Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Alexandria’

Have You Considered Heating Your Home with a Heat Pump?

Monday, November 28th, 2016

It is true that heat pumps excel in areas such as the Pacific Northwest, where winter temperatures are fairly mild. If you think that our more severe winter weather rules out the use of a heat pump and the reaping of its benefits, though, you might want to reconsider. Today’s heat pumps are more effective than ever, even in colder weather.

The key to getting the most out of your heat pump is to schedule your heat pump services in Alexandria, VA with trained, experienced professionals. We’ll make sure that your heat pump the right size for your home. We can also help you to decide if any backup heat source is necessary.

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A Few Tips for Efficient Heating

Monday, October 24th, 2016

It is only going to get colder from here on out, and winter is definitely on its way. Is your heater ready to provide you with the warmth and comfort that you need throughout the coldest time of the year? If so, are you sure that it is going to do so as efficiently as possible?

We know that there are homeowners out there dreading the expense of heating their homes. Most of us are not in a position to simply replace our entire heating system just to boost energy efficiency. That is why we’ve put together some tips to help you enjoy more efficient heating in Alexandria, VA.

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UV Germicidal Lights Help Prevent Illness

Monday, September 26th, 2016

With winter on its way, many people are probably double checking to ensure that they have some sick days left in case of illness. It’s that time of the year. With that in mind many homeowners are on the lookout for ways in which to keep their living environments as healthy as possible.

One way in which to do so is to use UV germicidal lights in Alexandria. UV germicidal lights help to protect indoor air quality, and that can help to protect your health. These systems are basic in design and operation, but it is vital that you schedule your UV light installation and services with trained professionals. Give us a call to have the job done right.

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What Are the Benefits of Using a Whole-House Humidifier?

Monday, August 15th, 2016

You’ve probably heard the claims that humidity is responsible for discomfort in the summer, and not the heat itself. While certainly an over-simplification of the scenario, there is some truth to this. If your home is too humid, it is going to be tough to live in it comfortably.

Don’t let this give humidity a bad reputation in your opinion, though, because the fact of the matter is that a very dry home is no better than a very humid one. If you home is lacking in the humidity department, you are wise to consider the use of a whole-house humidifier.

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3 Warning Signs that It’s Time for AC Repairs

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

Nobody wants to entertain the notion that their air conditioning system is in serious trouble. If you ignore any warning signs that your system is struggling, you are only doing yourself a major disservice.

The longer that you wait to have any air conditioning issues resolved by a trained professional, regardless of how “minor” you may believe the issue, the greater the likelihood of your system suffering real and costly damages. Read on to learn what a few of these warning signs look like, and then remember to call us for outstanding AC repairs.

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What Can Make a Furnace Smell Like Burning?

Monday, February 8th, 2016

You turn on your heater, looking forward to settling in for the night and relaxing in a warm, cozy home after a long day at work. Before you know it, though, your house smells like burning! You don’t seem smoke, and you haven’t started making dinner yet, so what could it be? In fact, it could be your heater itself that is causing your house to smell like burning, and this in turn could signify a serious problem with your heater. Don’t panic, but definitely contact a professional heating technician right away. If you use a furnace in Alexandria to heat your home, and you smell burning when you turn it on, you could be dealing with one of the one of the following problems.

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3 Terrific Benefits of Routine Heating Maintenance

Monday, December 7th, 2015

When you heat your home, you should be able to do so without fear of your heater giving out on you, or of being shocked by the expense of heating your sufficiently. If you want to ensure that you are getting the very best performance that any heater has to offer, your primary concern should be to schedule professional heating maintenance in Alexandria, VA. There is no way in which to overstate just how vital it is that your heater is not only professionally installed, but that it is also routinely serviced by a qualified maintenance technician. When you work with our staff, you need have no worries about the quality of the technician that you’ll deal with. Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. is the company to call when you want exceptional HVAC services.

