Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Alexandria’

How Can I Tell if I Have an Indoor Air Quality Problem?

Monday, November 17th, 2014

The average home has a multitude of microscopic contaminants floating around in the air. These contaminants can provoke allergic reactions, make you sick, and in rare cases even kill you. Due to the microscopic nature of most of these pollutants, they are mostly invisible to your senses. How, then, do you know if you have an indoor air quality problem? Let’s look at some of the most reliable ways to detect issues with air quality.

Health Symptoms

Poor air quality is an issue because of its effects on your health. Therefore, the first sign of bad air quality is usually an increase in health symptoms. If you have allergies, do you experience more symptoms at home than elsewhere? You may have a high pollen, dander, or dust count in your home. Do you get headaches suddenly, or feel dizzy or nauseous while in your home? You may have a carbon monoxide leak. Get out of your house and call emergency services immediately, as carbon monoxide poses a deadly threat to your health. No matter what, keep a close watch on your general health when inside your home. It is possible your symptoms are the result of poor air quality.


As a response to the difficulty of detecting these pollutants unassisted, many detectors have been created to compensate. Radon and carbon monoxide are the most common kinds of detectors, and should be installed in several areas of your home. These two gases are perhaps the most dangerous of the common indoor air pollutants, so the use of these detectors might save your life.

Consult a Professional

The best way to measure the air quality in your home is to consult a professional. These expert technicians have the knowledge and the tools to accurately measure pollutant levels in your home, as well as the ability to recommend effective solutions. If you need to know for certain whether your home’s air is healthy to breathe, call a technician.

If you’d like to find out about the air quality in your home, call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. We provide indoor air quality services throughout the Alexandria area.

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Furnace Repair FAQ: Why Doesn’t My Home Get Enough Heat?

Monday, September 29th, 2014

If your home seems uncomfortably cold no matter how high you set the thermostat, chances are something isn’t right with your heating system. There are a number of possible causes for heat loss in your home, but the most common is the furnace. Read on for a breakdown of possible problems with your furnace, and what to do about them.

Power/Ignition Issues

If no heat seems to be coming through the vents, your furnace may be having trouble igniting. The first thing to check is the pilot light. If the pilot light is lit, the problem is elsewhere. If the pilot light is out, it is recommended that you call a professional to re-light it for you. If the pilot light is on, but your furnace is not igniting, the gas valve may be closed. It is also possible that not enough gas is getting through the gas line and into the furnace. Due to the exact nature of determining the right amount of gas to flow into the furnace, it is best to call a professional to diagnose and fix the problem for you.

Delivery Issues

If your furnace is on but not delivering enough heat, the problem may be in the ducts. Check to make sure that heat is coming out of all the vents evenly across rooms. If one room is much colder or does not have heat coming out of it, it is very likely that you have a break in your ducts. Check your air filter as well, which should be located where the return air duct meets the furnace. The furnace repair may be as simple as cleaning or replacing your filter.

If you have checked all of these factors and your home still isn’t getting enough heat, it is time to call a professional.

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. is the team to contact should you require any repairs for your furnace in the Alexandria, VA area. Call us today. 

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Why Schedule Commercial Air Conditioning Replacement with a Specialist

Monday, September 8th, 2014

You’ve decided to replace your commercial HVAC unit. This is a great opportunity to save some money every month with a more efficient system and to avoid complaints about a failing, insufficient system from the people in your building. But if you don’t schedule commercial air conditioning replacement with a commercial specialist, your system may run into problems quickly, leaving you with repairs or another costly replacement far too soon.

When you contact an air conditioning technician for commercial repairs, it’s important to ensure that this person is trained specifically on commercial units. If you hire a residential technician who is inexperienced with commercial repairs, you cannot be certain that your unit is sized and installed properly, or that the job will be completed in a timely manner.

For one, you want a specialist who knows how to size your system properly for air conditioning replacement. Commercial air conditioners differ from residential units in that they are modular, meaning you can add or take away modules to adjust the cooling capacity of the unit as needed. Additionally, commercial properties are often much larger than the average home, but an inexperienced technician may be unable to gauge the proper cooling capacity in the first place, leaving you with a system that is too small to cool your business or so large that it runs into problems.

Besides, a commercial specialist will get the job done more quickly than an inexperienced technician. Because commercial technicians are familiar installing modular rooftop units, they’ll come equipped with the proper tools to get the job completed as soon as possible so that your business can return to normal operation as soon as possible. Most commercial units are also “packaged,” meaning all the parts are combined into a single cabinet. Traditional split-system air conditioners are installed in two parts, so an inexperienced technician may not know all of the ins and outs of your commercial system.

