well within reach, of course, as modern HVAC systems are readily available and are more than capable of helping homeowners to heat and cool their homes successfully for uninterrupted, year round comfort. For some homeowners, though, replacing an old, ineffective, and inefficient system is not really a viable option, as doing so can be rather cost prohibitive. That is why it is with great pleasure that we announce our continued participation in the DCSEU rebate program. To learn more about this program, simply read on and visit DCSEU (DC Sustainable Energy Utility) here. Contact Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. directly to schedule service. 

What is the DCSEU?

The District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility began operating in March of 2011. After a public bidding process in 2011, during which the DOEE (Department of Energy & Environment) contracted with the VEIC (Vermont Energy Investment Corporation), along with 8 other corporate partners, the Sustainable Energy Partnership was officially formed. It was under this contract that the DCSEU began operating. Essentially, this utility is tasked with administering sustainable energy programs throughout the District. The goals are many, including the reduction, per-capita, of energy consumption in DC, to improve the energy efficiency of low-income housing, and to boost the number of green jobs throughout the District. To learn more about the goals of this Utility, visit their official “About Us” page here.

Rebates Available

We are proud to partner with the DCSEU to offer our clients some great rebates, designed both as an incentive to encourage homeowners to maintain greener households, as well as to offset the initial investment on the path to doing so. This is why the following rebates are available to homeowners throughout the area.

  • Air Conditioning: $300-$750, estimated yearly savings of 10%-18% after replacing existing system with a new, energy efficient model.
  • Heating: Up to $1,000, estimated yearly savings of 11%-29% after replacing existing system with a new, energy efficient model.
  • Water Heating: $125-$500, estimated yearly savings of 12%-48% after replacing existing water heater with a new, energy efficient model.
  • Thermostats and Controls: $25-$250, estimated yearly savings of 7%-10% after replacing existing thermostat with a new, energy efficient model.

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