Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Arlington’

How Your Pets Might Cause Chaos for Your AC

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Pets bring so much positivity into our lives. Simply having them around decreases people’s levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and increases levels of oxytocin, a hormone that gives people feelings of love and connection. But of course there are downsides to pet ownership as well.

Pet dander can trigger allergic responses in many people. Pet care is a constant need, and trips to the vet can be very expensive. And of course there’s all the cleanup they require, whether you’re emptying a litter box or following a dog around with a baggie at the ready. Pets can damage our homes and possessions, too. Did you know they can even cause problems for your air conditioner? Here’s the scoop.

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Springtime Efficiency Tips: Arlington Edition

Monday, April 1st, 2024

Happy springtime! In our area, it’s an incredibly gorgeous time of year. Flowers are blooming and the weather is absolutely perfect. It can be easy to just spend every possible minute outdoors and forget about your home’s springtime needs. But there are some things you should be aware of when it comes to your HVAC system this time of year.

HVAC efficiency is critical to making sure you don’t spend far more money on your utility bills than you should have to. And conserving energy is critical for the environment. So, in the Arlington area, what should you be doing during the spring to keep up your HVAC system’s efficiency? We’ll tell you.

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4 Tips to Keep Your Ductless Air Conditioner Running Smoothly

Monday, February 5th, 2024

Ductless AC systems, or mini splits as they are sometimes called, provide impressive comfort while lowering your utility bills. Once you know how well a system like this can work, you understand that you want to keep it working that well. It would be a shame and a waste to have this amazing system and not reap all the benefits. 

So how do you make sure you keep getting the best possible performance from your system? We’ll give you our four top tips for making sure your ductless air conditioner will run as smoothly as possible. 

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What Happens to Your Energy Bills When Your Ductwork Leaks

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

How would you like to spend an extra four figures a year on your heating and cooling costs? No? We didn’t think so. Your ductwork can cause you to spend more than you plan on cooling costs, which is why you need duct repair in Arlington, VA.

That’s the reality of how much money you could be losing if you have leaky ductwork without a plan in place to get it fixed. The money you lose in heating and cooling inefficiencies is always worse than the money you’ll spend on a repair call.

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This Sensor in Your Furnace Might Be Causing Trouble

Monday, December 11th, 2023

Your furnace has a lot of working parts that need to run together in tandem, but some are more important than others. In fact, this one sensor is so important to your furnace’s operation that it could be stopping it dead in its tracks.

This isn’t a common part of furnace service in Arlington, VA that homeowners know about, so that’s why we’re talking about it today. It’s called your flame sensor, and it has a big role it plays: keeping you and your family safe, and keeping your furnace in check.

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What You Can Expect During Boiler Maintenance

Monday, July 10th, 2023

Your boiler keeps you warm through the harshest winters, but it only does that because you maintain it properly. But do you know what happens during boiler maintenance in Arlington?

It’s important for you to know so you can keep your home HVAC in check. Today, we’ll run you through what to expect from boiler maintenance.

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How Smart Thermostats Save You Money on Air Conditioning

Monday, May 1st, 2023

Is your favorite thing in the world paying extra for your heating and cooling costs? The answer to that is, unequivocally, a huge no. Nobody wants to pay more than they’re supposed to just to control the temperature in their home, but without a smart thermostat, that’s exactly what you’re doing.

Installing a smart thermostat in Arlington, VA means putting more control in your hands, but then something amazing happens–you let the thermostat regulate the temperature once it knows what you like, and you save money while saving time. Let’s explain.

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Can I Use a Humidifier at the Same Time as an Air Conditioner?

Monday, February 20th, 2023

Let’s cut straight to the chase: yes, you can use these at the same time, but you don’t have to. As a matter of fact, your air conditioner acts as a dehumidifier (in some capacity; we’ll explain).

So to answer your question of “can I use humidifier with an air conditioner?” it’s a big yes, but you shouldn’t.

Let’s talk about the role that humidity plays in your home comfort and safety, and why you might not want to run both of these at the same time.

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What Repairs Do Ductless Mini Splits Need?

Monday, February 6th, 2023

Ductless mini split systems are the go-to for air conditioning in most situations. They offer zone control, lower heating and cooling costs, and depending on how you use them, they can last for ages.

But they’re not invincible. Every HVAC system is susceptible to damage and repairs, and ductless mini splits are no different.

It’s important to know what can go wrong with your mini split leading to air conditioning repair in Arlington, VA before you even pick up the phone. Let’s run over some repairs that you might run into.

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Benefits of Ductless Mini Split Heating Systems

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

Central air conditioning is a great option for a lot of homes and use cases, but it’s not for everyone. More often than ever, homeowners are looking to ductless mini split heating systems. We can help find you a DC mini split that does the trick.

Before you jump in with both feet, it’s important to know what you stand to gain if you’re making the switch from central AC. Let’s discuss the benefits you enjoy when you make the switch to ductless mini splits.

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