Don’t leave your AC replacement up to just any technician.

If you need commercial air conditioning replacement in Alexandria, trust the experts at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Give us a call!

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Reasons to Upgrade Your Thermostat in Alexandria

Monday, July 28th, 2014

Your thermostat cues your air conditioner to turn on and off, and if it malfunctions or is operating poorly, you can experience constant problems with your air conditioning. Simple things like cleaning dust and dirt from the inside of your thermostat doesn’t mandate an upgrade, but if you find that you are calling for frequent repairs or are constantly fiddling with it to produce the results you want, it may be time to consider thermostat replacement in Alexandria.

Why Upgrade?

There are several reasons to consider upgrading your thermostat:

  • It’s old – older thermostats, particularly sliding or mercury-based models, simply aren’t as precise as current digital ones. In addition, age may have worn down the components inside them, making them prone to malfunction.
  • Better energy efficiency – not only does the precise nature of digital thermostats help reduce your use of energy, but programmable digital thermostats take things one step further by giving you the ability to program for a wide range of needs, including for those times when no one is home.
  • Easier to use – not only are the temperature displays easier to read on digital thermostats: they have easier controls and buttons to better manage your comfort.
  • No need to recalibrate – digital thermostats do not have internal moving parts like older thermostats, so once your new digital thermostat is setup, you don’t need to worry about recalibrating it.

Types of Thermostats

There are a number of thermostats available, but these are ones to consider when upgrading:

  • Digital
  • Digital programmable
  • Wifi

Why Hire a Professional When Upgrading?

The point of installing a new thermostat is to improve on cooling capability while also becoming more energy efficient. If your new thermostat isn’t installed correctly, you won’t achieve either of these things. Many things can affect the efficiency and operation of a new thermostat, including:

  • Poor placement
  • Incorrect wiring
  • Incorrect setup

You can avoid these problems with the thermostat replacement in Alexandria by using a trained professional you can trust.

Think it’s time for a new thermostat? Call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating today and schedule an appointment with one of our thermostat installation experts.

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Are Germicidal Lights Right for Me?

Friday, June 20th, 2014

At the turn of the century, Icelandic physician and scientist Niels Ryberg Finsen experimented with ultraviolent radiation as a method of treating disease. Using UV lights, Finsen discovered he could destroy harmful bacteria inside the human body, and his development of a way to treat tuberculosis garnered him the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology in 1903. This started a revolution in sterilization in health care that not only treated disease but helped to create healthier environments in hospitals and clinics.

Today, UV germicidal lights that eliminate bacteria have entered the home for use in cleaning the air that circulates through ductwork. Ducts, closed-in and sometimes damp, are an ideal breeding ground for mold and fungus that can send dangerous spores into household air which trigger a variety of health conditions. UV germicidal lights can safely destroy these biological contaminants and prevent them from returning. Specialists in Alexandria, VA in UV germicidal lights can install these in your HVAC system to stop the spread of illness.

But are these ultraviolet lamps right for you? The best way to learn is to call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. today and arrange for an appointment; our experts will determine the best way to clean your home’s air.

Why UV lights might be the right choice for you

Not every home will have troubles in its vents from biological pollutants. However, with the humid summer climates we can experience in Alexandria, this can be a distressingly common issue. You still shouldn’t arrange for UV germicidal light installation unless you have professionals look over your ductwork to see if the ultraviolet lamps are the best solution.

It’s important to keep in mind that health issues you can experience in your home from low indoor air quality don’t necessarily need to originate from bacteria growth in the vents. Dirt, dust, pollen, and dander will also cause troubles that can be hard to distinguish from problems due to toxic spores. UV lights do no good against standard dust and dirt issues, and in these cases you will need air cleaners and filters instead of UV germicidal lights. Indoor air quality experts can examine your home and ventilation system to determine what contaminants you have inside and how best to treat them.

If you do have bacterial troubles inside your vents from mold, fungus, etc., then UV germicidal lights are probably the best solution. Not only are they extremely effective (the Nobel Committee doesn’t hand out awards for nothing), but they also eliminate the need to use chemicals inside your ducts that will damage your air. As long as they are professionally installed, UV lights are completely safe and unobtrusive.

Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. offers excellent UV germicidal lights for Alexandria, VA homes. Call us today to get started solving your home’s indoor air quality woes.

