Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Washington DC’

Commercial HVAC Tip: Use a Rooftop Unit

Monday, July 31st, 2017

Commercial-rooftop-systemsCommercial air conditioning systems and heaters are, of course, much larger than conventional residential AC units. Otherwise, there are not many differences between commercial systems and residential systems; they all run on refrigerant and use coils and blower fans to remove heat and cool a space.

However, there is typically a difference in the way air conditioners are installed on commercial buildings and the way they are installed in homes. A rooftop packaged HVAC unit is the best choice for many commercial properties (though not all). This type of AC and heating system sits on the rooftop of the building, and it tends to be the best choice for many of the commercial air conditioners and heaters in our area.

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Should I Be Using UV Germicidal Lights?

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

UV-lightThe answer to the question posed in the title of this blog is—maybe. We’d love to give you a solid answer right off the bat, but not every home is going to require the use of UV germicidal lights. Those that could stand to benefit from the use of such devices, however, stand to benefit greatly. So how can you tell if using UV germicidal lights in Washington, D.C. is the right move for your home?

We can help you with that. There are plenty of warning signs that can indicate the need for UV air purification. Read on to learn more about these warning signs, as well as how UV germicidal lights actually operate. If and when you decide to integrate a UV air purifier into your home comfort system, remember to schedule the service with our team.

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Why Use an Electronic Air Cleaner in My Home?

Monday, December 21st, 2015

Many homeowners mistakenly think that the air filter in their HVAC system is enough to protect them from the problems that can develop due to excessive airborne pollutants in the home. In actuality, though, this air filter tends to be of a low MERV, which stands for minimum efficiency reporting value, and denotes the efficiency with which the filter cleans the air. This is because the job of this filter is really to protect your HVAC system itself, not the quality of the air throughout your home. You may opt for a more efficient air filtration system, presuming that it is of the right fit for your HVAC equipment. You may also choose to use an electronic air purifier in Washington, DC, though. If you do, schedule service with Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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Why Use a Boiler to Heat My Home?

Monday, October 26th, 2015

Modern homeowners have their pick of the litter, so to speak, when it comes to the many different ways in which they may choose to heat their homes. While forced air heating systems, such as furnaces, are probably the most common in residential applications, we suggest that you give the boiler some serious consideration if you are installing a new heater or having an old one replaced. Many homeowners use boilers in Washington, D.C., and with great results. If you think that you’d like to join their ranks, consider the information below. Should you decide to move ahead with your boiler installation, remember to schedule that service with the boiler professionals here at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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Is a Rooftop Unit Right for Your Commercial Property?

Monday, October 12th, 2015

When you own a commercial property of any sort, regardless of the type of business that you may do therein, it is important that you are able to maintain comfortable temperatures throughout that building all year long. This means that you must have a great commercial air conditioner, as well as a reliable and effective commercial heater. Should you find yourself in the market for any such systems, then you may want to consider investing in a rooftop unit. Rooftop HVAC units in Washington, DC are quite common, and it is pretty easy to see why. Read on to learn more about the benefits that you can enjoy by using a rooftop unit on your property, and remember to schedule your commercial HVAC services with the trained professionals here at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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Why Is There Ice On My Air Conditioner?

Monday, September 21st, 2015

Summers get very hot in the DC area, and they can last quite late into the season. Considering just how much we rely upon our air conditioning systems to keep us comfortable throughout the year, it only makes sense for homeowners to act quickly when trouble develops with their systems. Of course, doing so means that you must first recognize that there is a problem to begin with. One somewhat common issue is the development of ice on an air conditioning system. Because ACs are used to cool homes, though, homeowners may mistakenly believe that ice on their air conditioners in Washington, DC is not a big deal. This couldn’t be further from the truth, so remember to contact the technicians at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. if you see ice creeping up on your AC.

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Are You Using the Right Air Cleaner in Your Home?

Monday, August 31st, 2015

Maintaining great indoor air quality in your home should be a top priority. Unfortunately, it is one that is overlooked in too many homes. While it is important that you are able to maintain comfortable temperatures within yoru home throughout the year, you really cannot afford to ignore the quality of the air that fills your home. That is why many homeowners wisely choose to utilize an air cleaner in Washington, DC. However, you must know for certain that you are using the right air cleaner for your needs if you are to boost the quality of the air in your home successfully. Work with us to guarantee that this is the case. When you are ready to schedule any air cleaner services, make Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. the company you call.

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Is This the Year for an AC Replacement?

Monday, August 24th, 2015

Much as we’d like to tell you otherwise, there will come a time when your air conditioner will either break down completely, or just not be worth repairing any longer. When that time comes, remember to schedule your air conditioning replacement in Washington, DC with us. Of course, before you can do so, you must first learn to recognize that the time has come for an AC replacement. A complete failure is a pretty obvious sign, naturally, but you ideally will not wait until your system fails entirely before replacing it. Keep the tips below in mind, and contact Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. if you suspect that the time for a replacement air conditioner has arrived.

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Why Schedule Necessary Air Conditioning Repairs Right Now?

Monday, August 17th, 2015

You may be thinking that your air conditioner, though struggling a bit, is fine to get you through to the end of the summer season. Maybe you are thinking that you can get away with delaying any necessary air conditioning repairs in Washington, DC until next summer. We are here to advise you against this type of attitude. Simply put, you cannot afford to let your air conditioner limp its way along throughout the rest of the current cooling season. No matter how minor you may believe a problem with your home cooling system to be, it is in your best interest, and in that of the system itself, to have necessary repairs completed ASAP. To do so, just call upon the AC repair professionals here at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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Should I Be Changing My Air Filter Regularly?

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

During routine air conditioning maintenance in Washington, DC, your maintenance technician will clean or replace your air filter. This is not the only time during the year that this should be happening, though. Your air filter should likely be changed once every three months, depending upon make and model,  as well as conditions within your own home. You don’t necessarily have to change it on your own, but somebody really does need to do it. Many homeowners are surprised to learn that the consequences of failing to change their air filters can be quite tangible and, in some instances, serious. Contact Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. to  learn more.

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