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Making Your Air Conditioning Installation a Success

Monday, July 20th, 2015

We love giving our valued customers helpful tips, and today we’d like to share a few with those of you considering a new air conditioning installation or an AC replacement. Choosing a new AC for installation in your home can be tricky, and it is a decision that you simply cannot rush into. Keep the following tips in mind to make your air conditioning installation in Alexandria a complete success. From choosing your new system to the actual installation itself, you can always count on our air conditioning technicians to help you ensure that the job is done right. Contact Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., with any questions that you may have, or to schedule service today.

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When Is It Time to Call for Air Conditioning Services in Alexandria?

Friday, March 27th, 2015

We are inching toward warmer weather, and as such, it’s good for homeowners to know when it’s time to call for AC services in Alexandria. Nothing is more frustrating than turning on your AC the first hot day of the season only to find that it isn’t working, or that it’s working poorly. It may seem sometimes as if problems come out of the blue, but if you are aware of the signs, you’ll know when it’s time to call for help, and better yet, you’ll know who to call that you can count on: Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

When Is It Time to Call?

Here are some signs that it’s time to call for air conditioning services for your Alexandria home:

  • When there is low or no cooling – there can be many reasons for this, so it’s best let an expert find the problem and repair it
  • When lots of dust and dirt are blowing through your vents – this is usually indicative of dirty ductwork, and it can also indicate faulty ductwork
  • When you smell strange odors coming through your vents – your AC shouldn’t have any kind of odor, so it’s time to call for an expert when you smell something
  • When you hear strange sounds while your air conditioner cycles – there are some basic, operational sounds that your AC should make; if there are more sounds than that, it’s time to call for a specialist
  • When it’s time for replacement – replacing an air conditioner is great opportunity to increase your energy efficiency and comfort, but only when you work with an expert
  • When you need repair – all AC repairs should always be handled by trained professionals
  • When it’s time for maintenance – it’s strongly recommended that you schedule your AC for maintenance every 12 months
  • When you need new air conditioner installation – new AC installation takes knowledge and experience, otherwise you could be stuck with an air conditioner that is too large or too small for your home or problems from poor installation

Expert Help Is the Key

That’s quite a list above, but when you call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., you can rest assured that you are calling a company that has the trained and certified staff to handle all of it and more.

Need air conditioning services in Alexandria? Look no further than the experts at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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Can’t I Wait to Schedule My Commercial Heating for Maintenance?

Friday, March 6th, 2015

Your commercial heating system works hard around the clock to keep your business’s indoor temperature comfortable.  Being without heat, or having poor heating in your business space simply isn’t an option, but there is a great way to ensure that your commercial heating stays on track: schedule a maintenance appointment for your commercial heating in Alexandria.

What’s So Important About Maintenance?

Did you know that for every year you don’t schedule maintenance for your heating system, it loses 5% of its overall efficiency? This means that if you don’t schedule maintenance for three years, your system can lose up to 15% of its normal efficiency. Not only will you lose efficiency, but operating a commercial heating system season after season with accumulating wear and tear means you run the risk of having an uncomfortable commercial space. Why? Excessive wear and tear affects how your heating system operates, and it may become difficult for your system to achieve your set temperature. This leads us to our next reason why maintenance is so important: prevention of repairs. Carrying the wear and tear of each season into the next makes your system more prone to malfunction and potential breakdown. The cleaning, adjusting and lubrication that occurs during a maintenance appointment removes the excess dust and dirt, and allows your components and system to work as they should. And when you keep your commercial HVAC system in good working order year after year, you can actually help extend the life of your system.

When Should I Schedule Maintenance?

Because commercial HVAC systems do a tremendous amount of work, it is recommended that you schedule maintenance for your commercial heating system twice a year – once in the fall and again in mid- or end of winter. To gain the benefits of maintenance, it is always important to hire commercial HVAC experts to do any work to your commercial system, whether you need maintenance, repair, installation or replacement.

The commercial professionals at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., are here to assist with all of your commercial heating needs, so call us today!

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