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How UV Germicidal Lights Help Indoor Air Quality

Friday, June 13th, 2014

UV Germicidal lights are an upgrade to your heating and air conditioning system that helps keep your air clean. With one installed in your system, you can expect a significant upgrade in your indoor air quality, with all of the advantages that provides. In matters of indoor air quality, Alexandria has experts who can help install UV germicidal lights in your system. Here’s a quick breakdown of how UV germicidal lights help indoor air quality.

UV Germicidal Lights & Indoor Air Quality

As the title implies, the lights eliminate germs in the air rather than dirt. UV light lies beyond the range of human eyesight, but the particular wavelength proves lethal to bacteria and other kinds of germs. The wavelength damages the nucleic acid of those tiny organisms. As a result, bonds form in the organism’s DNA, which prevents the DNA from being “unzipped.” As a result, the bacteria can’t replicate and spread. In fact, when it tries to reproduce, it dies.

We don’t need to tell you how that can help your indoor air quality. No more bacteria means a severe reduction in the risk of colds, flus or other diseases. With it, you’ll find yourself becoming sick less often. Your air will be cleaner and your family will be healthier and safer as a result. This is especially true for people who are vulnerable to colds: those in delicate health and/or the elderly. If a baby is on the way or you have a newborn in your house, a UV germicidal light is a perfect way to keep him or her safe and free of colds or other sicknesses. Best of all, UV germicidal lights do all this without any toxic chemicals or compounds, making it an extremely safe way to eliminated germs.

UV germicidal lights help indoor air quality best when connected to a central air system: the perfect point to process the air that goes through your home.

If you want to use such a system to improve your indoor air quality, Alexandria has help with the experts at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. We have the skills to install a UV light in your system with a minimum of fuss so give us a call today!

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3 Factors of Your Home to Consider With Air Conditioning Installation in Alexandria

Friday, May 16th, 2014

Whether you are purchasing an air conditioning system for the first time, or are upgrading your existing system to a new model, there are several important factors to consider when determining what air conditioner will best fit with your home. With almost 15 years’ experience with air conditioning installation in Alexandria, Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc., can help you to determine what type and size air conditioner would fit best with your home. Call us today to schedule an appointment or request an estimate.

Factors to Consider When Installing Your New Air Conditioner

You may hear that the only thing you really need to consider when installing a new air conditioner is the square footage of your home. While square footage is part of the considerations, , it is not the only factor that determines how much cooling you need for your property.

Factor 1: Insulation

Insulation plays a key role in determining how much cooling you need. Why? Less insulation means your home will retain less of the cool air, and more insulation means your home will retain more cool air. If you have less insulation, you may need a bigger system to adequately cool your home. Conversely, if you have plenty of insulation, you may not need as much cooling to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Factor 2: Orientation

The direction your home faces is important to calculating something known as heat gain. Heat gain refers to the amount of heat your property gains throughout the daytime from the sun and rising temperatures. Orientation – or the direction in which your home faces – plays a strong role in this. For instance, if your home faces west, your home can get a great deal of exposure to the sun from midday to sunset; this can increase your daytime heat gain versus a property that faces east. Knowing things like this are important to understand exactly how much cooling you’ll need.

Factor 3: Existing Ductwork

If you have an older home, it is important to have your technician review the ductwork for efficiency. Things like cracks, broken seals and disconnections can contribute to something known as air loss. It is estimated that air loss from faulty ductwork can result in cooling losses as high as 30%. Tackling existing ductwork problems before installing your new air conditioner can help you save money down the road.

Review Before Installation

Understanding how your home cools is an important step with your air conditioning installation in Alexandria.

With help from your Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. specialist, the system you install will give you the comfort and efficiency that fits best with your property.

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3 Benefits to Air Conditioning Maintenance

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

When it comes to air conditioning, Alexandria VA residents can’t afford to take chances. Our summers get hot and muggy, and without a reliable A/C unit, your home could resemble a sauna when the temperatures start to climb. In addition to taking practical steps like keeping outside doors closed and wearing lightweight clothes to stay cool, you should schedule an air conditioning maintenance session before the summer starts in order to keep your system running as smoothly as possible. Air conditioning maintenance is a sort of tune-up session: cleaning up dirt and dust on interior components, recharging refrigerant, and checking for any little issues that may turn into big ones if they’re not addressed. What are the benefits? Here are 3 that you should consider before calling a service professional.

