Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Washington DC’

Why Use UV Germicidal Lights?

Monday, February 19th, 2018

family-playingLiving comfortably in your own home is not something that you should compromise on. It is something every homeowner deserves. That being said, maintaining comfortable temperatures in your home should not be your sole priority. Important as it may be, it is also vital that you maintain high indoor air quality in your home as well.

In many cases, using air filtration systems or electronic air purifiers will be enough.  In others,  however, dealing with pollutants of a different kind—biological pollutants—will be necessary. These pollutants are living organisms, and include viruses, mold spores, and bacteria. Such pollutants cannot simply be filtered out of the air. They must be destroyed, and they can be with the use of UV germicidal lights in Washington, DC.

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Take Advantage of the Heat Pump’s Efficiency

Monday, January 15th, 2018

temperature-just-rightWhen you live in the Washington, DC area, you are going to have to contend with very cold winter weather. There is no way that you are going to be able to live comfortably in your home throughout the winter season if you do not have a great heater installed in your residence. Of course, you don’t just want an effective performance from your home heating system. You also want the most efficient performance possible from your heater.

If you are thinking about replacing a heater, or if you need a new one installed in your brand new home, then consider using a heat pump in Washington, DC. The heat pump works in a unique way, and it offers outstanding energy efficiency as a result. Read on to learn more about how heat pumps work and the benefits that they offer. Just remember that no HVAC system will truly excel in its operation if it is not expertly installed and serviced by skilled, trained professionals. 

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Choosing Your HVAC Company

Monday, January 1st, 2018

excellent-customer-serviceWhether you are heating your home during the coldest night of the winter season, or you want to cool your house down on a blisteringly hot summer day, you need to know that your HVAC systems are going to be there for you when you need them the most. That means that you need to work with an HVAC company that you know you can trust to use the best equipment available and to do the job right the first time, every time, no matter what that job may be.

We have a few tips for you today to help you choose your HVAC company in Washington, DC. Sure, we could just tell you to call our number to schedule service—after all, we certainly meet all of this important criteria. Instead, though, we encourage you to do your own research using the tips below. Why? Because we’re fairly confident that doing so will just reinforce that we’re the pros that you want handling all of your HVAC services!

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Why Schedule Professional Heater Repairs?

Monday, December 18th, 2017

dog-under-blanketIt’s freezing out, and you’re excited to get indoors, shuffle out of your winter gear,  and relax in comfort. Only one problem: turns out the house isn’t actually comfortable at all! Whatever is wrong with your heater, whether it is making strange sounds or it is short-cycling on you, you need to hire a trained professional to handle your heater repair in Washington, DC. Working with our team guarantees that this will be the case, as we employ some of the finest technicians in the industry.

There are various reasons why it is vital to schedule your heater repairs with trained technicians. We are going to use today’s post to explore a few of them. We also want to remind you that scheduling prompt heater repair is always in your best interest. The sooner that you get our technicians over to your home in order to fix your heater, the better off the system is likely to be. Call us at the first sign of trouble.

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Is My Heater Worth Repairing?

Monday, December 4th, 2017

hello-winterTemperatures are really starting to drop, and they are not going to be warming up again for some time to come. With the icy grip of winter wrapped around us once more, we need to know that our home heating systems are going to be there for us when we really need them. Unfortunately, while routine maintenance is going to keep your heater running as effectively and reliably as possible, there is no way to make your heater 100% dependable.

If you start to notice that your heater just is not keeping up this winter, you should definitely call us to schedule professional heater repair in Washington, DC as quickly as possible. This will help to reduce any risk of serious damage to the system, as well as any extended discomfort for you and your family. However, it may also be that your heater is not really worth repairing anymore. When should you start to think about a heating replacement?

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Tips for More Efficient Heating

Tuesday, November 28th, 2017

money-out-the-chimneyWhen the coldest weather of the year really settles in on us, will your home heating system be ready to face the challenge that lies ahead? Obviously, you need your heater to function as effectively as possible if you want to make it through the winter season comfortably. If you ask us, though, effective heating really is not enough. You should also be able to heat your home efficiently, so that you are not wasting energy and seeing that waste manifest itself in high energy costs.

The Washington, DC heating professionals on our team have some very simple suggestions to help you achieve greater heating efficiency. And don’t worry, we are not just going to try and sell you a new, high-efficiency system. Sure, investing in new equipment is a great way to boost overall energy efficiency. It is also an expense that most homeowners cannot just accommodate at the drop of a hat,  particularly when their existing systems are not at the end of their lifespans.

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Radiant vs. Forced Air: The Great Heating Debate

Monday, November 20th, 2017

in-floor-radiant-heatingWhen the time comes to install or replace a heating system, be it your very first time doing so or whether you’ve got a couple of heaters under your belt already, you need to take the time to choose your new system wisely. You don’t want to install your first system only to find that it’s not really the right fit, nor must you replace your heater with a very similar system just because that’s what you’ve always used.

Before you even start to decide on exactly which system you will use to heat your home, you are going to have to narrow it down. Generally, you first decide if you are going to use a forced air or a radiant heating system. These systems both have their pros and cons, and they differ greatly in heating methodology. Let’s take a look at each option to help you decide if a radiant heating system in Washington DC is right for you.

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Heating FAQ: Why Does My Heater Start and Stop Frequently?

Monday, November 6th, 2017

chilly-manIt does not matter what type of heater you use. You want to get the best performance that that heater has to offer. You deserve nothing less, if you ask us. Now, routine maintenance is definitely the best way in which to keep any instances of problems with your heater to a bare minimum. Even the best heaters that are well-maintained, however, are going to run into operational problems from time to time. Responding to such problems promptly will help to limit the risk of serious damage to your system and serious disruption to your comfort.

The last thing that you want to do is to ignore any signs of trouble that your heater in Washington, DC may display. Some problems with heaters will, admittedly, exhibit only subtle hints that trouble is brewing. Short cycling, though, is actually a pretty clear and obvious sign that something is wrong. If you notice that your home heating system is short cycling, call our number to have the situation assessed right away.

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Why Choose a Boiler Installation?

Monday, August 28th, 2017

boilerHas the time come to replace an old heating system? Do you have a new home going up, and want to explore your various home heating options? Whatever the case may be, you should definitely consider the installation of a boiler in Washington, DC. When you choose to use a boiler to heat your home, you are choosing to enjoy some truly outstanding benefits. Of course, no heater is going to be the right match for every home or homeowner.

In the following post, we’ll help you to discover some of the benefits of using a boiler in the winter season, as well as some of the potential drawbacks of doing so. That way, you’ll have a foundational base of knowledge to work with when deciding whether or not a boiler is the right fit for your homelife. Be sure to contact us with any questions that you may have. We know boilers and boiler installations inside and out.

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How Does Ductless Air Conditioning Work?

Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

The short answer? Very well! But we want to give you more information than that, of course. Ductless air conditioning in Washington, DC is getting more and more popular, for many different reasons. One of the primary benefits that ductless systems have to offer in this area is that their unique design makes them great for older, historic homes. Read on, and be sure to let us know if you think that ductless air conditioning is the right option for your residence!

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