Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Alexandria’

Refrigerant Leaks Need Prompt Repairs

Monday, August 27th, 2018

AC-outdoor-unitDo you know what sets a heat pump apart from something like a furnace or a heater? It does not generate new heat, but transfers existing heat from the air outside into your home. Furnaces and boilers, on the other hand, create new heat. This is accomplished either by electric resistance or the combustion of a fuel like gas or oil. In this regard, heat pumps are a lot like air conditioners—both ACs and heat pumps use the refrigerant cycle to move heat out of a home (and into a home, in the case of a heat pump).

That is why a refrigerant leak is such a problem. Air conditioners and heat pumps don’t generate new “coolness,” but instead cool homes by removing heat via the evaporation of refrigeration. Without the right amount of refrigerant in the system, it won’t be able to accomplish this goal successfully.

Today, we are going to explore some of the ramifications of a refrigerant leak, and why they mean that you need prompt heat pump or air conditioning repair in Alexandria, VA when one develops. 

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How Fresh Filters Benefit ACs

Monday, July 16th, 2018

man-with-fanIt’s past mid-July now, and that means that you have definitely been running your air conditioner for over a month. We really hope that you scheduled an AC tune-up prior to putting that air conditioner back into regular rotation—of course, it’s not too late to do so if you have not done so yet! One step that your technicians should have taken when tuning up your system is, of course, changing the air filter. Even if they did, it is probably time to do so again.

What, are these guys getting a kickback from the filter industry or something? Don’t worry, we promise you that we are not motivated by any shady dealings with Big Filter. Our top priority is, as always, your comfort and ensuring that you get the very best performance that your air conditioner has to offer. And trust us when we tell you that changing your air filter on a regular basis is one of the best ways to help your AC to succeed.

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Why Is My Air Quality Low?

Monday, May 21st, 2018

air-quality-dandelionWhen the summer heat is high, you expect your AC to keep you cool. You expect your heater to keep you warm and cozy during the cold winter season. And … well, that’s it, right? As far as comfort goes?

If you believe that, then you are doing yourself and your comfort a serious disservice. While maintaining comfortable temperatures in your home is certainly vital, maintaining high indoor air quality is equally so. We’re here to help you do that.

One question that homeowners sometimes ask us is why their indoor air quality is low to begin with. The truth is that this is a very loaded question. There are a lot of different reasons why indoor air quality may suffer. Some are within our control, while others are environmental issues we really cannot change. In either case, the best thing to do is to use the right systems and services to boost your indoor air quality. That is why you should turn to us for IAQ and HVAC services in Alexandria.

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Tips Regarding Air Conditioning Repair

Monday, May 14th, 2018

AC-manifoldWe are honest professionals, which is why we need to tell you that yes, at some point, you are going to need air conditioning repairs. When that time comes, you don’t want to make any mistakes that are going to make problems worse. That is why we have some tips for you to help you get the most from your air conditioning repair in Alexandria, VA.

Before we get to that, a quick reminder: No, there is no way in which you are going to be able to keep your air conditioner working reliably 100% of the time. However, scheduling professional, annual air conditioning maintenance will keep your system as close to that unattainable goal as possible. Our Polar Plus Maintenance Program will help protect your system and your comfort.

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How Do Boilers Distribute Heat?

Monday, March 19th, 2018

radiant-tubingWe may be moving out of the heating season now, but we’re not in the clear. It’s still March, after all, and the weather in our area loves throwing curve balls at this time of the year. If you use a boiler to heat your home, and you suspect that there is a problem of any kind, don’t wait until the start of next winter to schedule a necessary boiler repair in Alexandria, VA.

What kind of problems are we talking about? Well, there are those that boilers may share with any heating system. Problems with combustion. Complete failure leaving your house frigid. However, there are also problems specific to boilers, mainly relating to the way in which they distribute heat throughout homes. You definitely don’t want to let such problems go untreated, so get in touch with us if any trouble comes up!

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Has My AC Sprung a Leak?

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

woman-with-fanUsually when we talk about leaks in air conditioning systems, we may be talking about oil or, unfortunately for some, refrigerant. However, every now and then we get a call from a homeowner concerned that their air conditioner is actually leaking water. This is not only alar ng, but also perplexing. After all, it is not as though an air conditioner actually uses water in its operation, right?

Well, that doesn’t mean that you are seeing things if you notice water surrounding your indoor unit, nor does it mean that the water is leaking from elsewhere in the house and is just pooling here. The air conditioner may well be the source of this water. It just may not be leaking out of the system in the way that you are thinking.

Here are a few different potential causes of this leaking, and what they mean for your air conditioner in Alexandria

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Upgrade Your Thermostat for Better Efficiency!

Monday, May 15th, 2017


The hottest time of the year has not really begun yet, but it definitely won’t be much longer before temperatures really start to spike and stay at very high, potentially uncomfortable levels. Are you going to be ready when that happens?

Cooling your home effective is important, but you also want to do so efficiently. The good news is that you don’t have to invest in a brand new air conditioner to do so. Simply upgrading your thermostat in Alexandria can help you to enjoy better comfort, even as you trim away at your overall energy costs. 

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Are You Thinking About an Air Conditioning Replacement?

Monday, March 27th, 2017

AC-unit-outdoorsIf you are thinking about replacing your air conditioner, now is a good time to have the job done. An air conditioner replacement is not something to put off until the last minute. If you do, you run the risk of being caught off-guard by the early arrival of summer heat. When that happens, you may find yourself without air conditioning at all, or perhaps convincing yourself that you can get one more season out of a faltering system.

Naturally, you also don’t want to replace an air conditioner prematurely. After all, a whole-house cooling system is an investment, and you no doubt hope to get the best return possible on that investment. Here are a few tips to help you determine when to schedule an air conditioning replacement in Alexandria, VA.

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Heat Pump FAQ: Why Is There Ice on My System?

Monday, February 13th, 2017


The heat pump is an excellent HVAC option for those homeowners interested in great versatility and efficiency. Like any other heating and/or air conditioning system, though, the heat pump is not perfect. Eventually, you are going to run into trouble with your heat pump in Alexandria. When you do, remember that you depend on our team to diagnose that problem accurately and to resolve it entirely.

Now, you should also keep in mind that certain problems with your heat pump may not be exactly what they appear to be. In fact, certain issues may not actually be “problems” at all. This is the case with the icing over a heat pump in the winter. It is not an unforeseen issue, and is one that heat pumps are actually equipped to deal with. Even so, in certain cases, this ice could prove more problematic than usual.

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Your Furnace Should Not Be Too Noisy

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

We know that it can be tempting to ignore signs of trouble with your heater, so long as it seems to be heating your home effectively. We have to recommend that you don’t do this, however, because we also know how lousy the results can be. If your furnace is making strange new sounds, you need to have the situation assessed by a trained professional.

Just call our number to ensure that this is the case. We know gas and electric furnaces inside and out. When you work with us, you can count on getting a great performance from your furnace in Alexandria, VA.

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