  • Increased efficiency. Low refrigerant levels result in reduced cooling capacity. Dirt and dust increased friction on moving parts. These and countless other issues all conspire to rob your air conditioner of efficiency, costing you additional money in higher monthly cooling bills. Regular maintenance sessions can take care of all of that, helping your A/C perform at its best.
  • Longer life. Regular maintenance sessions help reduce wear and tear on your air conditioner, which in turn will extend its lifetime well past its warranty. This works best when you schedule at least one or two sessions a year, instead of just one every now and again.
  • Reduced repair bills. A big part of a maintenance session is catching potential issues before they get too large. It may involve an additional repair session, but replacing one faulty component is infinitely preferable (and less expensive) than waiting for it to fail and damage several additional components in the process.

The benefits to air conditioner maintenance work best if you hire a high quality technician to perform it. And when it comes to air conditioner, Alexandria VA has a top-notch service in Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

We handle air conditioning maintenance services with quality and care, and we think you’ll be very happy with the results. Pick up the phone and give us a call today!

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What Happens During AC Maintenance?

Friday, April 4th, 2014

Here in Alexandria VA, air conditioning maintenance should take place at least once a year, after the snows of winter have left but before air conditioning season begins in earnest. This is an important step in keeping your air conditioner functioning and reducing the risk of a serious repair issue in the bargain. A tune-up lets the technician clean dirty components, recharge refrigerant levels and look for any potential issues that require a more in-depth repair session. On a more specific level, what happens during AC maintenance? We’ve outlined the basic steps below.

  • The technician arrives and shuts off power to the air conditioner, then opens it and examines the components.
  • The technician cleans the condenser coils and the evaporator coils, which are key to the air conditioner working as it should. (The condenser coils are on the outdoor part of the unit, so they tend to get a little dirtier.)
  • The technician checks the refrigerant levels, which needs to be at set amount determined by the precise nature of your air conditioner.
  • The technician checks the drain pans and lines to make sure they aren’t clogged or misaligned.
  • The technician checks all of the components, including the fan, fan motor, tubing, compressor and electronic components to see if any of them are damaged.
  • The technician adds oil to lubricate any moving parts that require it.
  • The technician turns on the air conditioner and lets it run, then looks for any unusual stains, odors, noises and leaks. He or she will also check the system pressure and the coolness of the air being generated, as well as examining the ducts for any leaks.
  • The technician shuts off the air conditioner and closes up the system. If any serious repairs are needed, he or she can then schedule it with you.

If you know what happens during AC maintenance, the next step is to contact a representative who can perform the operation with courtesy and care. In Alexandria VA, air conditioning maintenance can be performed by Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Give us a call today and let us show you what we can do!

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Is a Rumbling Sound a Sign for Boiler Repair in Alexandria, VA?

Monday, January 6th, 2014

Boilers operate with little noise, which is one of the reasons homeowners still find them attractive options for winter heating. Using the mostly silent action of circulating heated water through a house to cast iron radiators or baseboard radiators, boilers go about their business of keeping people warm through the cold months without distracting sounds.

When a boiler does start to make loud noises, it’s usually a warning sign that the system requires repairs. Among these cautionary sounds is the noise of rumbling from the tank. There are a number of different reasons for this to occur, which we’ll go over here. All of these problems require trained technicians to fix, so make sure you call up a company with experience, like Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., to handle your boiler repair in Alexandria, VA.

Why your boiler might be rumbling

  • Mixing of hot and cold water: The water tank of a boiler should stay at an even temperature, with cold water gradually enterinh from the bottom of the tank at a steady rate. If the mixing valve on the tank breaks, however, too much cold water will start to enter and begin to mix with the hot water, which will create that rumbling noise and force the boiler to work harder, leading to repairs.
  • Excess sediment in the tank: Depending on your water supply, it is possible for sediment to enter the water tank. It will sink to the bottom and begin to build up until it starts to reduce the available water volume. When this happens, the water will begin to overheat, leading to a dangerous spike in water pressure and subsequent leaks throughout the system. A technician can flush the tank to eliminate this problem. (You should have the system flushed once a year, no matter what, during regular maintenance.)
  • Scale from hard water: Hard water—water with high levels of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals—can have a damaging effect on your boiler. The high temperature in the boiler will cause limescale to form from the minerals in hard water, and this will begin to build up on the inside of the tank. Scale is an insulator, so too much of it will trap extra heat inside the tank, leading to overheating and the numerous problems it brings. Repairs can de-scale the tank to make it safe again.

Regular maintenance can help

Always call for repairs as soon as you hear any unusual sound from your boiler; don’t wait for the problem to grow worse. However, you can avoid issues in the future by scheduling regular maintenance for your boiler with a trusted contractor. Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. offers a maintenance program that will take care of your heating system so you won’t have to worry as much about boiler repair in Alexandria, VA in the future.

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